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Feral | Wartime Consigliere | Rouser of Rabble #TransRightsNow #INLegis #StopTheBans #BlackLivesMatter #HoosierMast #LGBTQ #NotOneMore #Trans […] [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
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This week, my husband and I are hosting a small gathering of supporters of GenderNexus in our home to raise funds for this vital resource. It's hard to be #trans in #Indiana these days, and they are on the front lines providing services and advocacy for our people. I'm sad that I can't invite […]

PSA: Europe PMC exists: "Europe PMC provides comprehensive access to life sciences literature from trusted sources. It's available to anyone, anywhere for free. With Europe PMC you can search and read 45.6 million publications, preprints and other documents enriched with links to supporting […]

"First they came for the Socialists and I spoke up then because oppression is wrong and I'm a fucking decent human being who would prefer to able to sleep at night."

That "first that came for" poem says you should speak up for certain minorities because eventually you'll be a target too. But you know, you could also speak up simply because it's wrong to target people. Self interest isn't the only reason to oppose oppression.

But remind me again about how these people are all about "protecting women"

Protest at the Indiana Dunes National Park on March 1 #indiana #HoosierMast #protest

A mural on the state line between Indiana and Illinois.

A #HoosierMast ... if you needed to get say, some merch with a logo on it ... what local business would you approach to get that done??

Community alert: Sometime after dusk yesterday, someone broke into a suet cage and stole the whole cake. The individual on the right has been observed climbing on and near the suet cage. Please call the tip line if you have evidence that will lead to a […] [Original post on]

Next headline will be: "Administration officially defines athlete as 'anything it wants it to mean.'"

I know that pretty much every trans or non binary person outside the US already knew America wasn’t safe anymore, but this is double plus ungood and you need to be aware. “Athlete” is arbitrary and carries a lot of […]

Sitting in meetings listening to coworkers I know are staunch Republicans bitching about the new graduation requirements being put in place floors me. I just want to scream, "this is what you voted for!" Who do they think is making these changes in Indiana?

A #HoosierMast ... if you needed to get say, some merch with a logo on it ... what local business would you approach to get that done??

If you support abolishing the Dept of Ed and letting states take over, keep in mind that those federal policies help support and maintain special education programs. In a state like Indiana that is actively trying to destroy public ed, this will be devastating to our most vulnerable kids.

2025 in a single headline

My brother recently gave me a heartwarming birthday gift he'd made himself. Somehow, we left it at the restaurant and I didn't notice until the next day. I called and they said they hadn't found it. Sobbing and heartbroken, hubs and I flew back to the restaurant absolutely prepared to search […]

Happy Twin Peaks Day, peakies. #TwinPeaks #DavidLynch #TwinPeaksDay.

oh-kay phew. some final cleanup, and then it's time to launch the alpha of this torrent tracker designed for rapid-response data rescue where a bunch of people each scrape chunks of a big thing and then recombine it later, where nobody can store the whole thing in one place because it's too big […]

If most of us actually behaved in reality as if we actually valued things like kindness, fairness, goodwill, and human decency it really wouldn't matter if anyone had the exact right perfectly nuanced political position on every possible issue.

👀 🔥

I'm begging you to check to see if a bill has actually died before posting a hair-on-fire "alert" about it. There are terrifying bills still moving this session that we need people to concentrate on. Just because you can do a search on doesn't mean you know how to track bills. #INlegis #hoosiernews #HoosierMast #smallbusiness #NoBillionaires

I wanted to make a snappy joke but instead I'm just depressed about how predicted and predictable this was.

The Execution of the Doge, by Delacroix, 1825. He was beheaded for attempting a coup d'etat. Apropos of, you know, absolutely nothing at all.

This #EveryDayThrift is a multi-toot love letter to GLASS! Hubs finally got me to read the research on the health and enviro harms of PFAS and microplastics. I didn’t want to -- I told him I had enough problems. But he was right and I’m convinced. It's HARD to get plastic totally out of your […]

Major news! A court in Montana has just declared SB458, a bill that "defines sex" in a way that ends the legal recognition of transgender people in Montana, as facially unconstitutional. This is the first time a bill defining sex has been ruled on! Huge win for trans people in MT!

I'd like to publicly thank RFKjr for making me feel like I have to stockpile the incredibly effective depression meds that helped me change me from a suicidal, alcoholic wreck into a highly functional human.

Listening to the latest @404mediaco podcast episode detailing the hacks on DOGE's website. Just wanna shout out their coverage these days. Talk about the exact right investigative journalists for this exact moment. Really grateful that they exist.

Cannot overstate the danger of the current administration to civil rights, but if you’re feeling down, it’s good to remember that there’s still people in positions of power that will cut through the bullshit (and through the lawyers) with desiccating, shriveling scorn

The Local timeline on #HoosierSocial is really getting genuinely engaging. I do have the unofficial newsbots muted (only because I read them in my feed reader so I don't need them) - but there is so much actual real local content there. And it's getting better all the time! If your instance […]

In the past 10 years I've quit: * Alcohol * Cigarettes * Being a boy * Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter Currently taking nominations for my next self-destructive addiction.

And another welcome to @IndyPedCrisis, @SafeStreetsIndy and @IndyVisionZero -- joining #HoosierSocial to advocating for pedestrian safety in Indianapolis. Love seeing folks doing work for the public interest set up shop in our online community. #HoosierMast #IndyPedestrianSafetyCrisis […]