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If you're not listening to @TonyLogueMusic, you should be. If you're a @Chris_Knight_KY fan and still dragging your feet on Tony, this should help you pick up the pace. This song, Road to Richmond is the sequel to Carla Came Home.… Enjoy!

the new @CharlesWesleyG ep is so damn good. did this one from another great one, family ties. check out my cover of "all again".… enjoy!

Check out my cover of @turnpiketroubadours Oklahoma Stars. The Grindstone - Oklahoma Stars (@TVTurnpike cover) Enjoy!

Check out my cover of @brentcobb No Place Left To Leave. Enjoy!

Check out @TonyLogueMusic play Silas from his album Jericho live at the Bright Box Theater in Winchster, VA opening for @HUNNICUTTMF Enjoy!

Alright y’all - here’s my cover of @JRVCarroll how to be okay. Enjoy!

check out @HUNNICUTTMF play promises from her ep flower in a drought live at the bright box theater in winchester, va.… enjoy!

check out @TonyLogueMusic perform yellow rose from his album dark horse that came out this past friday. tony and his band tore it up opening for @HUNNICUTTMF who did the same.… enjoy!

Check out Taylor Hunnicutt play Undone. Taylor Hunnicutt - Undone - Live in Concert - The Bright Box Theater - Winchester, VA - 2/1/25

Alright y'all - check out my cover of @rihanna Stay. My 9th grader was listening to it on the way home from softball training last night and I figured I'd give it a run. Hope y'all dig it.… Enjoy!

Check out @TonyLogueMusic play the title track to his album Dark Horse that just came out last night. I was super impressed with Tony and the band. He's from KY - think Chris Knight w/ a Les Paul. Make sure you give his album a spin or 100. Enjoy!

@TonyLogueMusic perform Honey Suckles live at the Bright Box Theater in Winchester, VA opening for @HUNNICUTTMF . This is a new song off of his album, Dark Horse, coming out tonight. Make sure you give it a spin - he's a fave new to me artist.… Enjoy!

check out my cover of @dawestheband a little bit of everything. enjoy!

check out @49winchester closed out the @930Club show with a blistering version of hillbilly happy.… enjoy!

check out @TonyLogueMusic perform the title track from his album the crumbs live at the bright box theater in winchester, va. don't forget to keep your eye out for his new album, dark horse, out this friday.… enjoy!

check out @HUNNICUTTMF perform nobody's business off of her album alabama sound, live at the bright box theater in winchester, va.… enjoy!

Y'all check out my cover of @ColbyAcuff If I Were The Devil. Such a great tune.… Enjoy! @OurVinyl

check out @TonyLogueMusic perform paducah off of his album the crumbs live at the bright box theater in winchester, va opening for @HUNNICUTTMF . don't forget he's got a new album, the dawn, coming out on friday. it's gonna be a good one. enjoy!

Check out my cover of Jason Isbell's song Cigarettes and Wine off of his Jason Isbell and The 400 Unit album.… Enjoy!

check out @emwoodhullmusic perform @TTChilders whitehouse road at @LostRhino - make sure you give her new single, virginia, i'm home a spin. Enjoy!

y'all check out my cover of @ahardupvibe lucinda. enjoy!

Watch @HUNNICUTTMF blaze a Trail of a Broken Heart, live at the Bright Box Theater in Winchester, VA. Enjoy!

Check out @49winchester tear up Anchor (w/ band intro) off of Leavin' This Holler live at @930Club… Enjoy!

Check out @aaronraitiere perform Rather Be Fishing live at the @930Club opening for @49winchester Enjoy!

Check out my cover of Ritch Henderson’s Time Well Spent off of his Alive in Alabama album. The Grindstone - Time Well Spent - (@ritch_AF solo acoustic cover)

Alright y’all check out this cover of @benchapmanmusic Don’t You Dare off of Ben’s amazing Downbeat Album. @MegMcRee Enjoy!

check out @TonyLogueMusic perform the dawn off of his upcoming new album, dark horse which i believe is out 2/21. make sure you check it out and check out tony live. helluva show. enjoy!

Check out @HUNNICUTTMF burn through a cover of @thesteelwoods All of These Years at the Bright Box Theater in Winchester, VA. Enjoy!

Check out my cover Ian Noe’s Letter to Madeline. The Grindstone - Letter to Madeline (@IanNoeMusic cover)

Y'all check out @TonyLogueMusic perform Cinnamon Blonde off of his upcoming album, Dark Horse at the Bright Box Theater in Winchester, VA opening for @HUNNICUTTMF - get out to see Tony - helluva show and the new album is gonna rock. Enjoy!

Check out my cover of Nic Jamerson’s Billy Graham Parkway for your Friday afternoon. Enjoy!

Check out @HUNNICUTTMF play All or Nothing at The Bright Box Theater in Winchester, VA. Enjoy!

Check out @49winchester perform Last Call at the @930Club Enjoy!

Welp - it's done. I just submitted my entry into the @nprmusic Tiny Desk Concert Contest. Check it out - Let me know what you think. CLICK HERE - And please subscribe to my channel - gotta lot of good stuff still to come - SUBSCRIBE HERE

Check out @emwoodhullmusic cover @saraevansmusic suds in a bucket live at @LostRhino - Don't forget to check out Emily's new single, Virginia, I'm Home.… Enjoy!

Been a little obsessed. Check out my cover of @TonyLogueMusic Losin' Kind and make sure you get out to see him and @HUNNICUTTMF - really good show this weekend.… Enjoy!

Kicking off the show with the Whipping Post intro into Grindstone (no relation), a new song off of his upcoming album, Dark Horse - out 2/21, is good way to get my attention. @TonyLogueMusic tore it up opening for @HUNNICUTTMF - sold out show in Winchester, VA

@HUNNICUTTMF and @TonyLogueMusic burned it down last night @BrightBoxWinc - was good to say hi to Taylor & chat a bit with Tony and Logan of @LWBBmusic here's Queen of Alabama - Taylor Hunnicutt - Intro / Queen of Alabama - Live Concert Video at @brightboxwinchester - 2/1/25

Check out @49winchester play Tulsa from their album Leavin’ This Holler, live at @930Club 49 Winchester - Tulsa - Live Concert Video - @930ClubDC - 12/30/24 Enjoy!

check out @drewgibson @davehadley @bentuftsdrums perform a cover of otis rush all your love live at @earpsordinary in fairfax, va. the vocal mix is unfortunately not very good but the band is cooking. Enjoy!

Finished this one - pregaming for @TonyLogueMusic and @HUNNICUTTMF - check out my cover of Tony's song Calloway County off of his album. Check out his albums - he's got a new one coming out his year and check out my cover. The Grindstone - Calloway County (@TonyLogue cover)

check out @49winchester play Damn Darlin' live at @930Club Enjoy!

@mollysantana00 performing Dumb/Why You Mad? live at EagleBank Arena opening for #DONTOLIVER Enjoy!

He's acting tough and taking names And shuttin' us down But at least we got something to talk about When Monday rolls around - Check out my cover of @Chris_Knight_KY Oil Patch Town. The Grindstone - Oil Patch Town (@chrisknight5366 cover)

Check out @49winchester play Annabelle off of their Fortune Favors the Bold, live at @930Club… Enjoy!

Check out @emilywoodhullmusic playing @sublime Santeria live at @LostRhino Enjoy!