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⚖️ collective readings and teachings 🐇 currently debunking manifestation myths to further collective conciousness LINKS 👇🏼FIVE IRREPLACEABLE SHADOWWORK LESSONS 👇🏼
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Channeled insight: You didn't come to earth to play small. 666, 98 , 6996. Get up. Be in your form. Formlessness is not holy because it changes. You are holy by design - SACRED TECHNOLOGY IN FORM.

#psychic #channel #synchronicity

#psychic #reading #tarot

#psychic #channel #hotgirlfrequency

Stay human, people!

#divination #divine I really went to mean mommy with this one 🤍#777 #channel #psychic

When I dance really intensely I always feel myself go in and out like around my body lol. I haven't astral projected or anything but it seems as if it may be my time to soon.

Channeled message: If you think that the way to awaken is to bypass the 3D, you might be getting too big for your feel as if you're reaching great heights but must remember to slow down. You came here to expereince earth in its fullnesss - and you can't skip the line of enlightenment.

CHANNELED INSIGHT: 444 is a prominent number. Change is certain and stability is a given once the path is on. Just remember that the obstacle is the path.

everyone just pretends they arent exactly like the people they claim are "evil"

once u really wake up shit like this is :|

You cant manifest yourself out of everything...🧵

double rainbow for you 🐇

Today I choose to go forward, no longer looking back.

Today I will create a loving world.

#tarot #divine #numerology how does this work here <3?

an angel

hi bluesky! IF U SEE THIS WELCOME TO MY COLLECTIVE 🤍 #divination #readings

I created the good eye during one of the most heart wrenching and explosive dark nights of the soul. It was a divine alchemy of all my old bullshit into a portal of true love and proserity.

Welcome to a whole new world! Peace.

You HAVE to take aligned action if you want to manifest anything. No holds barre you either do it or don't.

Be it and are it always.

The age of aquarius is all rawness and attunement.

I am everything I need - My desires are simply wants - Not cages

Passively learning how to actually conduct change in my daily life

Like if you're actually recieving benefits from hightening your frequency. Share them down below even!

Downloads are one of my favorite gifts recently. Just euphoric epiphanies

How do you usually raise your frequency?

Transferring trans women to men’s prisons is cruel. What some call an America First agenda applies only to a narrowly defined America. It is a slap in the face to the basic tenet of the Declaration of Independence, that “all man are created equal.”

the negative things you accept, vanish

Theres something divine about the tiktok tarot algorithm. Sometimes, othertimes SO misleading

Love, not Fear. Kind, not Nice. Light AND Dark: Not either or.

Thanks for reaching the official good eye! I'm not as it seems. I see things how they are, not as they wish.

Time to just change everything and REVAMP'n

Sorry to hear about David Lynch. I worked beside him (same studio) while he was making BLUE VELVET. He answered my questions about his work with grace and honesty. I especially enjoyed his deeply existential comic strip, The Angriest Dog in the World.”

Saturn’s aurora captured by the Hubble Space Telescope

If you're reading this... You are worthy of love. There is greatness within you. Your journey matters. Let your light shine ✨️ #Breathe #KeepGoing ❤️

The Heart Nebula ❤️