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NEW VIDEO! Lets talk Echo's and explain how they work? Did you know echoes have a pity system? Give me a like/ DIslike or comment on what to do next or how to improve thanks! #WutheringWaves #Youtube #Tutorial

Is Roccia a Must Pull? Lets discuss. #Roccia #WutheringWaves #Gacha #Youtube

Now Live with more #DragonAge 2, making my way through the game to see what this franchise is about! Would love you to join me! #Live #Stream #PNGTuber #LGBTQ+


New video with a friend of mine talking Powercreep‬ go and give it a watch? Thanks #Youtube #Discussion #Youtube #Gacha #WutheringWaves #PowerCreep

My first 30/30!!! #WutheringWaves

Just posted my first tutorial video for #WutheringWaves would love it if you watched it.

Live with #WutheringWaves . We finished The main story now were gonna be tackling Carlotta's story, exploration and maybe some more Holograms. Would be awesome if you came and said Hi! 🔴 >> << 🔴 #Live #Streamer #Twitch #WutheringWaves

Carlotta makes the game so easy #Carlotta #WesternCC #WutheringWaves #Live

WE finished Dragon Age Origins last night and Already?! going on to DA2?! sorry cant wait! care to join me as we start Hawk's Journey?! =D 🔴 >> << 🔴

Hey all I have a question! I started playing, DAO recently and made it to about... 41 hours in? that said I think I have experienced enough real time with pause combat to ask this question and Im really not trying to start anything just legit curiosity.

Morning all! whats your guyses plans for the week? =)

Night all see ya tomorrow

Hello and goodmorning all! any plans today on this beautiful sunday?! I have D&D later but for now im live with some more DragonAge (Im addicted) come hang out with me if you have nothing better to do! 🔴 >> << 🔴 #Twitch #Streamer #DragonAge

Can’t sleep, how do you guys usually get to sleep when you need to?

Stream done! thank you so much for everyone who popped by! It was a blast and you guys made it even more so. =)

Going live with some more Dragon Age: Origins! Would love it if you said hello! =D 🔴 >> << 🔴 #Twitch #Streamer #DragonAge

So just finished the fade segment in Dragon Age origins… That crap almost made me quit the game…

What’s everyone’s going to bed ritual? Mine is anime, prayer and a nice warm glass of tea… the liquid kind not the gossip kind LOL

So just started playing #DragonAge origins after being nagged for LITERAL years to play it and Im addicted, send Halp.