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A totally radical book club covering thought-provoking, banned literature. All you have to do is listen on literally any and all podcast platforms. Hosted by , , and
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👀 NEW EPISODE — FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28 👀 the next #TotesRadPodcast episode discusses WHITE RAGE - CHAPTER 4 you'll learn where the current presidential administration got the #Project2025 playbook end black history month more knowledgeable and much angrier at THE MAN 👮 than you were before !!

i feel like if you follow me, it's a nobrainer to also follow my podcast,

as school voucher programs reenter public discourse, it’s important to remember their segregationist origins. we cover this and other topics on, a biweekly podcast about banned books!

Currently listening to this masterwork while cookin some good old fashioned Stew & fufu

be sure to give #TotesRadPodcast a listen when you get the chance!!!

we're #TotesRadPodcast, a podcast that doubles as a virtual book club where we read, discuss, and dissect banned books. follow along as,, and explore the censored and hidden living history these books have to offer.

if y’all like what i have to say and wanna keep hearing me say it, consider leaving a tip! my content is made possible by readers like you!

idk if i have made it clear enough but i co-host podcast with and!! we release episodes every two weeks! there are now 4 episodes!

I continue to be baffled by the irrationality...where White America is more than willing to consistently not only shoot itself in the foot, but also shoot itself in the face, rather than allow a black person to get something that they don't feel like [we] deserve. -

in this episode of #TotesRadPodcast :,, and cover: segregation, Brown vs Board of Education, and the racist origins of private/charter schools

give us a listen!!

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have you considered leaving us a FIVE STAR review on Apple Podcast or Spotify? its a free way to help the podcast!

Oh boy I cannot wait to talk about media supression on #totesradpodcast Follow on

Oh we definitely on a watchlist.

i think a good tag line for us would be: "a podcast that'll get you put on a watch list" but i'm open to suggestions

this podcast's came from both & trying to find a way to educate others while also educating themselves 🧠 join gemma, sharpie, & as we cover books the current president would like banned, like "WHITE RAGE" by Carol Anderson 😜

hey all, unfortunately had a death in her immediate family yesterday and we've had to delay the release of episode 2 to FRIDAY, JANUARY 17th our apologies for this delay 😔

Episode 1 is up for Enjoy reading through Carol Anderson's "White Rage" with , and I.

if you're interested in the doomer stuff, i'm starting a book club podcast with called "TOTES RAD" its a pretty simple concept: we read books that have been banned in the united states if you're into that typa thing, you should follow for more info 😘

you can catch my black ass talking about banned books with and on a new podcast coming to all platforms next month!