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Scottish and Catholic, vegetarian and not young, theologically orthodox. Blogger @
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Sometimes the people most in need of help are-or have been-great sinners. Sometimes it's the righteous poor-the anawim. It is an error to think that sidelining the righteous in favour of sinners is God's only mode of operation. Elizabeth and Zacharias, Joseph and Mary were rewarded for righteousness

Not everyone, indeed not most people, who differ strongly from us about politics are hateful persons. Some people who *do* strongly agree with us about politics are vicious predators or worse. Opinions are not a measure of virtue however much we might like to think that they are.

The Publicans that Jesus dined with, collaborators with Rome, would appear in the eyes of first century Jews in much the same way that right-wing podcasters, conservative think-tankers and Fox News journalists appear to twenty-first century liberal Democrats.

If you are thinking of taking up an extra prayer practice for #Lent, and one that particularly focuses your attention on the Passion and Death of Christ, then perhaps you could try the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary.

Lord..Your truth is neither mine nor anyone else's, it belongs to all of us..for someone who speaks a lie speaks what belongs only to himself. St Augustine, Confessions; Book XII: 25.34

I should not rejoice in my aridity..while the fact that I often fall asleep during meditation or while making my thanksgiving should appall me. Well, I am not appalled; I bear in mind that..doctors put their patients to sleep while they perform operations.. St Therese of Lisieux

The effect of Original Sin is that we are born alienated from God. A consequence of the effect is that we are also alienated from our fellow men (male and female). So, to heal and make perfect our relationships with people we must begin by loving God.

Rabbi Mikhal said: “When the Evil Urge tries to tempt man to sin, it tempts him to become all too righteous.” Tales of the Hasidim, Martin Buber.

An unexamined settled order may not be worth defending. The benefit of great disruptive forces appearing within such an order is that they provoke, alongside hysterical overreactions, some careful, reasoned analysis of the weak points and the strengths of that status quo.

If he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as a heathen man and a publican. (Matthew 18:17) Jesus famously dined with publicans and sinners. But not unconditionally. If we celebrate the meal but ignore the conditions we are missing an important point.

It is impossible to arrive at a perfect love of God if one ignores his giving of himself to us through his Incarnate Son, who was crucified and rose from the dead. In Him, under the action of the Holy Spirit, we participate, through pure grace, in the interior life of God. On Christian Meditation

"I even went to one of the Protestant churches at times. (The sermons there, habitually mixing politics with religion, naturally could not lead me to a knowledge of pure faith; and they often turned me off.)" Edith Stein writing of her experiences as a young seeker after truth.

The words 'niche post' spring to mind.

Ten minutes of thinking in a religious way is better than ten hours of thinking about religion. Of course ten hours of thinking in a religious way is better than ten minutes, but if you don't start with the lesser the chances are you won't attain to the greater.

TIL that in his Preface to the Great Bible in 1540 Thomas Cranmer wrote- For it is not much above one hundred years ago, since scripture hath not been accustomed to be read in the vulgar tongue within this realm Which means that the medieval Catholic Church did not object to translating the Bible.

The Jesus Prayer and the Gospel in Brief (Part II) Why did I choose this title? Well..the 20 prayers I have given constitute something of an arc of the Jesus story, at least during His missionary years after He began to proclaim the Euangelion..

The Jesus Prayer with reflections inspired by the Gospel According to St John. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, You are the grain of wheat, Which by dying gives life, Have mercy on me.

May Thy faithful people, O God, be strengthened by Thy gifts; that by partaking of them, they may continue to seek after them: and seeking them partake of them without end. Postcommunion Prayer, Septuagesima Sunday (EF)

The Jesus Prayer with reflections inspired by the Gospel According to St John. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, You are the grain of wheat, Which by dying gives life, Have mercy on me.

Wherefore I say to thee: Many sins are forgiven her, because she hath loved much (Luke 7:47) Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, You forgave much to the woman who loved much, Have mercy on me.

#ICYMI The Jesus Prayer and the Gospel in Brief (Part I) Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, You forgave the sins of the paralytic, When you saw the faith of his helpers, Have mercy on me.

#ICYMI The Jesus Prayer and the Gospel in Brief (Part I) Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, You forgave the sins of the paralytic, When you saw the faith of his helpers, Have mercy on me.

The Jesus Prayer and the Gospel in Brief (Part I) A new blog post where I do what it says in the title- Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, You forgave the sins of the paralytic, When you saw the faith of his helpers, Have mercy on me.

If you have ever wondered what nuns do all day then the video 'Day in the Life of a Sister' about the Norbertines in California will enlighten you. And also, I think, charm you.

The day is Thine And Thine is the night Thou hast perfected the light and the sun. Thou hast made every beauty of earth Summer and winter hast Thou shaped Remember all this, Thy Creation. Psalm 73:16-18 Septuagint.

The Creeds, Liturgies, Sacraments and Devotions of the Catholic Church form, as it were, a telescope through which we can see heaven more clearly. Those who are spiritual but not religious, who mix a bit from this tradition and a bit from that are making a mirror not a telescope.