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⚡️ Ukraine will resist 'with their bare hands' if forced into unjust peace, CIA chief says. "The Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian military have been underestimated for a period of several years now," CIA Director John Ratcliffe said.

🇷🇺 Russian state TV propagandist Anna Prokofieva (Russia One) was killed in Belgorod region near Demidovka. Her car hit a mine—others escaped, but she didn’t. The cameraman was seriously injured.

📢 当前,国际局势动荡,美国逐步从欧洲淡出,欧盟不愿激怒土耳其这一重要的北约盟友,安卡拉政治强人埃尔多安看准了这一时机,逮捕政治对手后,又加大了镇压的力度。 👉免费AWS服务器 助力您的创意

“I fear this scandalous demonstration by senior Trump officials of irresponsibility and illegality will be a scandal without real consequences. After all, irresponsibility and illegality is what we voted for. It’s what we’ve got.”

Remove him NOW #traitortrump #idiottrump #dementiadonald #felontrump #Impeachtrump

Ten years ago Kyiv and Moscow first negotiated a ceasefire to end fighting in Ukraine’s east, in a series of deals known as the Minsk Agreements. The deals, quickly violated by Russian-backed militants, categorically failed to bring lasting peace.

Two warriors from China joined the ranks of the Unmanned Systems Battalion of the 110th Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine⤵️

And with this I say Goodnight 🦋BlueSky 🫢🤷‍♀️ 😂


NEW: Elon Musk’s X has suspended accounts of Turkish opposition groups, suppressing footage of anti-government protests. So, best we share all the footage we can here! This was last night’s massive demo against Erdogan’s government, which follows the arrest of his rival Ekrem İmamoğlu. 🇹🇷 #Turkey

No difference

📢 美国情报机构在一份解密报告中称,习近平2012年就任中共总书记后,其家属可能转让了若干资产,但习的家族仍然持有价值数百万美元的商业利益和金融投资。 请[方/舟子]立即删除诽谤言论并道歉!

🇩🇪 According to NTV, German President signed an amendment that provides for the abolition of the "debt brake" for defense spending, as well as the allocation of €500 billion for a special infrastructure fund. 🇺🇦 This also removes the obstacle to allocating €3 billion in military aid to Ukraine.

📢 许多分析人士都指出,特朗普之所以急着讨好普京,是为了离间中俄关系,甚至拉拢莫斯科一同抗衡中国。但是《南德意志报》刊评指出,这套战略根本行不通。《法兰克福汇报》也警告指出,这一战略必将严重损害欧洲利益、彻底断送欧美关系。

Elon Musk's social media platform X has suspended several accounts belonging to opposition figures in Turkey amid widespread civil unrest in the country.

The world's cartoonists on this week's events 🎨

南早: 中国公开深海电缆强力切割机

The Trump administration, its wooing of Moscow, and a strategy of wishful thinking.

📢 知名“爱国者”,“反美斗士”,网络大V,大有“一身正气走遍天下都不怕”的司马南,3月21日北京当局通报其“偷税”,被罚900多万元人民币。网络炸开了锅,大约与其精心编织的“爱国人设”竟也塌方有关,也有人对当局居然抛弃如此“忠君报国”的大惑不解。

📢 伊莎贝尔·冯表示,中国领导人善于吹嘘中国实现了一些其实中国并不一定能实现的技术成功。在DeepSeek的带引号的“成功”的背后,首先是非常娴熟的宣传操作。

📢 欧盟决定暂时将对美加征报复性关税的生效日期推迟两周。美国对欧盟钢铝产品的附加关税已经生效,预计还会有针对欧盟其它产品的第二波关税袭来。特朗普多次预告的“对等关税”计划亦将于4月2日公布。 👉关注爆料机器人帐号 [不要捐款,没有操控,没有“币”]

📢 智利政府周三(3月19日)表示,正在审查一项中国在智利建天文观测站的协议。该项目遭到华盛顿的批评。美国驻智利大使馆表示,中国共产党在西半球的角色与日俱增,威胁到美国的利益。

📢 近日,美国资产管理巨头贝莱德集团(BlackRock)牵头与香港首富李嘉诚旗下的长江和记实业达成交易,收购分布于23个国家的43个港口,其中包括巴拿马运河两端的港口。这一收购案被美国总统特朗普视为成功“夺回”了对巴拿马运河的控制权。随后,中共透过香港亲中媒体和港澳办表达强烈不满,亲中港媒发文痛批李嘉诚这一世纪交易,指该宗交易并非“普通商业行为”,“必然会对中国的造船丶航运丶外贸乃至共建『一带一路』造成冲击”,可见这宗交易触及中国透过一带一路进行港口全球布局的长远规划及地缘政治的全球扩张。 👉免费AWS服务器 助力您的创意

Cruel and senseless treatment of a Russian army soldier who was also under the influence of drugs during a mission.

“We don’t take an oath to a king, or a queen, or to a tyrant or dictator, and we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator.” “We don’t take an oath to an individual. We take an oath to the Constitution.” Will our military honor the oath they swore to uphold?

📢 特朗普和普京的交易有太多问题没有答案。特朗普把所有的欧洲盟友抛在一边,也从来没有明确表示他会要求俄罗斯做出什么样的让步和保证。

📢 在特朗普与普京就乌克兰战争进行通话后,国际社会的反应各异。中国表示欢迎一切推动乌克兰停火的努力。德国防长称通话结果形同“一场空”。西班牙媒体认为此次通话未能对局势产生实质影响,甚至令普京获得更多战略优势。 👉40+您感兴趣的媒体

❗️The 🇪🇺European Union plans to supply 🇺🇦Ukraine with at least 2 million ammunition per year

Meanwhile in Russia: state TV propagandists have surmised that a partial ceasefire was just Putin's way of throwing Trump a bone: "At least it brought Donald some pleasure, now he can talk about it." This and more in my latest article, linked below ⤵️

📢 俄军腐败无能,普京为什么可以拒绝全面停战提议?时事评论作家长平从俄罗斯侵略部队中的中国籍雇佣兵的故事,分析这个地狱版“缅甸诈骗园区”的真相。

澳洲清真寺收假传单 指许智峰为亲以色列律师 澳洲政府称会严肃处理

Don’t we know it !!!👊🏿👊🏿