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International network of 10,000 Catholic families who: (1) meet socially to grow their friendships. (2) Give back to the community. Tag us using #Catenians Check us out at
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Happy International Women’s Day to all of the amazing and inspiring women in our lives & communities. #InternationalWomensDay

Facing life's ups and downs? Catenians offer a benevolent fund & a network of support to help you through tough times. Join a community that actually cares: #Catenians #Friendship #Faith #Community #YoungCatholic #CatholicStudent

Today is World Book Day. What are your plans for the day? Have you been roped into helping your (grand) children with their costumes for school Or have you decided to sit somewhere quiet and read & if so - what book are you reading today? #WorldBookDay #Reading #Catenians

Today is the start of Lent. Forty days of: Prayer, Fasting and Getting Ready for Easter. #Lent #Catenians

"Find the friends you've been missing." Don't wait any longer. Connect with like-minded individuals through our diverse social programs. For more info: #Catenians #Friendship #Faith #Fun #Catholic #YoungCatholic

Happy Pancake Day! What’s your favourite type of topping on a pancake? For more info on Catenians see #PancakeDay #Catenians #Catholic #Friendship #Network

It’s “British Pie week” What’s your favourite type of pie and what do you like to serve it with? Mine’s a Shepherd’s Pie, served to my family followed by Apple Pie & Ice Cream. For more into on Catenians see #Catenians #GoodFood #Friendship #Faith #Fun #Catholic "Happy St David's Day" from Catenians to our Welsh followers & to our Welsh members and their families. This is a great website with the Gospel of the day and a good reflection on the stained glass window. #StDavidsDay #Catholic #Catenians #Friendship #Faith #Fun

No matter your life stage Student, Professional, or Retiree Catenians provide a sense of belonging & lifelong friendship. Explore membership opportunities by clicking #Catenians #Catholic #Friendship #Faith #Fun #YoungCatholic

Rochdale Circle celebrated its 102nd birthday with a dinner for its members, ladies and Clergy. Rochdale were delighted to have 6 priests & Bishop John Arnold - who is a long term friend of the Circle as their guests. We wish Rochdale a Happy Belated Birthday! #Catenians #Catholic #Friends #Fun

"Supporting local communities and charities." Our members actively engage in initiatives that make a difference so come Join us. For more info on Catenians check out #Catenians #Catholic #Friendship #Faith #Fun

Have you seen this great Lenten resource from Cafod?

We’re less than a month away from #Flame2025, at Wembley Arena on March 15th. Catenians are one of the major sponsors. For less than the price of a coffee, per member, per year - it helps #CYMFED put on this wonderful and spiritually moving event. We love the fact we’re able to help. #Catenians

"Make new friends in a world of inspiring opportunities." Participate in Catenian charity events and support local communities. For more info see #Catenians #Charity #Friendship #Faith #Fun #HelpingOthers

Banbury & Bicester Circles held a joint meeting last week & 31 members were present. They were joined by GB VP Gerry McCormack & visitors from both Oxford and Northampton Circles. The Bicester President John Pettit gave those present a great talk on Astronomy which is one of his hobbies #Catenians

No matter your life stage, the Catenians offer lifelong support and friendship. Join us and never feel alone. Find out how: #Catenians #Friendship #Faith #Fun #Catholic

Feb Half Term is now here. What Plans have you made with your children or grandchildren? #Catenians #Family #Holidays For more info on Catenians check out

Its Random Act of Kindness Day. What Kind acts are you planning to do today? #RandomActsOfKindness #Catenians #HelpingOthers For more info on Catenians check out

St. Valentine was the name of one or two legendary Christian martyrs whose lives seem to have a historical basis. He is the patron saint of lovers, people with epilepsy, and beekeepers. Source: ** Catenian Fact: We have a few beekeepers amongst our members.

Struggling to find work-life balance? Our monthly meetings offer a chance to relax and share experiences with supportive peers. Discover more at and come get involved. #Catenians #Friendship #Faith #Fun #SocialLife

The Catenian National Public Speaking Competition is open to Catholic students aged 16-18. Regional competitions across GB lead to a National Final in Manchester. It's a great opportunity for young people to develop communication skills. Catholic schools are encouraged to participate #PublicSpeaking

Harrogate Circle were graced with GB National President, Andrew Sowerby & his wife Maria, at what was a very special occasion, with milestone scrolls being presented to Joe McNamara for his 50th anniversary & posthumously to Jim Brophys' wife Marie who was presented with his 40 year scroll.

"Live more with the Catenians." Aged 18 - 55? Join us for quiz nights, sports, & more as we build lasting friendships. Check out & come get involved. #Catenians #Friendship #Faith #Fun

Well done to Bury & Rossendale who recently celebrated their centenary. That’s 100 years of providing: friendship, social activities & family fun for members & the local Catholic community. Check out & come get involved #Catenians #Catholic #Friendship #FamilyFun #Faith

The 3-7th Feb 2025 is Children’s Mental Health Week. It is really important that we help our children or grandchildren, check in with them and make sure that they are doing ok. Great resources can be found at that will help you in the process. #ChildrensMentalHealth

Make 2025 the year you pass on your many skills to people of all ages. Find: your New Friends, Social Life & your Definite Purpose Click for more info as we'd Love for you to try us out #Catenian #MakeADifference #Social #Network #HelpOthers #Catholic #Friends

Our members often get together to watch the rugby. It's one of the many social aspects to being a Catenian. Has your Circle got plans to meet up and watch the games? Want to get involved with the Catenians & make 2025 even more fun? Check out & stop missing out.

"Gong Xi Fa Cai" to our Chinese community. Circle Social Idea Post: Chinese Lunar New Year in London 2025. Full of Vibrant Colours & Sounds, Dragon Dances, Good Food & an opportunity to bond with your fellow Catenians & their families. Events Feb 1st-2nd for full details.

You've heard it from Cardinal Nichols - Catenians strengthen Catholic communities. Aged 18 - 55 & want to learn more about what we do, or you want to get involved with your local group then click #Catenians #GivingBack #HelpingOthers #YoungCatholic #Friendship #Faith #Fun

Always fabulous to see how long different circles have been providing Catholic families the opportunity for friendship and social activities. Well done Bury & Rossendale on the landmark achievement! #Catenians #Friendship #Faith #Fun #SocialLife

Many Catenians across Great Britain enjoy celebrating Burns Night with their local Catenian group. These are usually a lively and very fun event in the annual calendar. Learn more about the Catenians, the types of fun events our local groups put on & get an invite - check out

Brooklands Circle welcomed back their annual favourites, the world famous Dobross Silver Band, to help banish any lingering New Year blues. The capacity crowd braved the snow which had gripped the area but such is the draw of the performers. For more info on Catenians click

"Blue Monday" is supposed to be the most depressing day out of the year. We recommend: (*) Self-Care, (*) Reaching out to friends & family, (*) Acknowledge Emotions & (*) Limit Stressors. Catenians offers you a group of new friends. Look at & come get involved. #Catenians Massive "Thank You" to Jilly & Jen at Bravand who have worked with us over the last twelve months. They have helped us to engage better with our audience & helped us find new members. (Peter. Catenian Social Media Manager.) #Catenians

We welcomed 268 new members in 2024, & we look forward to welcoming more in 2025! If you're thinking about becoming a Catenian & are not yet decided, tap the link in our bio to learn more about us, read our blog, & use our 'find a circle' feature to locate your closest group #Catenians #Friendship

As we step into a New Year, our very own Bob Hussey challenges us to consider a resolution that goes beyond self-improvement – one that focuses on kindness and building a better world. Tap to read this week's blog and be inspired! #Catenians #NewYearNewYou #CatholicCommunity

What are your goals for 2025? To get fit? Eat clean? Finish that novel you've been meaning to write? Or perhaps some further education? Let us know in the comments below, and perhaps we can all inspire each other for the year ahead! #Catenians #NewYearNewYou #CatholicCommunity #CatholicFaith

What a year it's been for Catenians across the UK! Countless Circle socials have taken place, staggering numbers have been raised for charities & local groups, we've been on some fantastic group trips & many new friendships have formed along the way. Happy New Year all! 🎊 #Catenians #Friendship

Wishing all Catenians a wonderful Christmas ✨ Image featuring our Cirencester South Cotswolds Circle at their splendid Christmas Lunch at the Royal Agricultural University. Members left to right are Bob Hussey, Roger Stroud, Tony Mellor and Julian Oliver. #Catenians #ChristmasWishes

Welcome to the last instalment of our Young Catenian mini series where we meet some of our younger members. Up this week is Exeter & Maidenhead Catenian, Krzysztof, who's been a member for almost 3 years. Tap to read Krzysztof's story. #Catenians #YoungCatholic #MemberStories

Scotland & Ireland are up this week for Circle social ideas. As the new year rapidly approaches, here are some fantastic ways to celebrate. (1) Edinburgh’s Hogmanay Festival. (📸 from @edhogmanay) (2) Dublin's New Year Festival (@nyfdublin) 3 days in multiple venues around the city centre #Catenians

Welcome to the latest instalment of our #YoungCatenian series where we meet some of our younger members Up this week is Hugo from Exeter Circle who, like a lot of our younger members, connected with us via his University's social scene. Tap to read Hugo's story #Catenians

As we approach the busiest, most social-event heavy time of year, what's on your Circle's agenda for the weeks ahead? Help keep each other inspired and up to date by sharing your Circle's plans in the comments below 📆 #Catenians #Catholic #Friends #Social #Networking

#BookOfTheMonth is a best seller - The Fourth Turning, by  William Strauss and Neil Howe. It illuminates the past, explains the present, & re-imagines the future in this game-changing theory of modern history.  What's on your reading list this month? #Catenians #ReadingList #TheFourthTurning

This week marks #NationalGriefAwarenessWeek As we approach Christmas, we are reminded that this time of year can amplify feelings of loss. Take care of yourself emotionally and physically, & it may be helpful to gain some professional help via your GP if needed #Catenians #Grief #Bereavement

Meet some of our younger Catenian members over the coming weeks to learn how & why they joined us. First up this week is Sam from our Exeter Circle. Tap to read his story. #Catenians #CatholicCommunity #CatholicConnect #YoungCatholic #CatholicYouth #MemberStories

Today marks the beginning of a four-week season of Christmas preparation & spiritual renewal. As we reflect on the profound impact of Jesus' birth & the sacred meaning of Christmas, let us welcome hope, peace, joy, purpose & love into our hearts, minds & homes #Catenians #Catholic #Advent #Christmas

This week's Circle social ideas theme is #ChristmasMarkets. Whether you're a fan of them or not, they're a great way to get together 🎁 South East: market, light trail & Ferris Wheel North East: York's Christmas market lining Parliament Street & St Sampson's Sq

Have you seen this from ? Thank you Cathy for tagging us in your post. It looks like it was a great event. #Catenians #Malta #GivingBack #HelpingOthers