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A chicken in a crate on the day of slaughter💔 In agony Desperate Gasping for air She or he lived for 6 miserable weeks deprived from a natural life Today the most miserable day it is the end my friend 😢 #StopYourKillings #LiveVegan safe lives 🙏

Hang the asshole there and let him struggle. What an idiot!!! #EndAnimalAgriculture #EndAnimalExploitation #LiveVegan without causing animal suffering 🙏

To get the calf breathing … 😱 Horrible animal abuse Veterinarians say this is wrong Problematic births are so common in #AnimalAg We really don’t need to go with this misery #EndAnimalAgriculture #EndAnimalExploitation #LiveVegan without causing animal suffering 🙏

Sieh dir das an … 👀 via @pinterest Die rot-grüne deutschlandverachtende Politik - das ist die Vernichtung eines Staates ohne offizielle Kriegserklärung!!!

Sieh dir das an … 👀 via @pinterest Das erklärt echt viel von eurem Verhalten u eurer Politik die letzten 3 Jahre!!! Ihr seid alle nur Mega-Kapitalisten - u so waren eure Entscheidungen!!!

Welcome to #Switzerland the richest country of the world 👺 We call this ‘Schweinerei’ not because of the animals but how we treat them All pigs suffer from pneumonia and are jabbed with antibiotics to prevent them from dying before slaughter Stop this #LiveVegan don’t pay for animal abuse 🙏

The trembling piglet is sick 💔 The animal industry is a diseased industry 👺 The list of lethal viruses and dangerous antibiotics resistant bacteria is endless They cause severe suffering to the enslaved victims and a threat to other species #EndAnimalExploitation #LiveVegan do no harm 🙏

Will the depletion of our oceans become unprofitable before total extinction ? 👺 There is already irreversible damage, #ecosystems are collapsing #massextinction is playing out Make fishing illegal NOW #StopFishing #StopEatingFish #LiveVegan save life on our planet 🙏

Just once treat one of the butchers the same as the animals and say that happens to everyone when they murder an animal - bang, problem solved. And people would have to watch their family and friends being killed. #Vegan #AnimalRights

Murdering slaughtering and butchering fellow animals in front of you 👺 Maybe even worse than dying yourself Killing animals is so unnecessary and wicked #StopYourKillings #LiveVegan live a decent life 🙏

Small scale slaughter is just as deadly for an animal as the large high speed industrial slaughter factories are 👺 NO ANIMAL WANTS TO DIE Your “my meat is locally raised and killed” does not help #StopYourKillings #LiveVegan do not exploit or kill for food ✌️

Watch till the end with sound on 🔊 Arrival at the slaughterhouse 👺 Marked for slaughter Petrified and mooing by fear💔 Seeking comfort with peers They all will be brutally murdered today Don’t be the reason for this #LiveVegan 🙏

Can't you sue an idiot like that? Can't you just lock him away - in a hole where nobody can find him? He should be knocked to the ground like that!!! #LiveVegan stop your killings 🙏 #Vegan #AnimalRights

‘Hobbling’ is cruel animal abuse👺 These donkeys live in the #USA it is practiced on donkeys mules horses cows sheep dogs etc. and still legal in many countries #AnimalLiberation #AnimalJustice #AnimalRights ✊ #LiveVegan ✌️ 📍 #Missouri @forbesjordan on TikTok Seid ihr alle bescheuert? Warum muss man immer Machtspiele betreiben? Ihr Politiker seid nicht an den Bürgern interessiert, nur an eurer MACHT! Das ist DUMM! Manchmal fragt man sich, ob das das Programm der ist.

Industry footage of #egg laying hens 💔 A horrible overcrowded animal factory👺 This is insanely unnatural but see this shed when they are 18 months old defeathered birds covered with faeces dust everywhere a hellhole They do not want you to see that #EggTruth #EndAnimalExploitation #LiveVegan✌️

A poor enslaved victim 💔 At a #BullFighting ranch in #Spain To be tortured and barbarically murdered only for pleasure👺 #BanBullFighting #AnimalLiberation ✊

Clamp the assholes' dicks in the machine and cut them off, then they can no longer reproduce - that would be progress for humanity. #EndAnimalAgriculture #EndAnimalExploitation #LiveVegan don’t pay for animal abuse 🙏

Once you are wasted and no longer profitable you will be terminated by execution in the slaughterhouse 💔👺 A bloody disgrace to needlessly exploit and murder animals for food we don’t need and was never meant for us Open your eyes #DitchDairy #LiveVegan make good choices 🙏

You are witnessing a bloody murder 👺 The perpetrator who is paid by you is watching We should leave barbarism behind us We don’t need to exploit and kill to live healthy Humans must and can respect life.. let animals be #StopTheKillings #StopTheViolence #LiveVegan live a good life ✌️

Take away the farmer's children too, right after they're born. Let's see how he feels about that. And how his children feel when they lie alone on the floor in a 2m² room and are force-fed a bottle by a stranger-if they are not murdered first! #Vegan #AnimalRights #DitchDairy #GoPlantbased

You tell me why this baby calf is in this wheel barrow ? SO YOU CAN DRINK THIS BABY’s MILK ? Baby calves are taken from their mothers after birth to exploit the mother slaves for #dairy This is how this awful industry works #DitchDairy TODAY #GoPlantbased NOW #LiveVegan you save lives ✌️

The agony👺 The diversity The lost species This is beyond any control We are in our self caused #massextinction And we just keep on ravaging our ocean life #StopFishing #StopEatingFish #LiveVegan avoid #extinction 🙏 Anyone who tortures and exploits animals in this way is simply an idiot and an asshole - and should have to swap places with the animal. #Vegan #AnimalRights

The sheep #dairy industry is just as horrible as any #dairy Lambs are stolen from their mothers after birth and most of them are slaughtered very young The mothers go to slaughter when their milk production drops Animal exploitation destroys animals #DitchDairy TODAY #GoPlantbased NOW

Take the head from the shoulders of the person who is playing with the tongue. #Vegan #AnimalRights #LiveeVegan

They should throw the fishermen into the sea and let them drown under water, then they'll be like the fish! What a horror! #LiveVegan stop your abuse and killings 🙏 #AnimalRights #Vegan

From the moment they are born in an industrial hatchery they are on an assembly and disassembly line 👺 They are vaccinated often debeaked or when they are males born in the #egg industry macerated or gassed to death💔 Stop participating in this torture industry #LiveVegan do no harm 🙏

Asshole!!!! #LiveVegan don’t use animals 🙏 📍#USA k9_patterdale on TikTok

Throw the Kock into boiling water and leave it in until it's done! I'm sure he'll enjoy it!!! #LiveVegan #Vegan #AnimalRights

These crabs have been suffering from the moment they were ripped away from their homes 💔 Now he is going to boil them alive or first hack their legs off👺 He is an animal abusing killer Don’t pay for this suffering #LiveVegan be kind to every kind 🙏 📍 #Italy Omar Leccesi on TikTok

Grooming might not be so harmful? 😫 The way they immobilize the poor animal by this nose twitching is pure animal cruelty 👺 Stop. Using. Animals. It always leads to cruel abuse #EndAnimalAgriculture #EndAnimalExploitation #LiveVegan if you care ✌️

Lock the two farmers in the device and do the same to them as to the animals. It's best to castrate and sterilize them right away - without anaesthetic, of course! #Vegan #AnimalRights #LiveVegan

“I wanna be a cowboy baby..” 🎶 😱 Their pistols have been changed into jabbing guns 👺 The animals are still slaves The animals are still suffering #StopTheSuffering #EndAnimalExploitation #LiveVegan and be a decent person 🙏

Meet your victims 💔 Victims of greed and gluttony 👺 Gluttony for taste pleasure There are so many delicious cruelty free foods Ir is very easy to get used to them Very rewarding too when you know you save lives of other fellow beings #LiveVegan for a better world for every kind 🙏

In the middle of the ocean 👺 Thrown overboard from a horror ‘livestock’ vessel 🤬 On every sea transport cows or sheep die in agony.. Their bodies are ruthlessly dumped in international waters #BanLiveExports #EndAnimalAgriculture #LiveVegan don’t be the reason for this 🙏

Sound on 🔊 Epe the #Netherlands vigil Animal Save Movement 50,000 souls lost their lives here that day 50,000 chickens are murdered here every day Most people know this is wrong You know this is wrong Why look away? #LiveVegan do something good ✌️

Pinch the tags in the farmer's ear and he might realize the pain he is causing the calf. Or maybe he won't notice because he's too stupid to notice - he already doesn't notice. Stupid asshole!!! #EndAnimalExploitation #EndAnimalSlavery #LiveVegan #AnimalRights

Separation of the sheep 💔 Slaughter or Slave 👺 Slaves will be slaughtered later FHarmed animals always die very young On the farm by disease or in the slaughterhouse by the knife #BanAnimalFarming #LiveVegan stop your killings 🙏

Frog Factory fHarming is as awful as any animal fHarming👺 Frogs and all other amphibians reptiles and fish are sentient Stop. Eating. And. Using. Animals. #EndAnimalExploitation #BeWise #BeVegan #BeActive ✊

The farmers should be beaten with their own sticks. What kind of idiots are they? What kind of asshole can you be? #Vegan #LiveVegan #AnimalRights

“There are always unforeseen events” ..these harmers say 👺 Animal fHarms are dangerous places for animals They live in agony and die in agony 💔 Help to abolish this abuse #EndAnimalAg #LiveVegan 🙏

Obviously this fHarmer calls himself 1HANDFARMING on TikTok Of course i feel sympathy for everyone with any kind of disability but still he is an animal abuser He raises animals to be slaughtered for meat we do not need End of story #LiveVegan live a compassionate life 🙏

The name on this ship speaks for itself 👺 The horror ship comes from Montevideo #Uruguay and is mooring in a Turkish harbor The victims will soon be disembarked and brutally murdered #BanLiveExports #LiveVegan save their and your soul ✌️

A giant 10 meters tall should kick the farmer in his prison, then he would be like the piglets. But I don't think even then he would be intelligent enough to realize the suffering he is causing the animals. #Vegan #AnimalRights #LiveVegan #AbuseFactoryFarming

Sieh dir das an … 👀 via @pinterest The queue of death. I think that people who think that torturing and killing animals is good should also stand in such a queue - and then have to suffer the fate of the animals. #Vegan #AnimalRights

Little animal abuser learning the torture trade 👺 His proud father is filming 😱 When are you going to stop participating in animal abuse? #EndAnimalExploitation #LiveVegan do no harm 🙏

That's how it should always be. Too bad the farmer can still walk. #Vegan #LiveVegan #AnimalRights

Under this video: “No worries they made it safe and sound to the slaughterhouse” 👺 Look how scared they are 💔 #StopTheKillings #EndAnimalAgriculture #LiveVegan live a fair life 🙏

A cute 😍 young #penguin 🐧 They do breed in captivity in Zoos But they should be better protected in the wild What is the point of having imprisoned penguins when they are on the brink of #extinction ? #BanZoos #StopFishing #StopPollution #StopClimateCatastrophe