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We go on immersive adventures in the virtual skies. We are flightless nerds! #falconbms #dcs #f16 #fightsimulation Be sure to check out our Vigilante Flight series!
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We pushed to the target...and lead said just keep sight... #dosgringos #2isblind #1980s #coldwarhot #ww3 #falconbms #falcon #falcon4 #microprose

Losing does not feel suitable for a reason. When we lose, we focus on what we did wrong. Direct the loss inwards and reflect on our ability, training, and experience. Then, we work harder to avoid repeating that feeling. #FalconBMS #Flightsim #BMS #CombatFlightSim #F-16 #Viper #Falcon5 #win

I'd like to see some footage of leg infantry in contact with another infantry unit! I really hope it gets that in-depth. Especially in later war scenarios when it turns into WW1 with Jets and Pershings.

IL-2 Korea shows off improved ground unit assets One of the long running complaints about ground units in the IL-2 Sturmovik Great Battles Series were infantry or the general lack thereof. This time around, the developers have created new infantry units that will be part of the ground battles…

Drugs really would have been cheaper. #dcs #bms #meme #falconbms #falcon4 #simpit #flightsim #flightsimulator

"Per my last email..." #russia #usa #f15 #migssuck #dcs #bms #falconbms #shitpost

I liked it better when we worked to get better at smoking Soviets...we used to be a country. #russia #usa #f15 #migssuck #dcs #bms #falconbms #shitpost

We just flew a mission over Korea and I shot down two MiG-23s and smoked a FAN Song so my buddies could work over the SAM site with GBU-39s in relative safety. The inspiration? Ridding the free virtual world of virtual communism. The Routes and activities are classified.

Everyone. Quit your bitching. Our country has survived the most tragic and world rattling events. We survived Nazis, Communists, Civil War, Famine, and plagues. If we can't survive an orange faced bafoon and fail, we deserve everything that happens. The sky is not falling. Stop. Get help.

Can't wait to take it up!

Drugs really would have been cheaper. #dcs #bms #meme #falconbms #falcon4 #simpit #flightsim #flightsimulator

I suppose this is accurate... Also I hear it turns the friggen Frogfoots gay. #dcs #f16 #shitpost #falconbms #mynameisjeff #jf17 #fake

"Per my last email..." #russia #usa #f15 #migssuck #dcs #bms #falconbms #shitpost

I liked it better when we worked to get better at smoking Soviets...we used to be a country. #russia #usa #f15 #migssuck #dcs #bms #falconbms #shitpost

After a nice relaxing weekend, walking through miles of melting snow, I am ready. Ready to get back into the virtual skies and splash some MiGs! #falconbms #dcs #dcsworld #falcon #falcon4 #eagledynamics #bms #microprose

i wrote about video games and addiction

The producer of DCS World detailed the progress made on the dynamic campaign and answered more burning questions about Eagle Dynamics' plans for the future.👀🎮

Team Fusion Fortresses and Focke-Wulfs update with Scharnhorst, VR, and other dev details We've got some new info and a couple of work in progress images coming from Team Fusion Simulations February update. The team are talking about the Scharnhorst, a new status update on how VR is doing, and…

I made the genuinely stupid mistake of thinking that following a bunch of former, current and pretend fighter pilots...would mean I would see more fighter plane stuff. I don't. I just see grown ups acting like petulant little kids. Quit. Being. So. Fucking. Boring.

I don't give a fiddlers fuck what anyone thinks...That shit right there makes my dick hard. Sandys are back boys and girls! The world is healing. #aircombat #cas #sandy #skyraiders #skyraider #attack #csar #america

That aesthetic tho... #f16 #f-16 #viper #a10 #a-10 #falcon #falcon4 #Falcon5 #falconbms

Fuck it...Fox Thre...err...Four? Is this a Fox 4? It needs to be a Fox 4. I'm calling it Fox 4.

Fox one! When you got nothing left!

#North American #P-51D Mustang, #Private (D-FBBD) by Richard Parkhouse (#Duxford) #Warbirds (WW2 and before) #aviation #photography #avgeeks

Such a beautiful plane.

Classic scene from Switzerland. An F-5E crosses a busy road while taxiing to the Turtmann mountain cavern after a mission in 2003. This reserve base closed later that year. Read image alt for more info. #avgeek #aviationphotography #militaryaviation #swissairforce #switzerland #turtmann #f5tiger

Some great USAF F-15C Eagle shots by shared on our forum. #aviation #photography #aviationphotography

Its true folks. Ever since I switched my personality to Combat Flight Simulations, I have not been boring. Not even once. #flightsimulation #flightsimulator #flightsim #callsign #DCS #DCSWorld #BMS #FalconBMS #combatflightsim #militaryaviation #gamernerd #gamer #nopolitics

Reposting will continue until morale improves. Post your favorite flight sim moments! I want feeds filled with virtual combat aviation! #flightsimulation #flightsimulator #flightsim #callsign #DCS #DCSWorld #BMS #FalconBMS #combatflightsim #militaryaviation #gamernerd #gamer #nopolitics

Y'all, I am just trying to fill my feed with wholesome content centered around combat aviation, gamers, Fighter pilot LARPers, wannabes, and other misanthropes. #flightsimulation #flightsimulator #flightsim #callsign #DCS #DCSWorld #BMS #FalconBMS #combatflightsim #militaryaviation #gamernerd #gamer

"Their suicidal bravery made us feel bad for them, So on Tuesdays, it was heaters only - Wednesday B-F-M!" #dogfight #aircombat #flightsimulation #falconBMS #coop #online #multiplayer #wargame #milsim #simulation #BMS #falcon4 #falcon5

#Bluesky what is your Virtual Callsign?!? "Trout" is not my first and probably won't be my last callsign. I have been: "Ripper" "Patton" Kept that 1 the longest) "Impulse" (Still very applicable) #callsign #dcsworld #dcs #bms #falconbms

#ResistanceRoots #Voices4Victory #BlackHistoryMonth Today in history, 1979: Frank Peterson becomes the first African American general in the Marine Corps. Told when he enlisted that he’d make a great steward, Peterson vowed to become a combat pilot and entered the Naval Aviation Cadet Program. /1