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We’re working across East Sussex and the UK to tackle digital exclusion and wider digital skills. Passionate about providing work experience and work for young people.
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Another day at our base where I'm wowed by the skills, kindness, patience and dogged determination of our young team. Today, we've fixed apparently bricked tablet computers, showed a client how to use a touch screen, done some work with Canva and given out a basic phone to someone newly homeless...

Donating a phone or laptop to us doesn't only give a household on a low income and essential device, it also gives our students work experience and we get rid of the waste safely and legally!

Gearing up for a spring clear out? Laptops and phones can be donated to

We're open for our free-to-attend drop-in today Pop along between noon and 6pm to get any digital help you need Free and friendly help for anyone and everyone

we're back at base today If you need help with any digital task pop into our drop-in Drop-ins are on Mondays from 11am to 3pm and Thursdays from noon to 6pm

Happy New Year! If were given a new phone or laptop for Christmas please consider donating your old one to us.Find out more on our website

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-user Young, unaccompanied refugees are looked after by the local council. They often come to us so we can help with their digital skills before they go on to formal schooling. This helps them with their language skills too, amongst other young people

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-user Ann was unemployed and had a smartphone, but she found job searching on it very difficult. We gave her a repurposed laptop & helped her install and use some free office software. As a result, she was far more capable and didn’t need more help.

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-user Luke has a visual impairment and needed help setting up a screen reader and the display on his new phone. I later helped him update his universal credit to reflect his rent increase. He would have found this incredibly difficult without our help

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Staff Member I love working at Tech resort because I can directly make a difference to real lives. I particularly remember helping someone who had been recently hacked. Her email account had been compromised and I was able to offer help in a calm environment.

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-user Alan had lost his phone and, being unable to contact his support network, was very vulnerable. We supplied him with a smartphone and SIM which kept him connected and could also be used for entertainment improving his mental health

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-user Chris had been recently placed in his new rented home but he was worried he'd start to struggle with bills and he wanted to sort it out before it went to far. We were able to refer him to energy advisers near his new homes.

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-user After 20 years in a job requiring few digital skills, Alison was out of work and lacking confidence. We helped her Organise files on her tablet and send her CV by email and to job websites. She now has the skills to continue job hunting

Welcome to #BlueChristmas Some of you will have joined me for this virtual celebration before. For others it'll be new. Either way I hope you enjoy. What happens? I'll spend today making a thread full of songs for all the holidays, advice, some surprises and hopefully your favourites. Enjoy! /1

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-user A charity we’ve worked with asked us to provide digital inclusion support for their clients. It’s great to see fellow front-line organisations recognising the challenges digital exclusion brings and look to work together to tackle them

TechResort Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-user An asylum seeker asked us to help him learn Excel so he had better work skills. We worked through some exercises together helping both his English and his digital confidence. When he is able to work, he will now be equipped for the workplace.

We’ve had a tough second half of the year following the car crashing into our building in September. Thankfully we’ll be at top speed again from January. Please take a minute to donate to our Christmas appeal, then share this link with your friends. Hope you have a great Christmas!

Test skeet Progress Report Our building has now been fixed and is ready for visitors in the New Year

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-User Meg was nervous of bank scams and this had led her to install several different anti-virus packages on her laptop which made it unusable. In a 1:1 session we discussed on-line safety with her, and set up two factor authentication and a single AV package

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-User Ben was homeless and his support organisation applied to us for a laptop for him. He later wrote to us, thanking us for the donation telling us how much this had helped him apply for jobs, manage his finances and connect with the DWP.

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Staff member Many people feel like they can't or shouldn't ask for help, or that they are being a burden by asking. They're relieved to be greeted with patience & understanding. It's easy to say "just ask for help", without considering how hard that can actually be.

TR Tiny Tales for December How we work Anyone on Universal Credit is required to keep their journal updated digitally or risk losing their benefits. If we can’t give a device to a client without one straight away, our own devices are always available to use at drop-ins so they can get online

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-User Most people who are homeless or experiencing difficulties are very supportive of other members of their community who are similarly disadvantaged. We don’t need to advertise our services to them: word gets around as the people we help tell their friends

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Staff member Working for TechResort has really opened my eyes to kinds of inequality I never would have considered - it's really gotten me out of my bubble. It's been very important to me to take a closer look and think about how I can support my community.

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-Users Many homeless people we come into contact with need to keep in phone contact with housing services. A lot of housing service effort can go into contacting clients if they don’t have phones and, in a lot of cases, find it hard to keep appointments.

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-user At a drop-in a client said she was feeling lonely and, as she was digitally excluded, she was not confident looking online for groups she could join. We introduced her to a Social Prescriber in the same room, who helped her find social activities.

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-user Janet required bank statements to get help with housing, but she did all her banking online and did not receive paper statements. We helped her download the bank statements as PDFs and email them to the housing team

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-User Maggi had help from the retailer when she bought her Android phone. They did a poor job and she was left with two Google accounts :one on her old phone and one on her new. We helped her recover her old password & add her old account to her new phone.

TR Tiny Tales for December Why We Do What We Do For people with chaotic lifestyles, inc those sleeping rough and in emergency housing, a smashed phone is not an indication of not valuing the device. It’s a factor that goes with not having safe places to keep things & having to move around a lot.

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Staff member I love working at TechResort because I feel that I am directly making a difference to real lives.

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Young Staff Alumni TR cultivated such a supportive environment for me to find my niche, giving me the confidence to continue my career in the charitable sector. Sadly, it opened my eyes to the impact of digital exclusion and poverty – and how they are intertwined

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-User Jim needed us to fix a problem with his laptop. Worried about a letter from the council about his housing, he was told to talk to CAB but didn’t know how. We made a supported referral to CAB. He later told us how relieved he was to have help.

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Young staff member Someone I helped told me how grateful they were for being given a laptop. They had 3 children and were helping them do home learning. The laptop allowed them to work from home and meant their children could also take part in the school work

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-User Javed’s English wasn’t good and he needed help to complete an application form to start courses at college. I sat alongside him and helped him fill out the application form. He has since been back to our base to let us know how well he is doing!

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-User May was cross that she needed to contact her GP etc online. She had a tablet but struggled with it. We removed a spammy app she’d accidentally installed. Now she uses the tablet to keep in touch with her housing provider & find out when the bus is due.

TR Tiny Tales for December Why we do what we do. We always supply laptops with cases and a mouse to ensure that the device is easy to use and is comfortable to carry. This also shows clients that receiving a donated device is not a humiliating experience but one where they feel respected.

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Young staff member TechResort has allowed me to work with a huge range of people with backgrounds I have never experienced before. It has allowed me to see everyone's very different life experiences

TR Tiny Tales for December Who? Service-User Bob visited regularly from his emergency housing to get digital help. His phone broke during a move to permanent accommodation, leading to a benefits sanction. Giving him a laptop to take home meant he didn’t have to travel to us every week.

Starting tomorrow, we're going to post a snippet of TechResort's lives and what it means to us and our clients. We're using the title "TR's Tiny Tales for December" Learn more about who we help, why we help and who does the helping.

We’re delighted that our MP, Josh Babarinde, brought up the importance of digital inclusion in the House today and name checked us too (at 6m 50)

Another day when our building is closed to the public because of a "vehicle vs building" incident a couple of months ago. Big sign in the window. Members of our community desperate for digital help they're coming to the door anyone and having the conversation on the (chilly) doorstep. /1

Really great to see so many people coming over to do their short-message engagement on this platform. We're still looking to connect with anyone interested in digital inclusion and digital-inclusion-adjacent work. Please come and say "Hi!"