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You can label my posts "intolerant" in your inferior effort to moderate me, but you can't stop my intolerance in real life (or me making more accounts ;) )

People block me because they think I'm a troll, but all of LGBTQ is literally spitting in the face of biology and the physical world in exchange for feelings of "love", but making those feelings of love "romantic", which is inherently related to biological reproduction. The LGBTQIA+ troll reality.

Women like dancing and watching dancing, so do homos. Dancing is gay and sollipsism-coded. It means almost nothing except aesthetic enjoyment.

Saw a shirt that said "anti-anti-semitism club". It's Jews being wordy and "clever" and wasting your time with verbosity without any real arguments.

"Exclude Islam". No shit we want to exclude Islam. Polygamy, for example, can't be practiced in a place where monogamy is the moral standard. They are two competing ways of life. Governments pushing for multiculturalism just want you enslaved to the state, because the cultures are incompatible.

"Exclude Islam". No shit we want to exclude Islam. Polygamy, for example, can't be practiced in a place where monogamy is the moral standard. They are two competing ways of life. Governments pushing for multiculturalism just want you enslaved to the state, because the cultures are incompatible.

Academia is a racket. "Internal service work". What is that? Paper-pushing with modest results? Yes, women are good at that.

That's why it's a useless distinction to make in most cases. It is simply used to imply that our definitions are subjective. In some cases they are and have relative levels/types of subjectivity (for example, what is considered "American") but that doesn't preclude their objective basis.

People have their own view about what the intent of Israel or Palestine is, and what the contributions of each culture is, and why certain wars happened in history, and who was justified or what was rational self-defense. That's why it always breaks down to ethnic (racial) connections.

"Misandry doesn't exist because it requires institutional power, like racism." Therefore, women and other races do not have power, apparently. By what scale or judgment? Their own arbitrary one. Or, if they believe in an objective one, they must inquire as to why they were not able to get that power

"Race" is a social construct. "Gender" is a social construct. So is the concept of "rat excrement". It's a word based on our mental perceptions. But socially constructed definitions start to fall to objectively/reality-constructed ones when I place them in your soup don't they?

I'm not telling you LGBTQIA+ people are obsessed with sex... they're telling you that.

"Race" is a social construct. "Gender" is a social construct. So is the concept of "rat excrement". It's a word based on our mental perceptions. But socially constructed definitions start to fall to objectively/reality-constructed ones when I place them in your soup don't they?

That's why it's a useless distinction to make in most cases. It is simply used to imply that our definitions are subjective. In some cases they are and have relative levels/types of subjectivity (for example, what is considered "American") but that doesn't preclude their objective basis.

If LGBTQIA+ people physically or sexually castrate themselves (prevent reproduction) why do many also want the right to raise children? Castrate yourself, lose that right. It's like begging people to allow me to become an artist while I refuse to use my hand, pick up anything, or cut it off.

People will spend all day watching you from afar and not do anything that will help you because they're too shy or they think you have it under control because you put on a brave face. Sad. It's just life, and there are no other choices are there?

I love looking at K-Pop idol groups. It's like which one do you like?: "plastic surgery face", "plastic surgery face", "slightly different plastic surgery face", "possibly less plastic surgery but so much makeup you can't tell", "one from Thailand (with plastic surgery)", or the "one from Japan"?

Poly relationships = Might as well just say "no specific relationship" when compared to the rest of the population.

All minorities can assimilate equally and multiculturalism both makes sense and works! April Fools.

Anyone who calls people White "folk" and black "folk" is not to be taken seriously. Also, capitalize White. It's a race with shared characteristics and history.

Yeah but you can prove that issues like "liberals (often Jewish) who control the media push racemixxing onto primarily White countries" exist very easily with these cringe vomit-inducing images.

Anyone who calls people White "folk" and black "folk" is not to be taken seriously. Also, capitalize White. It's a race with shared characteristics and history.

Love new USB cords. It's a tighter fit than TikTok "influencers" (whores) in Yoga pants.

Every day I wake up to another betrayal, personally and politically. The only people who I care about who are predictable are my family and friends, who are simply there to exist and live day by day and attached to specific duties. But my duty involves a lot of searching (absolute truth and love).

"Hurt is just electrical signals firing off, it's fleeting and temporary and doesn't matter, ultimately." - Some Redditor. Truthfully, conscious emotions that separate us from philosophical zombies exist because CONSCIOUSNESS MATTERS TO REALITY. Because GOD exists and wants to FEEL SOMETHING.

Being a determinist, and an atheist, will sap all meaning out of your life unless you are incredibly lucky and have a source of metaphysical possibility that you don't actually understand or consciously think about somewhere. I needed the truth. Metaphysical materialism poisoned everything.

It must be depressing to live life not connected to the highest level of identity, the absolute and the eternal. I KNOW because that was me. Although there was always an inkling of me connected to it, as I talked to myself. I realized I was actually talking to GOD, of which I'm a small instrument.

Why do so many transwomen have male pattern baldness? More than the general male population? I know why but this app is not worth my time.

K-Pop/Korean Hip Hop songs be like "Insert one or two English words or Korean words that we build the whole faggy song on, which serve as the main hook". Wow, music is virtually unlimited in possibility given modern tech and 1st world resources, yet this garbage is still so boring and mediocre.

I love looking at K-Pop idol groups. It's like which one do you like?: "plastic surgery face", "plastic surgery face", "slightly different plastic surgery face", "possibly less plastic surgery but so much makeup you can't tell", "one from Thailand (with plastic surgery)", or the "one from Japan"?

K-Pop Hip Hop is fucking stupid. You realize Hip Hop is for 85 IQ mutts? These East Asians who require corrective lenses and probably can get into a decent school and have hardly been involved in crime or infedelity say typical low IQ braggadacio things like "but I ride", "my engine never stops".


君を泣かせるほど悲しいセリフがあるだろうか? そして、君が私に書いたすべてのセリフは嘘だった ...月日が流れ、君が打ち殺した愛が過ぎていく 私を愛していたのは頭の中だけ? 君が私に言ったこと、したことは それらはとても簡単に来るようだ 私が勝ち得たと思った愛 君は無料で与える。。。

There are no conspiracies. I mean, Epstein worked with Mossad and the US government. And P. Diddy had a bunch of people murdered and admitted that he promoted shitty, no-talent artists. But of course, trust Israel and mainstream music and Hip-Hop is not at all bad!

悪くないかもしれない 今までで最高の人だった もし数年前にすべてを台無しにしていなかったら 私は一人ではなかったかもしれない

I really don't care if a woman says she's a lesbian. If I got a girlfriend, and she told me she had "sex" with 100 biological females before me, but no males, I would consider her almost a virgin. It would be hard to recreate the physical and verbal abuse of her partners though!

Transwomen are men. Transmen are women. Planet of the Apes, where a drug meant to reverse alzheimers can also make chimpanzees more intelligent than humans, is more realist than "gender affirming surgery".

The only thing liberal women feel stronger about than hating White Right-Wing males is how much they LOVE fantasizing about getting raped (by all sorts of creatures). They want to demonize White men and colonization so they can flick their beans to them even more.

A lot of useless women are in universities for a decade and get Master's degrees. Most of them won't be very happy as "career women". It just shows that we live in a Gynocracy (specifically because of the excess one-sided liberal influence of dual-citizen merchants).

Women will inject all sorts of vaccines, take all sorts of chemicals in pill form, because a man in a lab coat said it was OK, but they instinctually know that if that man were trying to FUCK them with his PENIS that they should be very weary of it. Explain this, fuckers!

I really don't care if a woman says she's a lesbian. If I got a girlfriend, and she told me she had "sex" with 100 biological females before me, but no males, I would consider her almost a virgin. It would be hard to recreate the physical and verbal abuse of her partners though!