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HHH and MMA fan
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In Italy you need to be *really* into buses if you want to drive one

- And the Oscar goes to Selton Mello - But Academy, Selton is not competing - Independent, brother

buongiorno cardinale

wicked concorrendo na maquiagem e a maquiagem é tipo

a fernanda torres olhando assim pro adam sandler #Oscars

I’m just excited I get to keep posting this book cover.

trump: no suit, Zelensky? disrespectful. disrespectful to the oval office. disrespectful to the american peopleee musk [enters wearing jorts]: I’m late because my dick implant was leaking

The Clown Paradox: the more negative the online review of a clown is, the funnier the clown sounds

ahh well at least he’ll spend more time with his son ❤️

conclave é psyops pros jovens se converterem ao catolicismo

hey man, I noticed all those legendaries you pulled. can you cum in my mouth

ENCYCLOPEDIA - Your mangled brain would like you to know there is a boxer called Contact Mike. YOU - Yeah? Any news on my wife's name? How about my mother? ENCYCLOPEDIA - Nope.

- a gente escuta mas não demite! - cometi fraude contábil e desviei cerca de dois milhões de reais em recursos da empresa entre os anos de 2013 e 2022

tem um joguinho de carta novo na praça muito bom pra criançada

More than Friends C.A.R.D.I.N.A.L.S

caiu o salário

YOU - I can't give up. I have to keep going, for Revachol...

Aproveitando as coisas simples da vida 🙏

There is something seductive in sandy tempests of the Middle East that enthralls the American President. A drug you swear off, only to return, needing the fix. We're going back. Even if they were the one who arranged us to go away. A puppet of time, a slave to cycle already dictated on schedule set.

INSULINDIAN PHASMID - I exist. YOU - I exist too.

at this point i believe that the dudes who come for the menswear guy are just sleeper agents whose entire lives have been orchestrated to give him dunk material

N queria ter q ensinar economia pra vcs mas todo esse caos na bolsa n tem nada a ver com china e com ia basicamente no subsolo de wallstreet existe um orangotango e ele controla os valores fictícios das moedas jogando bolas coloridas com valores dentro de um balde que todo dia é recolhido por funci

When a Chinese company I've never heard of releases some good or service that upsets Sam Altman

O Jensen Huang igual ao CEO da Intel

The remote work debate was funny because it forced the question "Is a job something valuable you do or is it a place you go to be watched like daycare" and the answer for a lot of them was yeah it's the daycare thing now come on inside recess is over

YOU - Suffering will only make me stronger. ENDURANCE - It's probably this way of thinking that got you where you are.

Who made this 🤣

PERCEPTION - A dog barks and a gunshot echoes off the walls of some distant building. A woman's voice... SHIVERS - REVACHOL FOREVER.

não estou mto inteirada no assunto de hj (e nem quero) mas isso aqui me pegou

Nazis: "that's a nazi salute" Historians: "that's a nazi salute" Average person: "that's a nazi salute" The Media: "Elon Musk makes odd gesture throwing his heart to the crowd."

Sun Tzu: when u fight a battle its usually good if u are going to win Guy with an MBA: this ancient wisdom is blowing my mind

Blue sky is awesome because a bunch of people who like to make jokes and a bunch of people who are incapable of identifying a joke are forced to share space

fucked up in the crib playing Unatro

SHIVERS - Snow falls and there is no answer. Some things are not for mortals to know.

POSTANDO AQUI o paradoxo de pinóquio 👹👀🧠🙆✨️

amazing things are happening on rednote

babe you’ve been manipulating your log for 36 days for no known purpose can you please put that down and come back to bed

Ih, rapaz! Olha quem vai entrar no BBB 25. Será que o Allan Jesus tá nessa também?

That we continue to persist at all is a testament to our faith in one another.

not kink shaming, just kink asking why