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TinyKittens alumni Formally feral cats of the Bramble colony outside Vancouver BC. Charco was shot in the face, had skin and teeth issues, and has ongoing heart issues that require long term human care to live his best life. He also needed a friend.
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What’s drool got to do, got to do with it?

This is my stick! Mine! #formallyferal #MistrrMesa

Mesa is a great helper and snoopervisor. Really he is.

Practicing lap time. Charco and Mesa will get there one day.

Charco and Mesa are making a stategic retreat from the evil vacuum! They are such tough boys! #adoptdontshop #formallyferal

Mesa finally figured out how to go _into_ the new cat tree rather than just try to annoy Charco from above. #MisterMesa #adoptdontshop #formallyferal

Meeting feral cats where they are. Mesa is still cautious about pets but is so curious. He gets lots of treats and attention on his terms. Charco still uses teeth and claws to show affection. He gets apology brushing and I get apology kisses. We are all happy.

Charco hates attention. #formallyferal #adoptdontshop #tinykittens #youresocute #charcobear

Charco isn’t very good at ping pong yet but we’re working on it.

Um, Mesa, that’s not where the curtains belong.

Happy cats = happy home

It’s a rough life sometimes

Charco and Mesa are fasinated by the outdoors today. I brought some in and Mesa was not impressed. #adoptdontshop #formallyferal #mistermesa #charcobear

From now on, this month will now be called Charcoary! #tinykittens #charcobear #adoptdontshop

Charco and Mesa demonstrate why you need twice as many beds (and heating pads) as you have cats. #formallyferal #adoptdontshop #CharcoBear #MisterMesa #tinykittens

Charco can get demanding when he wants pets.

Mesa trying to start trouble.

I love the way Charco marches in place when you brush him. #feralnomore #adoptdontshop

Charco is king of all he surveys.

I think I need to start taping down this carpet.

If we fits, we sits.

Happy birthday Betty White, animal lover extraordinaire. If you can, give your favorite animal organization(s) a little extra support in her name today, even if it is just a shoutout on social media.

Charco is self loading for his annual checkup/vaccination appointment today. Even indoor cats need their shots!

Still buddies. Do they have enough places to sleep?

No closed doors allowed in this house.

Mighty hunter. Charro’s morning exercise regime.

Mesa is another formal feral. He had limited human contact until June 2024. He still isn’t sure about the petting thing but finds humans fascinating.

Life of a formally feral tomcat. Hard to believe he had limited human contact until just over a year ago!

Apparently Mesa attended the Mason school of hairstyling.