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Always discussing Survivor, I am on YouTube and Twitch Links to all my socials below
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Noonan's thoughts after the tribe swap

Noonan burnt too many bridges. She was riding high at the Brawn and after tribeswap she let her ego get in the way. She outed Ursula, Paulie, Kristin and then AJ extended an olive branch and she snapped that too. No surprise Kristin and Paulie voted her out #Survivor #SurvivorAU #AustralianSurvivor

Australian Survivor Brains V Brawn II #Survivor #AustralianSurvivor #SurvivorAU Episode 9: Laura and Zara try to vote out Myles Episode 10: Laura and Zara “Please Myles, stop blowing up our game 😭” Myles:

Catches one performance of #AustralianIdol and it’s a young girl singing Defying Gravity. She sings it to perfection. First 2 judges give praise. Then “Shit Song, Shit Movie. Don’t waste your talent” 🙄 Okie dokie then

Kyle saving someone from the rock draw with his idol? Peak #Survivor #Survivor48 #Survivor2025

Episode 3 prediction: Civa is going to tribal. Kamilla loses her vote on a journey. Mitch plays his Block a Vote meaning only 4 players can vote 2v2. Kyle will play his idol likely incorrectly which forces a deadlock and lead to Jeff saying this is a crazy tribal #Survivor #Survivor48 #Survivor2025

If this is Snape, we need to see a James Potter with tattoos and either bald or with Mohawk. Lily has to be Asian also. Otherwise this casting would be a wasted opportunity #HarryPotter #HarryPotterHBO

Take some time to check out my take on Episode 2 of Survivor 48 as I rank each remaining player all the way from 17 to 1 Survivor 48 Episode 2 Breakdown, Analysis and Players Performances via #YouTube #Survivor #Survivor48 #Survivor2025

I’m trying to place each player in my Survivor 48 Cast Assessment and I’m finding it difficult to place Bianca. My only notes for her is that she has a day 1 alliance with Thomas and they seem to have an alliance of 5. Do I put her in 5th or a little lower? #Survivor48 #Survivor #Survivor2025

Here's my latest video Australian Survivor: Brains vs Brawn II Episodes 7-9 Breakdown, Analysis and Players Performances via #YouTube I am also covering US Survivor, so check that out too #Survivor #SurvivorAU #AustralianSurvivor #Survivor2025

AJ during last nights Immunity Challenge 🤣 #Survivor #SurvivorAU #Survivor2025 #AustralianSurvivor

Max - Brains V Brawn II #Survivor #SurvivorAU #Survivor2025 #AustralianSurvivor

Noonan in Week 3 of Australian Survivor: Brains V Brawn II #Survivor #SurvivorAU #Survivor2025 #AustralianSurvivor

A preview of Australian Survivor: Brains vs Brawn II Episode 10 #Survivor #AustralianSurvivor #SurvivorAU #Survivor2025

Ben has been non existent on Australian Survivor: BvBII for 3 whole weeks and then all of a sudden, this week he starts talking and we find out that he is actually a genius mastermind Who is this man and where did he come from? #AustralianSurvivor #Survivor #SurvivorAU #Survivor2025

Despite both Rich & Ursula being voted out these past 2 episodes, Noonan has been shocking in Week 3 so far. Absolutely tanking her game but somehow surviving by just pure luck. Week 1 it was Kent, Week 2 it was Ally and Week 3 we have Noonan #SurvivorAU #AustralianSurvivor #Survivor #Survivor2025

OMG OMG OMG IT'S HAPPENING!!! First person to speak to the camera in episode 8 of Australian Survivor is BEN!!! Finally receiving his FIRST confessional of the season. AND.... It was just him complaining about the Brains shelter 🤣 #AustralianSurvivor #Survivor #Survivor2025 #SurvivorAU

I’ve been high on Noonan all season but in tonight’s episode she near almost threw her whole game away over something so pointless. Like you need Ursula here, why are you BS’ing and rolling your eyes at her? Lucky AJ swooped in aye #AustralianSurvivor #Survivor #SurvivorAU

Take some time to check out my take on the explosive Premiere of Survivor 48 as I rank each player all the way from 18 to 1 Survivor 48 Episode 1 Premiere Breakdown, Analysis and Players Performances via #YouTube #Survivor #Survivor48 #Survivor2025

Here's my latest video Australian Survivor: Brains vs Brawn II Episodes 4-6 Breakdown, Analysis and Players Performances via #YouTube I am also covering US Survivor, so check that out too #Survivor #SurvivorAU #AustralianSurvivor #Survivor2025

Just got my Survivor 48 Pre-Season Cast Assessment, Predictions and Boot Order video out and available to watch on #Youtube #Survivor #Survivor48 #Survivor2025

I hope you are ready for The 5 True Contenders to win Australian Survivor: Brains V Brawn II Click the link below and see who the Top 5 Contenders to win are and why! via #Youtube #AustralianSurvivor #AUSurvivor #SurvivorAU #Survivor

Check out my latest Australian Survivor Breakdown Australian Survivor: Brains vs Brawn II Episodes 1-3 Players Performances via #Youtube #Survivor #SurvivorAU #AUSurvivor #AustralianSurvivor

#AustralianSurvivor #SurvivorAU #AUSurvivor #BrainsVBrawn No One: Me: When watching Australian Survivor Brains vs Brawn II 🤣

My Australian Survivor BvB2 Player Ranking for episode 1 Key Notes: Nash and Kent played horribly Kate, Kristin & Morgan in minority Candy voted out Jesse-Paulie in majority Karin, Zara & Logan are Coven alliance with Laura Indy & Laura won the challenge #australiansurvivor #SurvivorAU #Survivor

I'm a few days late, here's my latest video, Check it out. I hope you enjoy Australian Survivor: Brains vs Brawn II Preseason Cast Assessment, Predictions and Boot Order #Survivor #AustralianSurvivor #SurvivorAU #AUSurvivor #BrainsVBrawn #BrainsvsBrawn

Finally got this video out very late but Here is my ranking of the Survivor 47 players from the worst to the best based on gameplay #Survivor #Survivor47

Okay top 3 moments of Survivor 43 - Go 1. Jesse taking out Cody with Cody’s own idol 2. Noelle winning that reward challenge after a huge comeback 3. The entire first Individual Immunity Challenge with the group helping Noelle and Gabler winning Immunity #Survivor #Survivor43

Of course the guy that made the Rachel-esque Shot in the Dark play in episode 1 is going to win the season. He made several other moves. Never had his name written down, bonded with everyone. Beat Jesse in fire. He’s got this #Survivor #Survivor43

It’s sad to see Jesse eliminated like this. Losing to Gabler who broke the Fire Making record. He played so well! #Survivor #Survivor43

Omg Cassidy put the two best players of the season head to head in fire. Gabler vs Jesse. Honestly I want Jesse to win, to cap off a fantastic dominant season. But Gabler also to cap off a fantastic underdog story. This is epic! #Survivor #Survivor43

Looking at everyone’s reaction to Jesse revealing he had Jeanine’s idol is priceless. Jeanine and Cassidy absolutely shooketh. He wins in any scenario if he makes it to final 3. The gameplay has been simply outstanding all season long #Survivor #Survivor43

Sitting down to watch the Finale of Survivor 43 for the first time. I’m excited. Can’t wait to see who wins it. Right now I have either Jesse or Gabler winning it. Cassidy’s had a strong second half of season, Karla has an uphill battle and Owen’s there too #Survivor #Survivor43

Heading into the finale, I am Ranking the remaining Survivor 43 cast. Jesse is the front runner, followed by Gabler. Both Cassidy and Karla are in the same ball park and everybody will want to be there with Owen. Let me know your thoughts. Go easy on me 😅 #Survivor #Survivor43

Ranking the Survivor 43 cast before the Penultimate episode. A third of the cast remain. I have attached a side note that briefly explains why I have them where I have them as well as the current state of the game. Let me know your thoughts. Go easy on me 😅 #Survivor #Survivor43

Just noticed Sami didn’t get a confessional in this episode. Which means that the winner will either be Gabler or Jesse #Survivor #Survivor43

Ranking the Survivor 43 cast with car analogies - 10 episodes down and only 3 to go. I have attached a side note that explains briefly why I have them where I have them as well as the state of the game for them. Let me know your thoughts. Go easy on me 😅 #Survivor #Survivor43

Ranking the Survivor 43 cast after 9 episodes. 8 are left after the double boot. I have also attached a side note that explains briefly why I have them where I have them as well as the state of their game for them. Let me know your thoughts. Go easy on me 😅 #Survivor #Survivor43

Ranking the Survivor 43 cast after 8 episodes. Double boot incoming and things are heating up. I have also attached a side note that explains briefly why I have them where I have them. Let me know your thoughts. Go easy on me 😅 #Survivor #Survivor43

Ranking the Survivor 43 cast based off of episodes 1-7. Knowledge is Power mayhem and Dwight leaving with Jeanine’s Idol. I have also attached a side note that explains briefly why I have them where I have them. Let me know your thoughts. Go easy on me 😅 #Survivor #Survivor43

Finished Episode 7 - Can I just say poor Jeanine. Trusted Dwight with her idol and he walks out of the game with it still in his pocket 😭 Just when you thought she was about to rebound #Survivor #Survivor43

Ranking the Survivor 43 cast based off of the first 6 episodes. The players merged and chaos ensued. I have also attached a side note that explains briefly why I have them where I have them. Let me know your thoughts. Go easy on me 😅 #Survivor #Survivor43

Looking at the confessional count for the first 5 episodes and only 5 of the 13 remaining have a confessional in every episode. Looks like one of those 5 will win 1. Jesse 25 2. Elie 21 3. Karla 21 4. Gabler 18 5. Sami 15 Is this is the final 5? #Survivor #Survivor43

About to sit down and watch the merge of Survivor 43. Given how things are going across the 3 tribes I believe Ryan should be the next boot to keep Vesi and Baka ahead of the numbers whilst taking out a physical threat. #Survivor #Survivor43

Ranking the Survivor 43 cast based off of the first 5 episodes. Now that the players are merging, here is where I have them ranked currently. I have also attached a side note that explains briefly why I have them where I have them. Let me know your thoughts. Go easy on me 😅