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Death Industrial Noise Act - Explorer in the further regions of sound and Germanys best kept secret. EP Jamais-Vu out now on LOUDsilcene Digital https://deathindus
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If you're into unsettling and uncomfortable Literature and Art you need to check out body fluids mag. You won't be disappointed.

Amplified Death for those in need. Because in times like these, only the sharpest noise can drown out the void. My new song 'Abandon All Hope' is out now on the NOYSE Compilation by TÔLE-ACHE #deathindustrial #noisemusic

The weekend so far #bones #noise

Please help us to build a distribution network for MEANS Magazine. Do you have any suggestions?

MEANS magazine 2: Power/Privilege/Politics OUT NOW Interview with composer Siavash Amini Memoirs from the turmoil of Czech Republic A deepdive into the Ukrainian underground reviews of underground music Contemporary visual art

RIP Michelle Trachtenberg 😞

'MEANS No.2 – Power/Priviledge/Politics' is out now! Get your copy on bandcamp and get a compilation of 13 Tracks of contemporary experimental music.

Nach der Wahl ist vor der Wahl - bittet unterzeichnet diese Petition, wenn euch der Schutz von zivilgesellschaftlichem Engagement wichtig ist:

[gelöscht] 3 – Risen from the ruins, we are racing towards a ruined future.

My Project VERFÜHRERVERGELTER sounds like a downtuned Maelstrom devouring the soul of Berlin Techno and I sing about the void I leave behind. Wanna listen?

I'm now on Dailymotion

Check out the new issue of FANE Magazine for noise, burlesque and some of my osteological photography. thanks for having me in your awesome magazine 🔥💀🔥

Hi micro-labels this could be interesting for you? MEANS Mag is a new print magazine focussing on experimental music of all genres.

MEANS Mag #2 will be here soon! Share the news. Packed with raw sound, underground voices & radical art. Dive into the Ukrainian noise scene, Hex on Billionaires, Siavash Amini, and so much more. Pre-order your copy and grab some awesome music here:

MEANS Mag No.2 will comes with a compilation, the pre-order is out now. Eleven tracks of contemporary experimental music centered around the topic of Power, Priviledge and Art.

🚨MEANS Magazine No. 2 has gone to the printers🚨 The wait will be over soon. What happens when music becomes a weapon of survival? Can art curse the ultra-rich? How do we break free from music industry shackles? These and other questions about Power, Priviledge and Art will be answered.

SAVE THE DATE: February 14th 2025 FANE Issue No. 4 Featuring: Foxtrot Echo of COUM Transmissions, Hot Rat Summer, Detroit Burlesque, David Müller, Rae C., Devin Howe, Klovis Gaynor & The Urinal Cakes, Iman Essiet, Snowbeasts, JonBenét Bataille, and more! Burn Your Eyes This Valentine’s Day!

🔥MEANS Magazine returns 🔥

We are a few tracks short for a proposed compilation for vol 2. This is NOT a formal call-out, we can't offer money. BUT if you have a track (new or old), that engages with power/politics/privilege in some way get in touch! We'll include track and write about u in mag.

Here's 90 minutes of original experimentel industrial songs about homesickness including my Séraphitüs-Seraphîta, Schwaqrzer Tag and VERFÜHRERVERGELTER Thx DJ Dog versus Shadows for having me again. #industurialmusic #experimentalmusic #mixcloud #drone

🔥Uboa is a Band now 🔥

A new VERFÜHRERVERGELTER Song will be played on motif#13 tonight 9pm UK-time. tune in for a 2hours of great contemporary experimental music.

Wow! 🤩 Berlin! 💚 100.000 gegen Rechts! 💪 #Lichtermeer 🕯️

Der Artikel zeigt auch mit Einzelinterviews: die Demonstration ging quer durch die Gesellschaft. Und das machen wir immer wieder, solange es leider nötig ist. Toller Nebeneffekt: Im #lichtermeer spürt man, dass man nicht allein ist.

I would have needed 158.771 streams on spotify to make the same amount of money I made on bandcamp. As a member of the 0 monthly listeners club I value bandcamp even more now.

The future starts at an arms length and I hate it. Thre are no excuses left to not do what you want to do now. We all are back to No Future

My song 'Penultimate Steps' is a teaser for my upcoming full length. Listen to the full version on LSDs bandcamp and grab the Compilation. It's 117 entries strong and full of great music. #DeathIndustrial #experimentalmusic #darkambient #noisemusic

Zeit für: AfD-Verbot.

Wer war das?

I will be in Italy between 10th-20th of March. So if you're playing a local show in Naples, Rome, Bologna, Florence or Milan please let me know! Also any other suggestions for noise shows are welcome 👍

I'm looking for Labels with a focus on Death Industrial, Dark Ambient and Noise who sell distro items. I have some copies of my first tape left and would like to distibute it. Does anyone of you have recommendations or suggestions? #DeathIndustrial #experimentalmusic #distro #noise

Probably not the movie we need to see, but I'msure it's a movie many want to see right now. Please show some love for this project.

Die Polizei hat einen Linken-Politiker in #Riesa bewusstlos geschlagen. Der Landtagsabgeordnete war als Parlamentarischer Beobachter deutlich zu erkennen. #rie1101 Ich wünsche Nam Duy Nguyen gute Besserung!

Erste Reaktion unseres Eskalationsbeauftragten: trotz bedauerlicher Panne auf der Hauptroute direkt vor dem Parteitagsgelände erstmal Spontandemo angemeldet gegen 9 h Polizeiwillkür. Mitten auf der Protokollstrecke. AfDler müssen jetzt durch die Innenstadt von Riesa – zu Fuß oder mit Polizeibussen.

I had the pleasure to help out with Cover Artwork for the Exposed Bones Literature Magazine Vol.II Right now, they need your support to make Vol.II come true. If you're a fan of creepy unsettling horror, this is the right Magazine for you. #Horror #zines

Today at 7pm UK time my new song 'Parallel Departures' will open motif#12 on grey caly radio next to such great artists like Séraphitüs-Séraphîta, Schwarzer Tag and Spukkopf. Tune in and discover. #experimentalmusic #deathindustrial #noisemusic #radio

My song 'Eros Ion' is played on MOSSY 02JAN25 at greyclayradio right now

New Noise Incoming


It's finally here! Check out my new album on Bandcamp. Unlimited free plays, and it's on its way to streaming services. This is a story of humans and aliens finding common ground on the one thing that unites us all: gettin' high.