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Journalist covering religion for The Salt Lake Tribune.
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Tune into this week's episode of Mormon Land to hear historian Matthew Bowman explain why he thinks Joseph Fielding Smith, an anti-evolution conservative, was the most influential LDS theologian of the 20th century. #Mormon #LDS #podcast #mormonland

Commentary: #BYU can and should promote #LDS faith, and there are many ways to do it ✍️ Matthew Bowman #academicfreedom #religiouseducation #christianeducation

Newest #LDS apostle says porn addicts can kick their habit through professional help and Jesus’ love. ✍️ Peggy Fletcher Stack

What is the "manosphere" and how can parents protect their sons from the influence of Andrew Tate and co.? Researchers Levi Sands and Amy Chapman weigh in on the latest episode of "Mormon Land."

Latter-day Saints among the most devout of any U.S. religious group — and their efforts appear to be paying off #lds #mormon #pew #dailyprayer #biblestudy

Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver Britain Covey on all those "f--- the Mormon" chants. #byubasketball #Mormon #religiousdiscrimination

Ramadan is almost here. Here’s how non-Muslims can support their fasting students and employees. #Ramadan #Ramadan2025 #Ramadancountdown

LDS Church changes its polygamy cartoons for children — including the message. Gone are panels depicting Emma Smith and Brigham Young. #lds #ldschurch #mormon #polygamy #pluralmarriage

Why those vulgar anti-LDS chants at BYU games? Trib writer, football star Britain Covey explain. #LDS #religiousdiscrimination #byu

Voices: I’m a Ute elder. ‘American Primeval’ furthers harmful stereotypes about American Indians, Utah and the West. ✍️Forrest Cuch #americanprimeval #netflix #nativerepresentation

Lawmakers advance bill that could close more Utah stores on Sundays, other ‘religious days.’ #utpol #religiousfreedom #nothingbundtcakes

Move aside tradwives. Here’s how social media is shaping LDS men’s views of masculinity — for better or worse. #AndrewTate #JordanPeterson #manosphere #LDS

Salt Lake Temple reopening delayed -- again. ✍️ Peggy Fletcher Stack

Some faiths are pushing back against Donald Trump's license to ICE to invade sacred spaces to find immigrants. Not the LDS Church. What do you think?

‘I don’t know any other major church that’s going down this road’ of civic peacemaking -- on this week's episode of "Mormon Land."

"Do you know what we really should be asking the women from 'The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives'? WHERE WERE ALL YOUR CHILDREN?" ✍️Rebbie Brassfield #ut #utah #childcare #childcarecrisis #daycare

More on the LDS CHurch's guidelines on immigration, an issue that is heating up across the country. What do you like -- or not like -- about the church's approach?

"I think that the #LDS church can legitimately say...these laws criminalizing aid to immigrants are unconstitutional. They infringe deeply on important religious beliefs." - Sam Brunson, Loyola University Chicago School of Law #Mormon #religiousfreedom #immigration

How many of you have loved Lion House rolls? What do you like about them? While the Lion House is closed for renovation, have you found them elsewhere? We are looking for people to quote, so please tell us your name and location. Thanks!

Meet the little-known LDS lawyer who is about to have a big impact on American law and politics as the new president of The Federalist Society. #Fedsoc #constitutionallaw #constitution #lds #mormon

Laurie Lee Hall, a trans woman, shares her view of the #LDS teaching that gender is an eternal characteristic. Keep listening to this episode of Mormon Land wherever you get your podcasts. #LDS #transgender #trans #Mormon

Temple fight is revived — and now the LDS Church plans to sue. #LDS #Fairview #religiousfreedom #1A

LDS Church prevails as federal appeals court tosses out James Huntsman’s tithing lawsuit. #lds #ldschurch #tithing #ldstithing

LDS Church emphasizes "love, law and family" in new statement on immigration. The release mirrors previous ones on the issue, with one exception -- gone is the language around on the importance of immigrants to the country. #LDS #immigration #cojcolds

M-word is a no-no. So let’s rename the ‘Mormon cricket,’ says Utah lawmaker. #LDS #utpol

Amid national attacks on transgender rights, Laurie Lee Hall has written a compelling memoir about her journey through being a Mormon convert, bishop and stake president, and temple architect to being an excommunicated trans woman. Listen and learn.

"How Latter-day Saints Can Save American Democracy"...Dallin H. Oaks and the theology of unity amid difference.

By compromising and supporting nondiscrimination and same-sex marriage laws, says, Latter-day Saint leaders are embracing a “civic theology” and pointing the way to “cultural peacemaking.” #lds #pluralism #1A #firstamendment #religiousfreedom

#LDS Church unloads on #AmericanPrimeval, calls the inaccuracies and stereotypes ‘dangerously misleading’

#LDS commissioner of education for the church doubles down on message of preserving #BYU's unique mission amid criticism of shadowy hiring/firing practices.

A break down of the big courtroom showdown in the tithing lawsuit against the LDS Church.

‘American Primeval’: How does the Netflix Brigham Young hold up to the real LDS prophet? #AmericanPrimeval #BrighamYoung #LDS #hollywoodvhistory

Things got...feisty...during the first public airing of a would-be class action suit over the #LDS Church's use of tithing funds. ✍️ Tony Semerad

Will #BYU be Notre Dame or Liberty University? Ben Park and Jana Riess weigh in. #academicfreedom #highered

For those wondering what is fact and what is fiction in the breakout Netflix hit #americanprimeval...

Your guide to the high-stakes court hearing facing the #LDS Church this week over its tithing and financial practices. ✍️ Tony Semerad

#BYU is at a ‘crossroads’ — Will the flagship #LDS school be a Notre Dame or a Liberty University?

#UVU professor is on a mission to heal families broken when a loved one leaves the #LDS Church #faithloss #deconstruction

Can a Provo coffee shop and a developer work together to save a counterculture hub?

Trump’s election was fueled by millions of Americans embracing a mystical version of charismatic Christianity whose goal is to roll back the Enlightenment and destroy the secular state:

#LDS Church ‘mobilizing its resources’ to help victims as #lafires continue to rage

#LDS House Republican proposes bill to keep franchise locations from having to open Sundays #utpol

Another look at the costs associated with LDS early morning seminary -- costs largely shouldered by families, despite the church's wealth.

Explaining polygamy in Mormonism's past to adults is hard enough. But to kids? Almost impossible. What do you think of the church's effort?