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Writer, ghostwriter, thinker, leader, leadership coach. Learning every day, and sharing whatever I can.
38 posts 13 followers 12 following
Prolific Poster

For anyone who isn’t on FB or Insta and wants to hear John’s initial race thoughts… #BM100 👇🏻👇🏻

Any Brits spotted there yet this year? #BM100

After a brief memorial, laz lit the cigarette at 11:37. The 2025 Barkley Marathons has begun. #BM100

I've pretty much read all the leadership books, done all the courses, run every kind of team and project, and almost everything about success just boils down to this: - Work hard, consistently - Take responsibility - Be kind Everything else is just a variation on that theme.

The one, single reason why I still have an account on X. Can only be days now until the Barkley Marathons...

Although my Substack is mostly about getting more out of life and work, I've also written a dozen articles about running. Training tips and recommendations, and general musings on running distance and trails. You can find them all here:

No writing is ever wasted. Anything you ever create is part of your portfolio, a seed for a different idea or a way of organising your view on something. At worst, it's something you can review and edit to make yourself a better writer. Everything you write is taking you forwards. Just write.

There’s so much that I love about January – the simplicity, the quiet, the lack of social engagements, the lack of retail expectations. Simple aims like spending as little as possible this month, reading more, cooking. Being outside for a bit, but then the killer sofa + book + tea combo.

You know, you don’t actually have to set any resolutions at all. You don’t have to transform your life in January. You can just decide to relax, simplify, decompress and focus on a few simple things so you’re fully recharged for what 2025 has in store. Set a goal, or don’t, but own it either way.

If it’s your first day back at work today after a break, remember that most people feel just as unfocussed, tired, panicky and stressed as you do. Just get in, do your best, work through the things you need to do and don’t stare out the window. You've got this!

On New Year’s Day north Norway had one of the highest levels of solar activity in recent years. Unfortunately, it was also covered in thick fog. So instead of watching the aurora, we went sledging in the dark and -16. Sometimes you just need to change your plans and go with plan B...

Oh Duo, you don't know the half of it.

What's in your 2024 BlueSky BookStack? Heres mine - not as many books read as I'd like, it's been a busy one. And not too many new books in my pile either. My pick of the year is Richard Askwith's Feet In The Clouds, the classic exploration of fell-running.

Strangest thing. I'm still passively scrolling through content, yet somehow I don't feel intellectually or morally violated afterwards.

Don’t bring your whole self to work. Your whole self includes the parts of you that are lazy, selfish, inconsiderate and unkind. Your whole self is an arsehole. Bring your best self to work, the one that works hard, takes responsibility and is kind to everyone. The one your kids and your Mum know.

If you want to look and be more effective at work, one of the best things you can do is be a competent user of IT. Sounds obvious? It is. But someone asking ‘how do I print?’ doesn’t look important, they look stupid. Never stop learning, no matter how senior, old or busy you are.

This week’s team hack: say ‘hello’ to everyone you see on your way into work, and ‘goodbye’ to everyone on your way out. Do it for a week. Sounds basic? It is. But it opens doors, starts conversations and shows you care about people. The first and last things you say shape people's opinions of you.

There are 38 days left in 2024. If you're already on the downramp to 2025, don't give up on your goals just yet. Start that positive habit or project now and you'll be so much further ahead when everyone else starts on 1st January.


What's in your 2024 BlueSky BookStack? Heres mine - not as many books read as I'd like, it's been a busy one. And not too many new books in my pile either. My pick of the year is Richard Askwith's Feet In The Clouds, the classic exploration of fell-running.

I know this is heresy, and I hope it won't get me kicked off Bluesky on day 8, but is there a way of reducing the number of cat pics in my feed? It's literally 50% cats and I'm sure humanity has so much more to offer. Loving the wisdom, landscapes and guinea pigs, I just need slightly fewer cats. X

Almost everything about being successful, in work and in life, comes down to one thing – Don’t be a dick. Kindness to others, inclusive behaviours, leading teams, personal development, all of it. It's not rocket science. If you really want to improve yourself, start at the start. DBAD.

I’m looking forward to making my first million so I can lose it all, then I’ll have a traumatic backstory to write about on Bluesky.

How did you fail this week? While you’re picking yourself up, and before you start blaming something or someone else, ask yourself was your goal wrong, was your approach wrong, or did you just not put enough time and effort in? Once you understand that, you can move forwards.

London this evening. The sky has been fabulous this week as winter arrives.

New to Bluesky, loving it, and bemused to find so much external bile about it being an echo chamber where people only engage with other people they want to hear from. We already have something like that in the real world – they’re called friends. Why hang out with fools if you don't have to?

Most people need to hear 5-7 pieces of praise or positive feedback for every piece of negative or constructive feedback. So get the praise and the recognition in early and often, then you can deliver the harder message when it’s needed.

Your task for today: catch yourself frowning, ten times, and make yourself smile instead each time. You will feel better. More people will talk to you. And those that don’t talk to you will wonder what you’re up to.

Happy Monday everyone. Pig agrees it's too early.

Are you struggling to be a role model? Imagine your Mum is watching you, or your kids. What would they expect you to do in this situation? You already know the right thing to do. Get out of your own way. Listen to your kids. Listen to your Mum.

This is my excellent guinea pig, Ginger. I say excellent, she is pathologically greedy and still hasn't worked out where the toilet is, but she does squeak loudly every time anyone opens the fridge, like a fluffy fridge alarm.

There are a thousand wonderful things that make you you. You have a unique blend of experiences, perspectives and talents. So stop trying to be someone else and spend a bit more time understanding who you are and what you have to offer. It’s much more than you think.