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Human, 🎸-Player, Software Engineer, #Hamburg, currently with Adobe. 🏄🏼‍♂️, 🏋️🏼‍♂️, 🧘🏼, 🏃🏼, #Java, #Golang, #Rust @[email protected]
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stages of debugging

Standing Ovations für Anne Brorhilker. 🙏 #38c3

Anne Brorhilker spricht heute beim CCC über den Milliarden-Steurrraub #CumEx und wie schädlich #Wirtschaftskriminalität für unsere Gesellschaft ist. Ihr könnt den Vortrag ab 16:40 im Livestream verfolgen 📺

Bin morgen auf dem #38c3 um 14:45 in Saal 1. Kommt rum, wir werden Reiche essen! All you can eat.

2 Männer (Kühne & Schwarz) besitzen mehr als die ärmere Hälfte ganz Deutschlands. Aber hey, lasst weiter über das "Problem" der Bürgergeldempfänger*innen reden! #EatTheRich #38c3 *würde Kühne allen Empfänger*innen von Bürgergeld 1 Jahr zahlen blieben ihm noch 13 Mrd (!) übrig...

Neu: #38c3

#38c3 #Löten

Ten days to go #38c3 🎉

Make it a Blue Friday. More waves. Less stuff.

"If you want to see your own ai fail just ask chatgpt to genrate a digram with words"

Our #Golang library to aggregate results from Maven Sufire/Failsafe is now available at 🎉. If you need efficient processing of large test result sets, check it out. Contributions are welcome.

Pic of the day 📸 Dune du Pilat, France 🇫🇷 Located in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, is the tallest sand dune in Europe, offering a breathtaking panoramic view of the Atlantic Ocean and the Landes forest. #photography #pics #france #photo #travel #sand #dune

Wer ist deutschsprachiger Entwickler und möchte in das Starter Pack? Kommentiert diesen Post in deutscher Sprache und ich nehme euch ins Pack 👍

Man sagt, mit zunehmenden Alter ist es schwer neue Freunde zu finden. Als ich heute Morgen mit meinem Fahrrad fröhlich auf dem abgeteilten Radweg entlangfuhr und hinter einer unbeleuchteten Kurve, mit quietschenden Reifen vor einem parkenden Audi zum stehen kam, 1/x

"... murdering Music"

Norwegian camp site internet connection stats.

Videoplayer from ARD Mediathek supports "hjkl" navigation, in this case "j" and "l" supports skipping back and forward. Nice one :)

Wow, Spotify lays off 17% of their staff. That's a lot.

Does someone sell a ticket for 37c3?

Damn. No Tickets #37c3

Where are you guys? Me around 4300. #37c3

Nice. Ad-Free Frontend for Ultimate Guitar 🎸.

I completely forgot the sheep

Post your bluesky name and bio in ai and see what it makes of it.

As of recent events. "#LinkedIn is Reverse-Tinder. Women write messages to nerdy guys and don't get an answer"(someone from the internet). Please #Recruiters: read profiles before you write a message, respect someone is not willing to switch jobs. Deal?

URL Explained – The Fundamentals ( Main Link | HN Post

Algorithms by Jeff Erickson ( Main Link | HN Post

Is there any tooling* out there that aggregates and displays JUnit Tests Results? Ideally from Surefire and Failsafe test executions, including flaky tests cases. *any tooling which is NOT Jenkins.

Logging in to PlayStation Store from the browser is completely broken. You have to enter email address and password in two dialog steps, loading times are close to Infinity, they randomly sends codes (best case) or use puzzles which takes ages to solve. Security done wrong Sony Playstation Team.

The best thing in winter is Advent of Code. Looking forward

Currently reading "be useful". I'm curious what it will do. Usually listening to what has to say motivates me.

Just opened LinkedIn, saw a post by, read a comment, closed LinkedIn. Could it be that LinkedIn has tendencies for being X?

Helm in top of YAML as Kubernetes manifests comes straight out of hell.

Reminder for testing Golang flags: Always pass flagSet to something that configures (and evaluates flags). You can then unit-test that something. func evalFlags(args []string, flags *flag.FlagSet) (YourFlags, error) { s := flags.StringVar(...) ... err := flags.parse(args) } 1/x

Reminder for your Go Libraries being located on a private/enterprise Github instance. go get on these will only work if you 1) give the GOPRIVATE=<your-github-host> env. variable 2) configure git for ssh or https 1/2 ⬇️

i don't want ai in dropbox, i just want it to backup some folders why does everyone keep adding features, please just make your core product good

Is #tapbots already building an iOS App for Bluesky? More general: anyone working on Bkuesky Client iOS Apps? Any OS projects that need contributors?