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Member of European Parliament • Asylum, migration, rule of law, human rights, rapporteur Hungary • professor Citizenship and Migration Law
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This is nothing less than a mass murder. How long will the EU continue Israel’s impunity? We need sanctions and accountability to save the lives of Palestinians. Now.

Important step to defend BiH's integrity, after recent worrying developments. To be followed by sanctions on Dodik. Let's be reminded that Dodik and Vucic are Putin's puppets on the Balkans, ready to do whatever the Kremlin tells them to. European security is not complete without the Balkans.

Hungarian women’s rights are replaced by privileged rules for mothers. They need their rights to be respected. Gender equality, reproductive freedoms, including the right to abortion. The far-right agenda threatens our liberal democracies. The fight continues.

Zo is het: de positie van GL/PvdA in Tweede, Eerste en Eurofractie wordt breed gesteund door Nederlanders, maar óók door Israëlische mensenrechtenorganisaties. De misdaden van dit extreemrechtse Israëlische kabinet vereisen dringend een gezamenlijke aanpak.

Urgent call by France, Germany and UK on Israel to immediately resume acces of humanitarian aid into Gaza and on both sides to continue the cease fire agreement and next steps. But we also need effective measures to force compliance with international law.

Ontzettend veel respect en waardering voor de Hilversumse wethouder Bart Heller, die moest aftreden omdat hij weigerde afstand te doen van zijn solidariteit met de kinderen van Gaza. Je bent een voorbeeld Bart.

Absolutely bizarre and unacceptable. Germany's antisemitism coordinator, who is a government official (!), endorses Trump's Gaza deportation plan. Totally out of his mandate, and more importantly, against international law, human dignity and the right to self determination for Palestinians.

Recently, the Polish Parliament adopted legislation in order to "legalise" pushbacks of migrants at its borders. In Written Questions, I urge the Commission to take action, upholding EU law and the right to asylum 👇

After having killed tens of thousands innocent people, Israel has resumed the starvation of survivors, many of them wounded and already malnourished. This war crime adds to the many violations. The EU must finally defend and enforce international law and sanction Israel.

Powerful statement of the makers of ‘No Other Land’, the Oscar winning documentary about the daily struggle for a normal life under lawless circumstances. While visiting the Westbank, I met with many Palestinians in similar situations. Their perseverance and resilience are unimaginable.

This Trojan Horse, undermining EU’s effectiveness towards supporting Ukraine, can and must be made harmless. The Council is fully entitled to withdraw his voting right, given his total destruction of Hungary’s rule of law.

The massive strikes and protests in Greece are rooted in anger with the government’s destruction of the rule of law: criminalisation of those who express criticism, high pressure on judiciary and widespread corruption. Last year, Parliament called for action by the EU.

Dodik's conviction confirms the obvious: His corrupt politics are an imminent threat to BiH's security, constitutional order, and the country's EU integration path. Vigilance is key following the current threats from Banja Luka. EUFOR must be ready to deter any secessionist acts.

Rechters die persoonlijk aangevallen worden, zo ging het in Hongarije ook. Hongarije leert ons hoe kwetsbaar de rechtsstaat is en hoe snel de afbraak kan gaan. Deze noodkreet moet alle alarmbellen doen afgaan: onder dit kabinet is ook onze rechtsstaat in het geding.

Rechterlijke macht en advocaten luiden de noodklok. De afbraak van de rechtsstaat gaat sluipenderwijs, zien we elders in Europa. Maar wel volgens een beproefd draaiboek. Op 6 maart tonen we het gevaar daarvan en de noodzaak van weerbaarheid.

EU foreign Ministers should set clear red lines to uphold the ceasefire, and announce that the association agreement will be suspended in case of a resumption of the war. With Trump in office, the EU's responsibility to uphold international law increased even more.

This weekend in Budapest, thousands of judges and court staff demonstrated against the increasing crack down on the judiciary independence. This unusual step should also ring all alarm bells in Brussels.

De democratie staat onder enorme druk in Hongarije. Welke impact heeft dat op Hongaren? En wat betekent het voor de EU dat steeds meer regeringen Orbáns playbook overnemen? Daar zal het over gaan bij de filmvertoning 'Democracy Noir' die ik organiseer. Kom ook!

"The discovery of these mass graves is yet another horrible confirmation of the crimes against humanity that migrants face in Libya, perpetrated by state security forces and armed militia groups" -

Minister Faber terecht teruggefloten door de rechter. Plotselinge halvering subsidie voor VluchtelingenWerk bedreigt de rechtsbijstand voor asielzoekers en is onbehoorlijk bestuur. Waar zouden we zijn zonder onafhankelijke rechtspraak?

Ben je kampioen regelen en plannen, en een echte teamspeler? Ben je geïnteresseerd in Europese politiek, en wil je die rechtvaardiger en humaner maken? Dan hoop ik dat je solliciteert als mijn persoonlijk medewerker!

Harde maar terechte conclusies over de wijze waarop mensenrechten worden opgeofferd bij het sluiten van migratiedeals. Ook het argument dat we niet teveel eisen kunnen stellen wordt van tafel geveegd: We geven grote sommen geld en hebben dus wel degelijk de mogelijkheid voorwaarden te stellen.

I just returned from a visit to Palestine. Where I saw with my own eyes, what happens when international law is neglected. So far, ICJ and ICC have stood strong. But the best way for the EU to support them, is to finally comply with their rulings and arrest warrants. And to stop double standards.

Voor aanvang van de Dries van Agt-lezing, die zo gaat beginnen in de Nieuwe Kerk in Den Haag, heb ik namens weldenkend Nederland mijn excuses aangeboden voor deze rampzalige regering. Graag gedaan 😇

Schande dat de Tweede Kamer en de minister van Buitenlandse Zaken zich in de greep laten houden door Netanyahu, die elke criticus, inclusief de VN, de mond snoert met het verwijt van antisemitisme. Dat ondermijnt onze democratie en het internationaal recht.

Vorige week bezocht ik de Westelijke Jordaanoever, en zag hoe Israël's extreemrechtse regering zich verschuilt achter Trump en ondanks het staakt het vuren, niet uit is op vrede en een duurzame oplossing met de Palestijnen. Gister was ik hierover te gast bij 👇

After this lunatic carte blanche to Netanyahu to continue his massacre, the EU is the only actor that can prevent the annihilation of Gaza to be restarted. Any resumption of attacks on Gaza should mean sanctions, arms embargo and suspension of the association agreement.

"The best way to disrupt the occupation is to stay calm." For ages, farmers and shepherds have been living peacefully in the south Hebron hills, 🇵🇸 Until the settlers arrived and turned their lives into living hell, harassing them with the aim of colonizing the area, encouraged by the Israëli gvt.

📍Ghost town, Hebron 🇵🇸 Once a lively market in the heart of the largest Palestinian city on the West Bank. Now a chilling symbol for Israeli apartheid, as Palestinians were kicked out of their shops and are prohibited to enter. The only current presence are the IDF soldiers at the checkpoints.

At the border crossing in North Gaza, trucks waiting to save the lives of many Palestinians in dire need for humanitarian aid. But many fear for the longer term, as Trump’s statements undermine the internal law-based goal of a two-state solution.

With a parliamentary mission, I visited the Westbank. The Palestinians suffer from the increasing repression, humiliation and on top, from violent attacks by colonists. They call for a vital role of the EU in securing international law and human rights.

The Greek Ombudsman concludes that 8 (!) senior Greek Coast Guards have engaged in criminal offences during the Pylos shipwreck. This is a very serious conclusion. If human lives are worth anything to Greece and the Commission, urgent action and follow up is needed.

Belangrijke stemming over mijn Egypte-rapport vandaag. Europa trekt 5 miljard euro uit om de Egyptische economie te ondersteunen. Stabiliteit in de regio is cruciaal, maar een blanco cheque? Daar pas ik voor. #Egypte schiet nog steeds tekort op het gebied van #mensenrechten.

Glad to see the adoption of my report in the Foreign Affairs Committee on the proposal to grant €5 billion to #Egypt. The Committee agreed that these funds should improve human rights and democracy in Egypt, and we have to see concrete steps before the funds can be disbursed.

Impressed by the courage of resigned judge Adrienn Laczo, who spoke out in the EP about the Hungarian government’s insidious political interference in the judiciary. The govt. weaponised judges' financial strain to push through problematic justice reforms & codified them through faulty lawmaking.

Na het schandaal waaruit bleek dat de Orbáns regime EU-ambtenaren van OLAF bespioneerde, viel zij deze week ook het Hongaarse anti-corruptiebureau binnen. Hoog tijd dat de EC een onderzoek start naar de ondermijning van EU anticorruptie-maatregelen en EU-belastinggeld uit Orbáns zakken houdt.

Als Egypte rapporteur ben ik komende dagen op werkbezoek in Caïro en Aswan. Commissievoorzitter von der Leyen sloot onlangs een deal ter waarde van €5 miljard met Egypte, vanwege de grote financiële problemen die het land kent.

Genocidal hate speech has no place in the European Parliament. Jointly with 35 colleagues, I sent an urgent appeal to @EP_President Metsola to take action and prevent Knesset Member Amit Halevi from speaking at an event today.