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Metal head which enjoys religious-, history and philosophy. đŸ€˜đŸ˜Ž To understand the present, one need to piece together the past. English and Swedish posts.
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Right and Wrong are Not Not Subjective: A review of Huemer on moral realism

Evolutionary Biologist Reacts to Creationist Arguments #ClintsReptiles #Evolution vs #Creationism joined Alex O’Connor on the #WithinReasonPodcast | The Ancient Scrolls Buried For 2,000 Years - What Are the Dead Sea Scrolls?

This went up in 2019. Perhaps it's time for them to re-issue an updated one.

Relaxing on a day of work with some YouTube in the morning and now some fruitful reading: “Philosophy in the Islamic World: A History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps” eller pĂ„ svenska ”Filosofi i den Islamiska vĂ€rlden: En filosofihistoria utan luckor.” by on Richard Dawkins is Wrong About Everything || LIVE (the other week) with Dr. Dan of Creation Myths (

I denna veckans avsnitt av #HarrisonsDramatiskaHistoria diskuterar man: Brittiska imperiets födelse.

The major issue with Antivaxxers, if we ignore that they are willfully killing their own children, is that they impact everyone when they are choosing to murder their own child, because without herd immunity the disease, whatever it is, will claw it's way back into people that can't be vaccinated.

En av de mer framstĂ„ende kanalerna pĂ„ #YouTube gĂ€llande religionskunskap, #LetsTalkReligion har nu fĂ„tt en svensk version. Och först ut Ă€r: ”Vad Ă€r religion egentligen?” med

Grönlands historia: inuiter, dansk kolonisering & norska krav. #HarrisonsDramatiskaHistoria

BREAKING NEWS. First Royal Tomb Discovered in Egypt since King Tut. No Mummy, No Problem!

I just found out that Megan ( had an account in here. And she (and Josh) has one of the best channels/podcasts on ancient Near Eastern history âŹ‡ïžđŸ€˜đŸ˜Ž

Is the Hebrew Bible Historically Accurate? Interview with Dr. Jacob Wright #DigitalHammurabi

NĂ€r en del gör förberedelser för ”alla hjĂ€rtans dag” sĂ„ avnjuter en annan sin lediga dag med kaffe och boklĂ€sning under dagens första hĂ€lft đŸ€“đŸ‘Œ ”Moral : uppfinnandet av gott och ont” av Hanno Sauer.

TÀnkte att jag gör en del tvÄ av debatten mellan Christer Sturmark & hÀr inne. Detta dÄ jag skrev en hel del under andra hÀlften av deras samtal (som jag la ut pÄ X). 1/

Does this “debunk” the Trinity? And breaks apart Sean H. McDowell’s defense of the Trinity.

Responding to Wes Huff on evidence for inerrancy

Jungfrudrottningen Elisabet I #HarrisonsDramatiskaHistoria

MĂ„ste Ă€ndĂ„ skryta som farsa! En prima recension av grabbens band nĂ€r du var först ut till den senaste metalfestivalen i Helsingborg. Som gick av stapeln 31/1-1/2, #Hellsingborg đŸ€˜đŸ˜Ž

"Även pĂ„ fritiden Ă€gnade hon sig Ă„t att lĂ€ra ut matematik. PĂ„ Youtube var hon en kĂ€nd profil, med över 120 000 prenumeranter som följt hennes matematiklektioner pĂ„ kurdiska."

’1500-talets Frankrike prĂ€glades av djupa politiska och religiösa motsĂ€ttningar mellan de ledande högadelsslĂ€kterna, Ă€tter som Guise och Bourbon, vilka menade sig ha lika stor rĂ€tt att hĂ€rska som de franska kungarna
’ #HarrisonsDramatiskaHistoria

While reading ancient history one occasionally comes across “the sea people” which invaded Egypt and neighboring countries in the late Bronze Age. It has always been in the back of my mind, so when I read about this book by Eric H. Cline, I just had to have it! #AncientHistory

Why does Genesis have 2 different creation accounts?