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Former Twitter/X user. Occasionally blogging about books and other stuff at
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Prolific Poster

Europe races to find Starlink alternatives for Ukraine Four satellite operators in talks over back-up for Kyiv if Elon Musk switches off broadband service

Sickening. In the meantime Marco Rubio accused his Polish colleague of "making things up" and demanded that he has "to say thank you". He also counterfactually claimed thay "no-one has made any threats about cutting Ukraine off from Starlink". (See link in the comments.) Sickening.

Sunday is the day when I'm spoiling myself a bit.

He is missing.

It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. Mark Fisher

Si vis pacem, para bellum - this must be the motto of Europe in this hour.

Die taz gibt einem geschichtsvergessenen Vertreter der "Mourir-pour-Dantzig?"-Fraktion das Wort. Ich verkneifs mir, hier diesem Interessenvertreter Putins zu viel Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken. Ob er wenigstens weiss, dass die "Sterben fuer Danzig"-Phrase von einem Faschisten erfunden wurde?

When Hegel lay on his deathbed, he said "Only one man ever understood me", but he immediately added sullenly "and he also didn’t understand me.” Heinrich Heine, Zur Geschichte der Religion und Philosophie in Deutschland

"Our eyes have to be open to what we do not wish to see." Timothy Snyder makes a convincing point that the attack on the Ukrainian President in the Oval Office was antisemitic.

What is wrong with people?

Homo sapiens: just another dead end of evolution; or maybe one of God's less successful jokes.

"The depressive, totally dislocated from the world, is in a better position to undergo subjective destitution than someone who thinks that there is some home within the current order that can still be preserved and defended...(01)

Historic Photo of Kharkiv Electromechanical Plant (Харьковского Электромеханического завод - ХЭМЗ). My father worked here for many years as a welder.

"Ich fürchte nicht die Rückkehr der Faschisten in der Maske der Faschisten, sondern die Rückkehr der Faschisten in der Maske der Demokraten." "I do not fear the return of the fascists in the guise of fascists, but the return of the fascists in the guise of democrats." Theodor W. Adorno

Megalomania, Caesarean madness, grandiose delusions, histrionic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, substance abuse, antisocial personality disorder, hypomania, bipolar disorder, paranoia, schizophrenia - all people in the Trump Administration seem to be within the spectrum.

That's exactly the world in which we are living now.

"The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy." Elon "Heil Hitler" Musk No worries, most people feel zero empathy for bellends whose goals in life are to be obscenely rich and to make life miserable for the most vulnerable people.

It's The Oregonian, not The Onion!

I'll be sharing some books from my shelves here in the future - your reactions and feedback are welcome.

I'll be sharing some books from my shelves here in the future - your reactions and feedback are welcome.

I'll be sharing some books from my shelves here in the future - your reactions and feedback are welcome.

My mental health support staff

Countless emails asking how Americans can directly aid Ukrainian soldiers. Here’s an easy answer:

She's a keeper!

Tughra (official signature) of the Ottoman sultan Murad III, 1574-1595

Serhii Zhadan, poet, novelist, translator, social activist and … rock star. I wonder if this is the same railway station where my father arrived in Kharkiv in 1945, when he started to work as a welder in a local factory (KHEMS). He was 19 years old and a PoW.

Once upon a time in Gangtok, Sikkim

3 years Russian genocidal war in Ukraine (A 2022 photo, after I had moved to Dhaka, Bangladesh)

A memory from 2021, when I lived in Jordan and got my shot at the Jordanian University Hospital in Amman: "Where are you from, Thomas? Ah, Germany...we'll give you a German vaccine, haha. Ahlan wa sahlan fi al ordon - welcome to Jordan!" (And it was for free!)

"Let's start with cats." First sentence of Jaron Lanier's book Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now

Where is Max Schreck when you need him?

Neighborhood Cat, NYC 1947 Photographer: Woody Guthrie

"A must-read for all those interested in the issues facing democracy today." Federico Finchelstein, author of From Fascism to Populism in History 📚

Eigentlich unverzeihlich, dass ich mir diese fulminante Rede von Marko Martin erst jetzt angehoert habe. Aber besser spaet als nie!

The end of the cooperation of the US and Ukrainian Intelligence Agencies makes it much easier for Putin to murder an even greater number of Ukrainian civilians. Trump is a war criminal that should be locked up for life, just like his puppet master in Moscow.

A mobster talking about expanding his network by means of intimidation and threats.

Death seems the only desirable sequel for a career like this