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Professor, Aalborg University - interested in networked learning and emerging technologies. Director of Institute for Advanced Study in PBL ( […] [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
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@Louise_Bech godt at se dig her, Louise! En måde at få indhold i sin strøm på, er at følge hashtags som #dkpol #dkmedier #skolechat #dkklima m.fl. En anden måde er at se hvem andre følger og så følge dem der ser interessante ud. Og så er det snart selv at dele ting, så folk begynder at følge dig […]

Danish travel company Albatros ends all travel to the US. Chairman Rasmussen: "We sincerely love the US and its people, and look forward to returning once the US elects a leadership of decency, respect and responsibility. […] When Trump explains his […] [Original post on]

"The Battle of Signs" in our building reaches new heights. What do we call such signs - "Mocku-signs", "Protest-signs", "Passive-aggressives". Interesting counter-action :)

I so wanna touch

I turned 46. 46 in Pokemon level that is. Maybe I should bring cake to work on Monday - also as a compensation for me not celebrating/disclosing my birthday and thus not bringing cake or the like :)

This New Open-Source Alternative to Google Docs and Notion Is Backed by France and Germany Docs is an web-based collaborative text editor that is the result of a joint effort led by the French 🇫🇷🥖 (DINUM) and German 🇩🇪🥨 governments (ZenDiS). It's a good alternative to popular services […]

Øv. Datter havde skræmmende oplevelse i dag. Hun havde lige krydset en vej i et T-kryds. Kort efter kommer bil kørende med høj hastighed, svinger til venstre. Kører ind over fortov og ødelægger sidespejlet på vejskilt. Bakker i hast væk og kører videre. Havde det været ti-femten sekunder […]

Eftersom jeg er cyklet hjem i stiv modvind, synes jeg på en eller anden måde, jeg har været med til at betale for den lave el-pris :)

Found an enjoyable co-op game in the PlayStation Plus store. Untitled Goose Game "Players control a goose who bothers the inhabitants of an English village. Players must use the goose's abilities to manipulate objects and non-player characters to complete objectives" Quite fun playing it […]

En lille tråd med danske forskere, der pt er aktive i fediverset. Jeg siger ikke så meget, sætter bare gode kolleger, så man kan finde dem og de måske hinanden. #dkfedi.

In 2019, Iceland became one of the first countries to approve a four-day workweek. Here's how things have been going for them. 2021: "Trials of a four-day week in Iceland were an "overwhelming success"" 2024: "Iceland’s economy is outperforming most […]

Microsoft Stream tillader ikke længere at lave kanaler med videoer. Kunne et gymnasium hoste sin egen Peertube-instans til undervisningsvideoer og fx en Booktok kanal for elever? Man kunne kræve at brugere har en skolemail for at lave en bruger. Ville det være en overtrædelse af GDPR? #skolechat

"Engageret, alsidig og dygtig leder søges til Landsforeningen Praktisk Økologi" #miljø #dkklima #dkpol

Hello! I have decided to start sharing my visual art here on mastodon. when u are multiartist, u sometimes try to be "one thing" but thats not the truth. i am doing music, art, and all kinds of stuff! and i want to have the option to share it with u here […] [Original post on]

Jamen Godmorgen til dig også, kære forår. #Vinter #sne #aalborg

The #Tesla #Cybertruck is illegal in the UK, and probably will be in the EU. Why? It's extremely dangerous for pedestrians, which is not a concern in modern-day America, and even a selling point […]

Frustrating! Just wanted to quickly jump in a and play a little Diablo 4 on the first 15-20 minutes to update before I can play....

Let’s summaries what Trump has done so far… Against Ukraine: — Halted all weapons aid — Stopped support for rebuilding Ukrainian infrastructure — Stopped intelligence sharing — Preparing to remove refugee status in the US of 240,000 Ukrainian refugees — […] [Original post on]

3F Nordsjælland Øst holder et 8.Marts arrangement. Det ser rigtig spændende ud, men undrer mig lidt over at se Lizette Risgaard er én af talerne...

A colleague is part of an interesting project on Student-centered learning for Environmental Sustainability. So I went to look at the webpage: I find the 'green background moving with the mouse' extremely annoying and distracting. I tried to copy a bit of the text to paste […]

Hvor sikker er du på nettet? Test din browser, og find ud af om den har et unikt fingeraftryk som kan identificere dig:

Mit indlæg i dagens Politiken: Staten kræver, at du støtter amerikanske techgiganter Vi kan ikke lade vores kritiske sociale infrastruktur være afhængig af virksomheder, som er klar til at afmontere det retsbaserede nationale og internationale samfund. #teknologiforståelse

Is there something that someone out here needs help judging or reviewing? Specifically I have expertise in building software and software teams that have a public interest angle. I also do research on AI ethics and bias in the non-Western context (how LLMs work in Asian and global south […]

#GoodWords “What radicalized you? Nothing. Not wanting people to starve and suffer is not radical, it’s normal. Stop saying it’s radical to be base level empathetic, and start asking what made people into sadists. Call out sick behavior, because I’m tired of people thinking kindness shouldn’t […]

Fixed it for you NYT

Der kommer en hel del nye folk til Mastodon i disse dag, jeg formoder folk på flugt fra US media platforms som leder efter noget bedre. Tag godt imod de nye, følg dem og få dem til at føle sig velkomne! 🙂

I will literally only ever drive to a #Tesla charger if there is no other marginally useful charger in range of my EV. There are always other chargers in range. I have not driven to a Tesla charger yet. We have dropped his car sales like a brick. We can do the same with his Nazi Chargers […]

Har I prøvet at skifte gmail ud med noget andet? Jeg synes det er temmelig uoverskueligt, kontoen bliver brugt som login på ca 1000 andre services. Jeg har oprettet en ny mailkonto på tutanota, der følger 1Gb plads med i gratisløsningen, og for 3€ om måneden kan man opgradere til 20Gb plads og […]

Her til morgen spurgte Information om jeg er interesseret i at skrive en kronik om fødiverset. Det er jeg ikke. Jeg har ikke helbred eller fokus til at seriøst blande mig i den offentlige debat. Men hvis der er nogen andre, der ser et smuthul her, hedder journalisten Karla Rosalina Kampmann […]

I was today years old when I learned that Bluey is a girl....always assumed Bluey was a boy. Glad to have that assumption challenged and a reminder how strong assumptions can work

I keep thinking of this quote from the Great Gatsby: “They were careless people, Tom and Daisy- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”

Budget airline Norwegian wins this week on social media. The deliberately misspelled text says; "When Califørnia becomes a Danish state, we will open a domestic route to Los Angeles."

Bringing this highly requested feature to #Mastodon and the fediverse is not as trivial as some might think, but quote posts are coming. Here is our latest write-up about our progress:

Let's play a game. Don't say PowerPoint presentation, say slidedeck Don't say Word, say text document Don't say Photoshop, say image editing Don't say Excel, say spreadsheet Don't say... Language is important. When corporate companies own the names of the tasks or the digital items you create […]

Det her er virkelig (alt for) præcist!

The Internet is mostly shit these days, but every once in a great while I stumble across an incredible, passion-project website. This one is hand-animated weird art and it is worth your time as a fun decompressing thing in between your doomscrolling sessions. I don't […]

#Tesla year-over-year sales for January around the world: UK: -18% Portugal: -31% Norway: -40% Denmark: -41% Netherlands: -43% Sweden: -46% Germany: -60% France: -63% Spain: -75% Good. Good.

Kan se på LinkeSkinke, at kulturministeren får roser for sit friske svar til Pia Kjærsgaard. Jeg synes også, det er sjovt og friskt, men jeg synes også, det bare sender aben videre. Synes svaret skulle være noget a la. "Det er ikke mit job som minister […] [Original post on]

Oh no. NIH is reportedly capping the "overhead" paid on research grants to 15% of direct costs, which would represent a 60-80% reduction for most grant recipients. I'd expect NSF and other funding agencies may likely follow suit. Why is this bad? Overhead on grants is what funds most of the […]