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I guess I’m going to try posting about some of the nerdy things I’m into. Transformers. Pokémon Go. Comic books. We’ll see what happens.
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I got two more shiny Pikachu today! Now I just need the one with the red visor. 🤞🏻 #PolemonGo #ShinyPokemon

Found a shiny Charcadet in the first outbreak group I checked this evening. And it had a mark, too. #PolemonViolet #ShinyPokemon

I got a shiny costume Pikachu on my way to work this morning and then got a shiny Hitmonchan while hunting for more shiny Pikachu after work. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

Got a Chill Drive shiny Genesect from the apology research today. Keep making those mistakes, Niantic! #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

I managed to get the last shiny Genesect drive I needed just before they switched this morning. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

Shinies from the Tour Pass and timed research today. #PokemonGo #SninyPokemon

I didn’t get the shiny today but I did add a Garden pattern to the perfect Vivillon collection. #PokemonGo

Got my first shadow shiny this rotation. that brings my shadow shiny total up to 42. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

A tale of tragedy and triumph. I lost a shiny Volbeat while I was running my Go Plus+ this morning. While this was happening, I was working on filling my Galar Home dex and stumbled across a shiny Unfezant in the process! #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

I’ve seen so many of my sleep friends score a shiny Paldean Wooper or Clodsire this week. I get a Croconaw instead. #PokemonSleep #ShinyPokemon

Got a shiny background Karrablast to wrap up the Community Week research (yay) and then hatched yet another shiny Vullaby (double yay). Still waiting on a shiny Sandile. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

If I had the $300, I would love to purchase the Haslab Liokaiser.

I just couldn’t seem to muster much enthusiasm for Community Day today. I casually played my account while also playing my kids’ accounts on a second device since they were unable to join me. Wound up with 14 shinies (7 of each) for me and 8 (4 of each) for each of my kids. #PokemonGo #CommunityDay

Got a tiny shiny Tynamo to close out the event. It wasn’t one of the shinies I was hoping for but I’m still grateful I got the one Nymble yesterday. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

Between a minor shiny drought and life kicking my butt lately, I haven’t had much to post about. I did get a sparkly Nymble today, though. I enjoyed the registration animation with the new Pokédex. Also got another shiny Flabébé. Would be nice to get one that isn’t yellow. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

Three shinies on the way to my son’s hockey game this morning. I must have used up all my green shiny luck before the Gigantamax Kingler battles. #PolemonGo #ShinyPokemon

Came down to the wire but Ekans decided to grace me with its shiny presence this evening. Also finished off the shiny Vanillite line with a trade today. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

Some highlights from my first 20 packs of Space-Time Smackdown. #Pokemon #PokemonTCGPocket

I lost a shiny Ekans to the Plus+ but I got two shinies while running my daily incense to make up for it. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

My kid got a shiny Dynamax Zapdos today. I had to settle for an Onix. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

Crazy shiny luck today. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

Three shinies today. Not too shabby. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

Shiny Sleepy Braviary! #PokemonSleep #ShinyPokemon

Today’s shiny green meanie. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

Two more shinies to add to the pile today. I didn’t get any yesterday because I barely had any time to play. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

Two shinies today. Nothing particularly exciting. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

I wasn’t feeling super optimistic about this Flamigo outbreak but then I wound up getting four shinies in the span of about 20 minutes! #Pokemon #ShinyPokemon #PokemonViolet

My Ho-oh highlights. I did 23 raids. I got one 98, one that could be purified to a 98, and two shinies. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon #RaidDay

And a Pepto Sneasel right before bed. Because why not? #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

A nice salmon Absol for today’s shiny. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

I got my second shiny Minccino today. I am pleased. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

That’s two very unfashionable shinies today. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

I’m very much looking forward to the Nintendo Switch 2! I love the magnetic joy-cons. Hoping that connection tab on the console isn’t fragile. Definitely a day-one purchase for me. #Nintendo #Switch2 #NintendoSwitch2

Only took three eggs. Not terrible. #PikemonGo

My Go Plus+ just caught a shiny Geodude while I was getting ready for bed! #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon #GoPlus+

Palkia raid hour was a bust for me but my son got a hundo! Afterward, I hatched my fifth shiny Pawniard (Kingambit when?!) and then caught my first shiny Mareanie. I actually got two shiny Toxapex during Go Wild Area. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

A Kirlia yesterday and a Furfrou today. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

A couple of my recent shinies outside of Go. I tried for a Silcobra and didn’t get one. I wasn’t trying for the Ekans and got one right away. I haven’t gotten a Sleep shiny in a couple months so the Wooper was a nice surprise. #PokemonViolet #PokemonSleep #ShinyPokemon

Decent day today. Got a pink Minccino from a raid that exceeded expectations. I didn’t need the other two but the sparkles were welcome. #PokemonGo #ShinyPokemon

Zero shiny Gallade from 20 raids. I did get a perfect, though, so it wasn’t a total bust. #pokemongo #MegaRaidDay

The Crabrawler was yesterday. The Numel and Tangela were today. #pokemongo #shinypokemon

Three shinies today. Two at work, one from the couch near the tail end of Spotlight Hour. #pokemongo #shinypokemon

Today’s shiny is an unexpected Durant. #pokemongo #shinypokemon

I haven’t posted in a while. Anyway, I had a great Community Day with my kids. Fifteen shinies for me, including a shundo! #pokemongo #shinypokemon #communityday

Day two of December Community Day provided me with 22 shinies. Two fewer than day one. Not sure how that Absol got in there. Also got my only shiny with a background, although I still don’t really get the background hype. #pokemongo #shinypokemon #communityday

Day one of December Community Day yielded 24 shinies. I was then surprised with a shiny Ditto shortly after. #pokemongo #shinypokemon #communityday #ditto

Today’s shinies. Both caught shortly after my eye exam. Looking forward to hunting down Sandygast tomorrow. #pokemongo #shinypokemon