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I read, cook, eat, drink, seek nature/city, listen to awesome music, all with the best woman ever. Deadhead. Jam bands. Jazz. Modern and postmodern literature. Minneapolis, Minnesota. 😎
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Fascinating detail to be found here. So much to this epic work. Mind blown. πŸ€“ #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #UmbertoEco #FoucaultsPendulum

Not your typical tough kid grows up story. I found this an engaging read with unexpected character evolution. Again, NYRB publishing really has some great titles I never knew about until I browsed their collection. πŸ€“ #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #NYRB #DonCarpenter #HardRainFalling

Just a massive and amazingly researched work from 1987. This is the sort of read that opens me back to non-fiction. Solid work! #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #JayStevens #StormingHeaven

As a Deadhead, this drew me near and I made an impulse buy. Not sure if that was the intended marketing or not. It could be taken either way I suppose? Pretty tasty.

the grateful deadcast returns! & i open season 11 with part 1 of our overdue tribute to phil lesh.! archival phil interviews (courtesy of &!'s! Excited for season 11! Starting with Phil. #GoodOlGratefulDeadCast #GratefulDead

Augustus is an epistolic approach to historical fiction about Rome in the time of Cesar Augustus. Novel is a mosaic of his life and those around him. The story of his daughter Julia is particularly fascinating. Loved it. #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #NYRB #JohnWilliams #Augustus

Finished the Lonesome Dove series. I must mention that out of the 4 books, my favorite character became Famous Shoes. McMurtry created so much with this series. Loved it! πŸ€“ #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #LarryMcMurtry #StreetsOfLaredo

Comanche Moon, the second book of the Lonesome Dove series! Loved it! πŸ€“ #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #LarryMcMurtry #ComancheMoon

Dead Man’s Walk, the first book of the Lonesome Dove series! Loved it! πŸ€“ #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #LarryMcMurtry #DeadMansWalk Happy Friday friends!

At times perhaps somewhat offensive, but great writing. #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #CharlesBukowski #TalesOfOrdinaryMadness

Quiet and immersive. Solid work. #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #CormacMcCarthy #TheRoad

Three novellas that fit together like a very small jigsaw puzzle set in post WWI London about unrequited love, the perils of drinking, and the tragedies and joys of the working class. Interesting and atmospheric. #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #PatrickHamilton #TwentyThousandStreetsUnderTheSky

Once I started reading Tom Robbins, I had to read all his work. RIP. #TomRobbins #RIP

McMurtry crafted a masterpiece with this utterly immersive epic. The characters are richly developed within a beautifully illustrated world. Just don’t get too attached to any of them. Amazing adventure throughout! πŸ€“ #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #LarryMcMurtry #LonesomeDove

#BeerSky #YOHO #SorryUmami #IPA #Kyatchi #Minneapolis #Minnesota

Where I’ve been to escape the news lately. πŸ€“ #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #ChristopherMoore #BloodSuckingFiends #YouSuck #BiteMe

#Rochefort #Trappistes

#Cribbage #TGIF #Surly #Furious #IPA #Ale #BeerSky #Beer #Minneapolis #Minnesota

Happy Friday junior.

Nice haul from a local bookstore yesterday. πŸ€“ #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #Books #Magers&Quinn #Uptown #Minneapolis #Minnesota

I’ll follow the sun. #Dog

Just finished Octavia Butler’s magical realism and historical fiction Kindred. A time travel story that shows the reality of a black person finding themselves in the early 1800s south. At times brutal and always eye opening. Recommended. #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #OctaviaButler #Kindred

John Williams only published 3 major works in his career. This is the second I’ve read (Stoner the other). Both fantastic. Augustus, his third, is now on order. Just amazing stuff. #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #NYRB #JohnWilliams #ButchersCrossing

A good Saturday read. Hunter was a pretty decent writer for such a young age! Great read for a Deadhead, and for anyone wanting a glimpse into the beatnik / hippie cutover era. Of course loved it. πŸ€“ #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #MusicSky #GratefulDead #JustFinishedReading #RobertHunter #SilverSnarlingTrumpet

I really looked forward to this. At times I found myself thinking that the surreal story lines were too disjointed and didn’t follow. There were a lot of β€œwait, what?” moments in my mind. However, I’m still a fan. πŸ€“ #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #HarukiMurakami #TheCityAndItsUncertainWalls

#NowPlaying #MusicSky #RodStewart #EveryPictureTellsAStory

Never having read this, but having watched Apocalypse Now many times in my life, I was fascinated with reading this. Gives new perspectives to β€œthe horror, the horror” and other Kurtz dialog. #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #JosephConrad #TheHeartOfDarkness

Murakami is a genius. Title sounds like two stories, but a single one with each β€œpart” alternating in odd and even numbered chapters. One side reality, the other not? Hard Boiled Wonderland and The End of the World. Stunned! #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #HarukiMurakami

So much to unpack for such a short novel! I should have read this years ago, but I was busy with <something>. Every team needs a Slim, that calm voice that listens and has empathy, regardless of their relative success. Loved it. πŸ€“ #Books #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #JohnSteinbeck #OfMiceAndMen

Great follow up to A Dirty Job! Love the cast of characters and the madcap story. Crazy and fun read. #Books #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #ChristopherMoore #SecondhandSouls

Choose 20 albums that have stayed with you or influenced you. One album per day for 20 days, in no particular order. No explanations, no reviews, just covers. #MusicSky #MusicChallenge #MilesDavis #KindOfBlue 20/20

Fun Moore silliness, with some seriousness under it all. Includes a tribute to those in the hospice field. Enjoyed. Now I have to read Secondhand Souls. Out for delivery… #Books #BookSky πŸ’™πŸ“š #JustFinishedReading #ChristopherMoore #ADirtyJob

Choose 20 albums that have stayed with you or influenced you. One album per day for 20 days, in no particular order. No explanations, no reviews, just covers. #MusicSky #MusicChallenge #JohnColtrane #ALoveSupreme