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Who do you guys got tonight for the wild card. and are divided between Mike Bailey and Josh Alexander. Could there be another person like Alex Hammerstone making a surprise appearance? Let us know.what you think! #AEWDYNAMITE #wrestlesky 🤼‍♂️

Been seeing some discourse following Kamille and it makes no sense. She's got the look but is not great in the ring. The match with Kris Statlander exposed that. Also Megan Bayne is pretty much everything she is and can actually go in the ring. #AEW

I want to let y'all know that Leslie Jones and everyone are still here. Just if you were wondering. #AEWRevolution

Omega and Taekshita brought it! Damn good match, I see a part 2 happening sooner than later! #AEWRevolution

Takeshita vs Omega is about to go hard af! Let's goooo!! #AEWRevolution 🤼‍♂️

Toni vs Mariah was nothing less than incredible! Bravo ladies!! #AEWRevolution

Omg they are really doing the taped glass thing from Kickboxer!this match is amazing! #AEWRevolution 🤼‍♂️

You know the toni storm vs Mariah may match is gonna go hard the second you hear JR is on commentary! The ladies are going hard and I love every second of it!

Swerve vs Richochet was awesome! Great end to this amazing feud! #AEWRevolution

Mercedes vs Momo was a classic, fantastic match and once again Mercedes shows why she's one of the best. #AEWRevolution 🤼‍♂️

We got a possible show stealer in this second match, Momo and Merceds are about to put on a classic #AEWREVOLUTION 🤼‍♂️

What a fantastic first match to start out #AEWREVOLUTION ! Hangman and MJF put on a snug physical match!

It's the Day Before and #AEW ppv so you know what time it is! Wonder which former AEW wrestlers are gonna do that negative press tour today 🤔

Really Hot crowd tonight for #AEWDYNAMITE can't wait to see the rest of the build ups to revolution!

With Revolution coming up #AEW is on a hot streak, but that's not the only thing being set up. Check out a clip from our latest episode of Off the Top Rope where and talk bout the seeds being planted for All In Texas! #wrestlesky 🤼‍♂️

Man I can't wait for this game!!

Here's a new clip of our current episode of Off The Top Rope, where and talk about Daniel Garcias current TNT title run and how it needs to be improved. Check out the clip #AEW #wrestlesky

If you haven't caught our latest episode of Off The Top Rope, here's a clip where we talk about AEW's current women's roster. #wrestlesky #AEW 🤼‍♂️

Hey everyone our Latest episode of Off The Top Rope is live! and talk recap and discuss all things #AEWDYNAMITE and #AEWCOLLISION, the stacked women's division and more! Check us out! #wrestlesky 🤼‍♂️

Hot take on Daniel Garcia, he needs to lose the tnt title, he's done everything but really defend that title. Stop doing these side matches and work on making your actual title reign great. Right now it's kinda mid and getting closer to just being plain forgettable. #AEW #AEWCOLLISION

Hey everyone! You know what time it is. It's time for your weekly dose of and talking about all things #AEW on our Off The Top Rope Podcast! #wrestlesky 🤼‍♂️ #AEWDYNAMITE #AEWGRANDSLAM

Excellent cap to a pretty excellent show! Toni Storm and Mariah May had a fantastic match! Easily the best episode of Collision #AEWGRANDSLAM 🤼‍♂️

Excellent match between Okada and buddy Matthew's! He got Okada to use 50% power! #AEWGRANDSLAM 🤼‍♂️

Harley vs Mercedes Mone delivered on so many different levels! Harley just proved she can hang with Mercedes and get the crowd invested. Both ladies did an incredible job! This is only match 2 of #AEWGRANDSLAM 🤼‍♂️

What an amazing way to start off the show, man that's going to be hard to top tonight! #AEWGRANDSLAM 🤼‍♂️

Wow just incredible atmosphere for #AEWGRANDSLAM as far as I'm concerned this is a ppv.

Something and have talked about on the channel. He's an incredible talent and fills out that international title scene perfectly. Also he needs a G1 run!

Richochet vs Swerve was an amazing match. Perfect say to cap off this episode of #AEWDYNAMITE 🤼‍♂️

Bounty Hunter Brian Keith vs Bandido hell yes!! #AEWDYNAMITE #AEWCOLLISION 🤼‍♂️

More Hobbs and Big Bill! Sign me up #AEWDYNAMITE 🤼‍♂️

Both Toni storm and Queen Aminata trolling Mariah may is the best thing ever!

Hey everyone check out our latest episode of Off The Top Rope that dropped today! and give their weekly recap and breakdown of #AEWDYNAMITE and #AEWCOLLISION. #wrestlesky 🤼‍♂️

Some thoughts about #AEWCOLLISION 🤼‍♂️ Harley Cameron is over! The 3 way for the tnt title was an excellent match O'Reilly and Moriarty are future TNT champs imo. STP finally getting more AEW time RUSH looks like a million bucks! Welcome officially Megan Bayne! Women's division overall is killing it!

Hey everyone i started uploading gameplay videos to my new channel called Mr.Proffitt plays. On here I'm going to be playing a bunch of different games good and bad and giving some commentary! #promotesky

So now that Mercedes is main eventing I need some of you guys to chill the hell out lol! #AEWDYNAMITE 🤼‍♂️

We knew where the toni storm storyline was going as soon as it happened. and have talked at length about it on the podcast. Check out the last episode #AEW 🤼‍♂️

If you need a recap of last week's #AEW shows check us out on the podcast! #PromoteSky 🤼‍♂️

Hey everyone check out our latest episode of Off The Top Rope tha dropped today! and give their weekly recap and breakdown of #AEWDYNAMITE and #AEWCOLLISION. #wrestlesky

Hey everyone the newest episode of the Command Grab is now live. and talk about their top 5 games of 2024. #Sega #Atlus #PathOfExile2 #Yakuza

Newest Episode of Off the Top Rope is now live! and break down this week's matches and storyline in #AEW! #wrestlesky #AEWDynamite #AEWCollision #promotesky

Finally got the chance to watch all of #AEWDYNAMITE! Man what an excellent show! A few takeaways First Kenny Omega looks like he's going to have about 3 different feeds lined up and they all look like bangers. Hobbs is starting to get a lot of momentum, when he's in the ring all eyes on him