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Storyteller with my heart in several places: Detroit, New York, Belgium, Ireland, France and the UK. English and French-speaking, with enough knowledge of Dutch and Spanish to be dangerous. Inspirations: Bombeck, Baldwin, Basquiat.
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Dear #WritingCommunity, Whenever you get upset at your typos, be happy you weren't responsible for this doozy, which remains one of my favorites... #writing #amwriting #writers

Dale Carnegie famously said “A person’s name is the sweetest sound in any language.” Dale lied. Because loved ones don't say your name to you all the time. It's usually others bothering you or wanting something. The sweetest sound to me? Loved ones laughter. #WritingCommunity #writing

Trying to explain "shade" to a hippie, I said it's basically "damning with faint praise" or the oblique insult you confirm if you address directly. Examples: "You prove that talent's more important than good looks” or "You're cooking is so creative" I think the hippie got it. #WritingCommunity

Name two teachers who inspired you to write whom you would list in your acknowledgements of your masterwork. I'll go first: Mr. Donaldson and Mr. Payne... #writing #WritingCommunity #amwriting

On this day of buying nothing, I'm reminded of a conversation with a friend I'll be seeing soon in Europe. She requested I bring her books, encouraging me to buy 2nd hand for "the environment." I had to remind her that the author earns nothing on such sales. #WritingCommunity #amwriting #writing

The most distressing thing about writing a memoir: The least problematic people in your past get barely mentioned compared to the most problematic people. Those who were utter a55holes get paragraphs, while true treasures get fewer words. #WritingCommunity #amwriting #writing

Writing Tip: That section of your writing that you're avoiding... that you want to speed over to get to what you think is more interesting: that section you're dismissing is often the most fascinating bit. Slow down & write deeply. You can always cut later. #WritingCommunity #amwriting #writing

I cannot write with music in the background, but it's essential for editing my own work. As with doing the dishes or vacuuming, it makes what would be drudgery more of a breeze. #WritingCommunity #amwriting #writing #editing

Opinion held by many #writers but unpopular to voice: When one says, "If I reach one person out there with my book, then it will have been worth it," they're full of sh*t. Because I'd be plenty peeved I spent all this time writing for one reader. Hell, my mom is "one reader." #WritingCommunity

If you had your choice of anyone to give a blurb for your book, what three people would you or dead? #writing #WritingCommunity #amwriting

The worst thing about working on a long project: Having ideas for different projects pop up before you've finished that long project...and you dare not start anything new, as it will sidetrack you from finishing what you've already started. Discipline is a muthaf*cker. #writing #WritingCommunity

I have a good friend whose mother tongue is Greek. That's the language he expresses himself best. But he speaks English to me as my Greek is non-existent. Self-expression is wonderful, but #writing is communication. Consider who your reader is. Otherwise, it's just noise. #WritingCommunity

Why I prefer to call myself a storyteller rather than a writer: Because my work is in service to the story. "Story" comes first in the title "storyteller." That's my priority. #writing #WritingCommunity #amwriting

Writing a first draft is harder than editing, just as going from being broke to making your first billion is harder than turning that billion into two. Once you've built a base, you have something to work with. Building on that base is tough, but not as hard as the start.

Don't focus on whether you feel qualified to call yourself a writer or not. Focus on the writing. Because what you produce should be more important than what you're called. Your writing will define you. #writingtips #WritingCommunity #writing #amwriting

I've warned my nieces and nephews that if they ignore me in my old age, I might end up taking up with some go-go dancer who'll end up stealing their inheritance. #writing #WritingCommunity #geezersrevenge #memoir

Beware of using placeholder names for characters. After a while, the placeholder names take root...and you end up not being able to imagine the character under a new name. #WritingCommunity #writing #amwriting #tipsforwriting

I'm better at keeping secrets as I get older. Because what was "scandalous" when I was young is often now either sad or boring. Someone having an affair? How cliché. Someone has an addiction problem? How sad. I mind my own business because other folks' business is no longer entertainment #writing

Ending 2024 with foot firmly inserted in mouth. At #writing group yesterday, I critiqued a piece, saying, "It's clear the protagonist is a douche. He drives a Tesla." Another group member said, "Hey, I drive a Tesla." "You're the exception to the rule," I stammered. #WritingCommunity #oops

Often I delay writing because a project seems so perfect in my head. I dread it falling apart once I start typing. But then a wonderful thing happens: the act of writing makes the idea flower in directions I'd never imagined. #WritingCommunity #writing

More than Mariah, Patti right here is my Christmas tradition. #blacksky