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Traveler, reader, educator, gardener, cook, aspirant to a Renaissance life of learning.
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The $5 million "golden visa" being floated puts an actual price on how much thugs from other dictatorships cost to bring into the country. Then we can have our very own teams of hit men working our streets. I assume they will all be men. We can't have DEI hit men out there, can we?

"When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.” - Humpty Dumpty (Trumpy Wumpy) Can we PLEASE fast forward to the part where he falls from the wall, breaks into a million pieces, and can't be put together again?

A person (I can't call him a man) who thinks reality TV is part of "the art world " reveals more about himself than he can imagine. (And the inability to truly imagine keeps him from ever being an artist.)

Will Elon University change its name? You know, to be more politically correct and distance itself from Musk?

The Reagan years brought us the failure of "trickle down economics" to fix big government. FOTUS 47 brings us "DOGE FAAFO Economics" - make random cuts, then see if that does anything.

I made scrambled eggs this morning and had to get out the good china to serve them. It just seemed wrong to serve something that expensive on the everyday dishes.

Ketchup On Walls Alert: HIGH

The logic of the coup that is going on now. And how to resist it.

You know, when South Africa sent us Elon Musk, they did not send us their best. Just saying...

In the last ten days my retirement accounts have dropped and my eggs are more expensive. Soon, my produce will increase. Who bears responsibility for that? I didn't do anything different. Biden wasn't in office. So, who does the buck stop with on all of this?

Without DEI, we get to redefine who among us is entitled to the American Dream. Who is feeling lucky?

Ask tough questions - always.

"Don’t give into the lies. Don’t give into the fear. Hold onto the truth, and to hope. Even if you have to get out your phone, record that message. I will not give into the lies. I will not give into the fear. Post it on your social media, so people can hear from you, too." - Jim Acosta

If Trump is afraid of displaying the portrait of this patriot, we all need to display it even more. Thank you General Milley for your service to our country and commitment to the values of our nation and our Constitution.

Explore this gift article from The New York Times. You can read it for free without a subscription. Worth a read...and a think...or two...

This puritanical pixie thinks Jesus's Sermon on the Mount was radical ideology. "Blessed are the merciful." Matthew 5:7 Christian Nationalists are the least likely Americans to pay attention to Jesus. Even atheists are more likely to follow his teachings, if only inadvertently.

What happens when the real teachings of a faith become an inconvenient truth to the powerful?

If you’re upset by a woman prophetically speaking truth to power, allow me to introduce you to Jesus’ mom: “God has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. God has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty.” -Luke 1:52-53

If your Christianity causes you to be offended by someone asking the most powerful person in the country to be merciful towards the powerless, then you have profoundly misunderstood the teachings of Jesus Christ.

So we can move on the Capitol...squeeze it by the...kill police officers....and still be pardoned. Who ARE these people???

1460 days left.

Irony is a day to honor the diverse dream of MLK being flooded with cheering by mostly rich, white men about getting rid of DEI. You know what they say about a dream deferred?

Snow falling...and temperatures, too. Love our mountain winters.

We used to hear about snowflakes as the wimpy supporters of the regime. Welcome to the era of cotton candy. Spun into tiny threads by their maker and stuck hopelessly onto the stick put in their midst. AKA "candy floss", and "fairy floss". I am going to use "fairy floss" as their descriptor.

So, will Capitol officers who were attacked by Trump supporters four years ago - killing some of their number - be ordered to raise the flags on the capitol for the man who started it all? Insult on top of insult.

Just heard The Village People are set to perform at Trump’s inauguration. At this point, perhaps they should rename themselves “The Villages People.”

Cannot believe the Founders ever thought a felon would occupy the President's chair. Much like they could not have envisioned AK-47s in the hands of average citizens. This myth of "original intent" is what historians will puzzle over as to why we threw it all away.

When history is written of our time. I wonder if it will correctly identify the role of "reality TV" in distorting any sense of reality at all?

A treasure of online tools for research. It takes some work, but verifying resources and sources is more critical than ever.

Mike Luckovich gets it right as he always does

Small amounts of snow call for small snowmen. I may need to create an army of them!