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Tomb Raider Files is a Youtube Channel and social media account dedicated to share informations, showcase the artworks, fangames and releasing videos and documentaries about the franchise Tomb Raider and it's heroin Lara Croft both in English and French.
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If you want Tomb Raider to win the Playstation player choice for February it is now ^^

Rencontre entre fans français de #TombRaider hier, j'ai eu la chance de rencontrer Lara grace à julie_the_adventurer (insta) 😁 Merci aux participants pour cette belle journée et particulièrement à Arizo29 (X) et ssiuss pour l'organisation et les surprises 🥰 If you are interested to see Alicia Vikander's next movie "The Assessment" is going to be released in the US this March 21th. It also star Elizabeth Olsen. #AliciaVikander

Même si j'ai apprécié la première collection de remasters de Tomb Raider il faut le dire cette sécurité des patch qui fixent une partie des problèmes de jeu ne sauve pas l'image que j'ai de AOD. Le jeu reste truffé de bugs et tout cela par ce que Aspyr à eu les yeux plus gros que le ventre.

The remasters from Tomb Raider IV-V-VI are released. Happy raiding everyone 🥰 #tombraider #laracroft #tombraiderremastered

The Tomb Raider IV/V/VI remastered collection promo has begin again. Just one little month until the release 😉

We love to have a showcase of Lara's destinations. This time it's the treacherous island of Yamatai that get the map treatment. This art is drawed by

La nouvelle figurine PVC de Lara Croft dans le jeu Tomb Raider (2013) par Dark Horse est dispo en précommande en France Derive figurine 73€➡ Deriv store 80€➡ +d'info sur le blog ➡

Another banger by

A really cool tribute to Lara in the first episode of Tomb Raider The Legend of Lara Croft by

A thread 1/9 Did you know that Lara Croft is referenced in Disney comics? In fact, the adventurer appeared twice in two different forms and even have it's own saga started in 2005 and still published to this day. #Disney #TombRaider #LaraCroft

Merry Christmas and happy holidays for everyone.

Did you know that Lara Croft from Tomb Raider appeared in the Simpsons Comics ? Thread : 1/4 The first time was in the 49 issue in the story "Storeroom Raider". While the story has nothing to do about the videogames or the character it does have it's own cover that use both as an reference.

One of the things I liked in Tomb Raider : The Legend of Lara Croft is how the Surrey where Lara live her life is finally showed to us after 28 years and for that you can thank and it's beautiful backgrounds.

Iron Studio just unveiled a new gorgeous and huge Tomb Raider Unified Lara Croft statue. With her iconic teal and brown color scheme as well with her classic red glasses and Survivor red pickaxe, this statue is maybe giving us a look at Lara in the future. #tombraider #LaraCroft