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#OTD 82 years ago, Norbert Dittmar (1943-2025) was born 🎉 One of the pioneers of German sociolinguistics, studying, among other things, the language of migrants. After the Fall of the Berlin Wall, he compiled a corpus of interviews with East and West Berliners. #LinguisticBirthdays #Histlx

#OTD 88 years ago, Annegret Bollée (1937-2021) was born 🥳 A classicist, Romanist, and pioneer of (German) creolistics, she was an expert on French-based creoles, particularly those of the Indian Ocean, such as the Seychelles and Réunion Creoles. #WomenInLinguistics #Histlx #LinguisticBirthdays

#OTD 232 years ago, Karl Lachmann (1793-1851) was born 🎉 A classicalist, translator, and textual critic who formulated the so-called Lachmann’s Law and proposed the normalised Classical Middle High German, a written variety that disregards dialectal and other differences. #LinguiticBirthday #Histlx

#OTD 160 years ago, Elise Richter (1865-1943) was born 🎉 An expert in Romance linguistics and phonetics, she became Austria’s first woman to get a "habilitation" in 1905 and the first female professor in 1921. Richter died in 1943 in Theresienstadt. #WomenInLinguistics #Histlx #LinguisticBirthdays

#OTD Alexander Melville Bell (1819-1905) would have turned 206 🎉 He was a researcher in the field of phonetics, a specialist in World English, an expert on orthoepy, and the creator of Visible Speech. He was also involved in the education of the deaf. #LinguiticBirthday #Histlx #VisibleSpeech

In the latest instalment of our podcast (no. 44), James McElvenny ( talks to Ian Stewart ( about the role of the (ideas about the) Celts in historical-comparative linguistics. 🎙️ #Histlx

A street in the far southeast of Berlin, located in Rahnsdorf, in an area known as New Venice (Neu-Venedig), is named after Wolfgang Steinitz 🤩 If that isn’t a great reason to visit, I don’t know what is... #Histlx #LinguisticBirthdays

Het klinkt spannend: kun je een misdaad oplossen door taalonderzoek? En wat onderzoek je dan precies? In deze aflevering spreken we met iemand die werkt op het snijvlak van taal en recht: forensisch taalkundige Meike de Boer. Beluister de aflevering hier:

Prosím pěkně, nemohli by mi nějací mladí lidé z 2. stupně ZŠ nebo ze SŠ vyplnit jednoduchý, krátký výzkum? Dospělé teď nevyužiju, třeba časem. Děkuju velmi. Pilotuju, než to spustím ve velkém 👩‍🏫

#OTD 173 years ago, Georg Wenker (1852-1911) was born 🎉 He was a pioneering dialectologist, expert in linguistic geography, and the founder of the German Language Atlas. He distributed tens of thousands of questionnaires to chart the many dialects spoken across Germany. #LinguisticBirthdays #Histlx

V pátek přijde z, který promluví o inkluzivním jazyce. Živě od 17 hodin, Praha, Benátská 2, nebo na streamu.

Vyšlo únorové vydání dvouměsíčníku Heroine a v něm i můj článek o forenzní lingvistice, jazykových otiscích prstů, Unabomberovi, ale i o Robertu Galbraithovi a Eleně Ferrante 🕵️

If you find yourself in Berlin, today is an excellent day to take a stroll along Grimmstraße in Kreuzberg and/or visit the grave of Wilhelm Grimm in Schöneberg. #Histlx

Enthused by some recent conversations, I treated myself to an evening of linguistic research and writing, and here's the result: My case for why the word order of Proto-Indo-European was not 'SOV', or another basic arrangement of subject, objects and verbs...

"Využívat genderově citlivou češtinu je otázkou zdvořilosti." Kolegyně Alena Andrlová Fidlerová mluví o jazyce a genderu uvážlivě a zajímavě.

#LingComm25 — the conference programme is up! Which session are you most looking forward to?

#OTD 94 years ago, Ursula Bellugi (1931-2022) was born 🎉 Her research centred on the biological foundations of language. She was an expert in the neurolinguistics of the so-called Williams Syndrome and in American Sign Language. #WomenInLinguistics #Histlx #LinguisticBirthdays

#OTD 224 years ago, Heinrich Leberecht Fleischer (1801-1888) was born 🥳 He was an Orientalist and one of the foremost scholars of Arabic of his time. In 1845, he became one of the four co-founders of the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft (German Oriental Society). #LinguisticBirthdays #Histlx

📣 Join us for LILG 2 – Linguistic Intersections of Language and Gender – happening 12-13 August 2025 in and online! Submit your abstract by 31 March! Details and Call for Papers 👉 #linguistics #gender

#OTD 175 years ago, Wilhelm Braune (1850-1926) was born 🎉 A historical linguist, a Neogrammarian, and a specialist in Old High German and Gothic. In 1873, he founded the journal "Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur" together with Hermann Paul. #LinguisticBirthdays #Histlx

🗣️ Berlin ist #unkürzbar 📢 Demonstration gegen die Kürzungspolitik des Berliner Senats 📅 Sa, 22.02.2025 ⏰ 14:00 Uhr 📍 Rotes Rathaus (Neptunbrunnen) ℹ️ Infos: +

Alles Gute, dear August! 🥳 To celebrate, have a (re-)listen to episode 5 of our podcast in which James McElvenny ( discusses Schleicher’s contributions to comparative linguistics and his materialist philosophy of science. 🎙️ #Histlx

#OTD Renate Steinitz (1936-2019) would have turned 89 🥳 Member of the East German Academy of Sciences who focused on German grammar, she edited several of her father’s works on the Khanty language and also wrote about her family history. #WomenInLinguistics #Histlx #LinguisticBirthdays

📣 CFP: Quotation Practices in News Media across Time, Formats & Cultures 🗓️ 6–7 Nov 2025 | Innsbruck 📄 Abstracts - 30 June 2025 📧 [email protected] | [email protected] CfP: #CFP #Quotation #MediaStudies #Linguistics #Medienlinguistik

#OTD 139 years ago, Maria Klingenheben-von Tiling (1886-1974) was born 🥳 In her research, she specialised in the Cushitic and Bantu languages of Africa, such as Somali and Swahili, respectively. She was active at the Hamburg Colonial Institute. #WomenInLinguistics #Histlx #LinguisticBirthdays

Poslední únorový den budu v rámci přednáškového cyklu Pátečníci ( mluvit o tom, proč si (někteří) lidé myslí, že stojí za to mluvit inkluzivně a nespokojit se s generickým maskulinem. Přednáška bude živě v Praze, ale dostupná bude i online:

Once again we made it to The Guardian.

Our list of recent publications in the history and philosophy of the language sciences for February 2025 is here! 🤩 📚 #Histlx

The Whitney desk, as seen in the department of Linguistics at UT Austin

#OTD Eli Fischer-Jørgensen (1911-2010) would have turned 114 🎉 She was an expert on phonetics, phonology, and linguistic geography, a member of the Linguistic Circle of Copenhagen and was active in the Danish resistance during the Second World War. #LinguisticBirthdays #Histlx #WomenInLinguistics

A great place to start if you're eager to learn more about William Dwight Whitney is episode 8 of our podcast 😉 🎙️ #Histlx

William Dwight Whitney (1827-1894) would have turned 198 #OTD 🥳 He was an expert on Sanskrit, the Vedas and an advocate of evidence-based linguistics. Language, he argued, was a human institution rather than an organism or the representation of its speakers’ Volksgeist. #LinguisticBirthdays #Histlx

Was sind in eurer Erinnerung typische digitale Praktiken (sprachlich or otherwise), die konkret mit den Jahren der Pandemie verbunden sind? Video conference of the everything, klar. Neologismen wie doomscrolling. DIY, Sauerteig, shelfies, alle möglichen representations of home. Was noch?

#OTD 183 years ago, Hugo Schuchardt (1842-1927) was born 🥳 An expert on Romance languages, Basque as well as creole languages. He was a critic of the Neogrammarian methods and an advocate of the wave model, which he co-developed. Two streets in Austria bear his name. #LinguisticBirthdays #Histlx

TODAY! 🤩 #DahlemLecturesInLinguistics

Neu im DWDS: Reddit-d – ein #Korpus mit über 1,34 Milliarden Tokens aus deutschsprachigen #Reddit​-Kommentaren für ein breites Spektrum linguistischer Untersuchungen. Auf Anfrage via DWDS zugänglich. Weitere Infos unter #Linguistik

#OTD 103 years ago, Ilse Lehiste (1922-2010) was born 🎂 She was an expert on acoustic phonetics, phonology, and prosody who focused in particular on Estonian. As the third woman in history, she served as the president of the LSA in 1980. #LinguisticBirthdays #Histlx #WomenInLinguistics