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Reader of books, Knitter of socks, Attempter of Walks, Gayer of Men
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Week 8; Day 1: .5 miles in 14 minutes. 128 avg HR. The 70 degree sunny day sure made getting out easier though my feet were fighting me. Still a nice walk. At two months I need to start thinking about extending my time. I think I may start pushing myself for 20 minute walks.

Week 7; no go: it’s been a week and between the snow, rain and my body. I’ve not made it out for any concentrated walking or exercise. It’s not that I haven’t been moving and I’m frustrated that this week has been what it is but I can’t hold on to rough weeks. I need to keep moving.

Week 6; Day 4: .4 miles 12 minutes. Short walk. My lower back started spasming. Not sure why but it is what it is. Ugh the old is upon me.

Week 6; Day 3: .66 miles in 20 minutes. 114 avg heart rate. Grr. That heart rate. My heels aren’t in the mood for powerwalking but my heart rate seems to insist. You’d think yelling at my kids to move would push my HR.

Week 6; Day 2: .6miles in 19 minutes. 125 avg Hrz 🫤 Treatment day. I normally don’t walk on treatment days but I saw the chance and decided to do it. You should have seen those nurses chasing me with me ass hanging out the back!

The settlement here will not be for a trivial amount

Week 6; Day 1: .6 miles 15 minutes. Only 123 avg heart rate though. I wanted this week to get off to a good start but nothing got done today. Just finished a quick walk though with just a bit a pink in the sky left.

Week 5; Day 2: 18 minutes .52 miles Not my best week but I made it out to walk. Still too darn cold. This week might get to 3 but not my goal if 4. I knew weeks like this would happen. It’s a marathon not a sprint. Slow but steady.

Week 5; Day 1: 25 min, .79 miles I didn’t want Wednesday to be my Day 1 but it was. Cold makes it hard to get moving. Kinda struggles to get my heart rate up. Guess that’s an improvement.

Week 4; Day 4: 28 minutes 150 BPM average. More snowblowing. I’ll probably have to do this for another day this week but that will get me my 5 days I guess. I’d rather be walking.

Week 4; Day 3: 23 minutes, 160 avg heart rate snowblowing. I guess it’s exercise.

I swear I can’t tell the difference between AI images and reality anymore.

Week 4; Day 2: 15 minutes .5 miles. After treatment walk. I normally don’t walk on Tuesdays but wanted to get something in before the snow.

Week 4; Day 1: 25 minute moving and cleaning. HR was above 130 the duration. My rear is way to out of shape but slow and sure. With snow this Wednesday I don’t think I’ll get a walk in that day so I’m going to try tomorrow after treatment… maybe. Wednesday some isometrics I think.

I blame all this fascist Elonia and Drumpf shit on Hamilton by Lin Manual. Conservatives with no imagination saw that shit and thought people of color created the American Democracy so decided “eh, fascism can’t be that bad. Hitler WAS white.”

Week3; Day 4: .55 miles 20 minutes. Additional 20 minute workout moving furniture in house. HR was in the 150’s so I’m counting it. Still wanted to get my walk in though because I don’t want moving things around the house to feel like a workout eventually.

Week 3; Day 3: 10 minute walk. Not as long as I have been but ice and cold really irritated me. Hoping tomorrow can be closer to normal even if I have to do a walking video on YouTube inside.

Week 3; Day 2: no walk as it was rainy and icy. So no driving to the track either. I did some functional strength. Wall squats. Not a ton but with my knees I did enough to be huffing. Not what I wanted but it was something. Need to find something I feel comfortable for days leaving is hard

Week 3; Day 1: .45 miles 22 minutes Indoor track today. Hips really stiff but feet and knees seemed fine.

Week 2; Day 5: .4 miles 22 minutes Not as long or as far but my ankles and knee are still both twinging. I’m also exhausted. Who know. I just wanted to get a walk done even if it wasn’t a major one. I want these easy half miles to actually be easy and not me still huffing and puffing

Couldn’t do today. Wanted to but my ankles and knees were so stiff. I’m hoping to make tomorrow my 5th day but we will see.

Week 2; Day 4: .9 miles, 26 minutes. Today was so busy I decided to do my walk during my youngest speech therapy time. So I walked around the building about 5 times. I look at those numbers and go my lord that’s nothing. I know that’s not true for me though. Everyday is a little closer.

ME: *sits at desk and works* Just focus. Just focus. Don't look around. Do NOT look around. THE NEWS:

Week 2; Day 3: .8 miles 22 minutes. No pain but man was today difficult. Mental I think. Kids being asses and just trying to get out the door felt like pulling teeth. Exhausted.

Week 2; Day 2: .8 miles 23 minutes Today wasn’t too bad. I actually had to force myself up a notch to hit my heart rate goal. My heels were a little uncomfortable at the increased pace but nothing painful.

If you need a how-to…

Day one of Week 2 Walking. .6 miles; 23 minutes. My left knee decided it didn’t want to cooperate at first but loosened as I walked. I feel like the day off Sunday gave my heel a chance to rest so no bad feelings there. I’d hoped to go farther starting this week. that’s another week or two off

Third day this week trying to get some walking in. It’s going to take some time with my heel and knee but I’ve committed to 5 days a week. I’ll only get 4 this first week but I’m still considering it a good start.

My buddy left us last week. I’ve spent this weird week hearing him walking around the house or asking to be let in at the door. It’s as if my brain is so used to these routines it creates these sounds. I’m not good at grief.

I know I’ve posted a lot this year but I hope everyone is okay with one more.

My puppies ain’t puppies no more…