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On extremism, politics, EU, Foreign Affairs, diplomacy, literature, baroque music. Former President of the Dutch Neuengamme Foundation. Opinions are my own.
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Er zijn momenten dat de bescherming van democratie en vrijheid echt zwaarder moet wegen dan partijpolitiek (en uitvluchten over geld). Dit was/is zo’n moment.

Wij staan voor een veilig Nederland in een veilig Europa. Onverantwoord dat PVV, BBB en NSC 'nee' zeggen tegen het Europese plan om ons te verdedigen tegen Poetin. Opnieuw verdeeldheid in deze stuurloze coalitie.

Kamer tegen plan Europese Commissie voor grootschalige defensie-investeringen. Reden: eurobonds. Graag uiten Haagse politici solidariteit met Oekraïne. Maar het land van het dubieuze Oekraïne-referendum (2016, tegen) plaatst het eigenbelang opnieuw boven de barre geopolitieke realiteit

US defense companies might never be trusted again

In NRC las ik het volgende interessante artikel: "VSCD Oeuvreprijs voor dirigent, organist en klavecinist Ton Koopman"

Eighteen Ukrainian soldiers died in Iraq. No one gave Kyiv any minerals

"The American antisemitism now merges with the Russian antisemitism and reinforces it. The idea that Zelens'kyi is not a real president, and that his government is therefore not a real government, has been a very specific Russian antisemitic trope from the beginning."

Let’s stop indeed the positivity bias regarding the US, as Rory Stewart mentioned. It now has become dangerous to do so

A sobering but realistic take on the USA abandoning Ukrain and Europe and actively helping Russia. By Philips O’Brien

Grenzeloos cynisch.

Weer zo’n tendentieus, populistisch stuk van NOS over Duitsland. waarom citeer je Bild en noem je Merz’ leiderschap “kiezersbedrog”? Hij is gekozen mede vanwege deze houding. Beetje niveau voetbalverslaggeving. Benadruk liever revolutionaire van Duits pleiten voor atoombom!👇🏼

If Russian troops went back to Russia the war would be over

As per usual, an excellent piece by with a reminder of a well thought out 10 point action plan for Europe, written a year ago. A year ago, mind you! Positive signs coming from EU leaders.

EU is ready to create a "coalition of the willing" to ensure "one country" cannot block support for #Ukraine - EC Vice-President at the Special European Council Summit in Brussels

I just watched Macron's address to France. It was urgent, impassioned and determined—and established Russia as a clear and present danger to Europe America can no longer be relied upon to help with. Europeans are preparing for a possible imminent darkness. My heart breaks that we aren't with them.

Why do I have to think about this book all the time today? I wish there wasn’t a reason for this persistent thought.

Europe has no choice but to seize frozen Russian assets | Opinion

Nederland had eerst met de nazi’s moeten praten voordat de geallieerden ons bevrijdden.

Important: Commission plan ‘Rearm Europe’ will not require unanimity. Hungary and Slovakia cannot block it on their own


👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 je moet maar durven als journalisten om de legitimiteit van een democratisch gekozen president ter discussie te stellen omdat de VS of Putin dat willen. Dat moet je als journalist toch niet willen? Lesje rechtstatelijkheid gemist?


Why do I have to think about this book all the time today? I wish there wasn’t a reason for this persistent thought.


E-v-e-r-y w-o-r-d👇🏻Thank you!

A must watch! 👇🏻

Brilliant as ever.👇🏻 Van Ukraine: The Latest: Special: Trump tears into Zelensky in White House shouting match, 28 feb 2025 Er zijn mogelijk auteursrechten op dit materiaal van toepassing.



Your dignity honors the bravery of the Ukrainian people. Be strong, be brave, be fearless. You are never alone, dear President Zelenskyy. We will continue working with you for a just and lasting peace.



Your dignity honors the bravery of the Ukrainian people. Be strong, be brave, be fearless. You are never alone, dear President Zelenskyy. We will continue working with you for a just and lasting peace.

Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦

Couldn’t agree more. 👇🏻

Today, the current occupant of the White House and his lap dog @JDVance tried to act tough. Zelenskyy made it clear to the world how weak they are. They have reduced the United States position to be nothing more than Putin or bust. Zelenskyy smartly chose to go home.

This is what a ‘true leader’ looks like…👇 In case you already forgot.

Alle media die dit beschrijven als ‘ruzie’, ‘a shouting match’ enz. geven Zelensky verantwoordelijkheid voor de onvoorstelbaar beschamende behandeling die hem ten deel viel. Hier zat een eervol mens tegenover de ergste bullies van het schoolplein. Verschrikkelijk.

President Macron: We all know the situation. The aggressor is Russia. Ukraine are a nation under attack. I think we were all right to help Ukraine and sanction Russia three years ago, and to continue to do so.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk supported Ukrainians.

Snake Island all over. Deep respect for President Zelensky.

Hi All, Just sent this out. Its been more than a year since the narratives of Ukraine about to collapse started. These were always overblown and overestimated Russian strength and seemed set on undermining Ukrainian resistance. And yet, they did great damage.

Happy to see that Paul Krugman agrees with my Europtimism.

I wonder if anyone can justify and explain this to a Ukrainian victim of Russian’s torture or rape. To the children abducted by Russia. To the people of Ukraine, victim of the cultural genocidal policies, the massive destruction of villages and cities. In which universe does the US live?