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Amateur historian, page for all things Tudor and 16th century. Lover of Comic Cons and dog mum to two very demanding staffies 🐶🐶
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#TudorTuesday Comb case and lid 1400-1500 Italy Moulded leather, tooled, carved and stamped #CombCase #CombCaseandLid #MouldedLeather #StitchedLeather #Italy #History

#OTD 4th March 1584 Bernard Gilpin, reformer and preacher, died in Durham. The theologian was known as the “Apostle of the North” because he toured Northern England preaching as he went. #BernardGilpin #ApostleoftheNorth #Tudors #History

#OTD 4th March 1526 Henry Carey, 1st Baron Hunsdon, courtier and administrator, was born. #HenryCarey #BaronHunsdon #Courtier #WilliamCarey #MaryBoleyn #Carey #Boleyn #Tudors #History

#OTD 3rd March 1528 The marriage took place between Margaret Tudor, dowager Queen of Scotland & her 3rd husband, Henry Stewart, 1st Lord Methven. #MargaretTudor #HenryStewart #LordMethven #Stewarts #Scotland #History

#OTD 3rd March 1500 Cardinal Reginald Pole was born at Stourton Castle, Staffordshire, to Sir Richard Pole and his wife, Margaret Plantagenet, Countess of Salisbury. Reginald was his cousin, Queen Mary I's Archbishop of Canterbury. #ReginaldPole #CardinalPole #Tudors #History

#OTD 3rd March 1551 Thomas Wentworth, 1st Baron Wentworth, Lord Chamberlain during the reign of King Edward VI died. #ThomasWentworth #BaronWentworth #LordChancellor #Juror #Tudors #History

#OTD 2nd March 1545 Sir Thomas Bodley, founder of The Bodleian Library was born in Exeter. The scholar and diplomat was educated at Magdalen College, Oxford. He served Queen Elizabeth I as a Gentleman Usher. #SirThomasBrodley #GentlemanUsher #BodleianLibrary #Tudors #History

#OTD 2nd March 1619 Anne of Denmark, wife of King James VI of Scotland (King James I of England) died of dropsy and consumption at Hampton Court Palace. #AnneofDenmark #QueenofScotland #QueenofEngland #Stuarts #Denmark #Scotland #England #History

#OTD 1st March 1602 Herbert Westfaling, Bishop of Hereford, died at Hereford. #HerbertWestfaling #BishopofHereford #ViceChancellorUniversityofOxford #Tudors #History

#OTD 1st March 1577 Richard Weston, 1st Earl of Portland was born at Roxwell, Essex, to Sir Jerome Weston & his wife, Mary Cave.… #RichardWeston #EarlofPortland #MemberofParliament #ChancelloroftheExchequer #Tudors #Stuarts #History

#OTD 1st March 1562 The Massacre of Wassy (also known as The Massacre of Vassy) took place. #MassacreofWassy #MassacreofVassy #Huguenots #FrancisofGuise #DukeofGuise #France #History

Jean Servin was a French composer living as a refugee in Geneva. He set Scottish scholar George Buchanan's psalm paraphrases to music. #Music #PsalmParaphrases #GeorgeBuchanan #JeanServin #KingJamesVIofScotland #Stewarts #Scotland #History

Hello Auld Reekie It’s been a while……🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 #Edinburgh #EdinburghCastle #AuldReekie #Scotland #History

#OTD 28th February 1533 Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, French philosopher and author was born at the Château de Montaigne, Guyenne, France #MichelEyquemdeMontaigne #Philosopher #Author #France #History

#OTD 28th February 1551 Martin Bucer, Theologian and Protestant reformer died in Cambridge. He was buried in Great St Mary’s church and his funeral was attended by 3,000 people. #MartinBucer #Reformer #German #Theologian #Cambridge #MartinLuther #KingEdwardVI #Tudors #History

#OTD 28th February 1556 Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester was buried in a Chantry tomb in Winchester Cathedral. He had died on 12th November 1555. #StephenGardiner #BishopofWinchester #LordChancellor #Tudors #History

#OTD 28th February 1518 François, the son of King François I of France and his wife, Claude, Duchess of Brittany was born at the Château d'Amboise. #François #DauphinofFrance #DukeofBrittany #ValoisAngoulême #France #History

#ThrowbackThursday Portrait of the Artist’s Family Sofonisba Anguissola 1558-1559 #Portrait #FamilyPortrait #ArtistsFamily #AmilcareAnguissola #MinervaAnguissola #AsdrubaleAnguissola #SofonisbaAnguissola #Painting #Art #Italy #History

#OTD 27th February 1594 King Henri III of Navarre was crowned King of France at Chartres Cathedral to become King Henri IV of France. #KingHenriIIIofNavarre #KingHenriIVofFrance #KingofNavarre #KingofFrance #Bourbon #France #History

#OTD 27th February 1545 The Battle of Ancrum Moor took place near Jedburgh. English forces were defeated: 800 English soldiers were killed & another 100 were taken prisoner. #BattleofAncrumMoor #Scotland #England #Stewarts #Tudors #MaryQueenofScots #KingHenryVIII #History

#OTD 26th February 1564 Christopher Marlowe, poet and playwright was baptised at St George’s Canterbury. He was the son of John Marlowe and his wife, Katherine Arthur. #ChristopherMarlowe #KitMarlowe #Poet #Playwright #Tudors #History

#OTD 26th February 1548 George Carey, 2nd Baron Hunsdon, courtier, was born. The eldest son of Henry Carey, 1st Baron Hunsdon, and his wife, Anne Morgan, George was the grandson of Mary Boleyn. #GeorgeCarey #BaronHunsdon #Tudors #History

#TudorTuesday Queen Elizabeth I English School c.1580-1603 This is a contemporary portrait showing Queen Elizabeth I towards the end of her life. #Painting #Portrait #QueenElizabethI #ElizabethI #OrderoftheGarter #Tudors #History

#OTD 25th February 1570 Excommunication of Queen Elizabeth I by Pope Pius V. #PopePiusV #QueenElizabethI #ElizabethI #excommunication #Tudors #History

#OTD 25th February 1601 Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex was executed at Liberties of the Tower, within the precinct of The Tower of London. #RobertDevereux #EarlofEssex #QueenElizabethI #Tudors #History

#OTD 24th February 1500 Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor was born to Philip, Duke of Burgundy and Archduke of Austria, and his wife, Juana of Castile, in Ghent.… #CharlesV #KingofSpain #HolyRomanEmperor #DukeofBurgundy #Hapsburg #Spain #History

#OTD 24th February 1582 Pope Gregory XIII commissioned a new style of calendar which was named The Gregorian Calendar in his honour. #GregoryXIII #PopeGregoryXIII #GregorianCalendar #16thCentury #Italy #History

#OTD 24th February 1603 Katherine Carey, Countess of Nottingham, died at Arundel House. She was the eldest daughter of Henry Carey, 1st Baron Hunsdon and his wife, Anne Morgan. #KatherineCarey #CountessofNottingham #QueenElizabethI #Tudor #History

#OTD 23rd February 1525 Start of the Battle of Pavia during the Italian Wars of 1521-1526. The Imperial troops of Emperor Charles V defeated those of King François I of France. #BattleofPavia #EmperorCharles #KingFrancoisI #Spain #France #ItalianWars #Hapsburg #Valois #History

#OTD 23rd February 1503 The burial took place of Elizabeth of York at Westminster Abbey. #ElizabethofYork #QueenElizabeth #HouseofYork #WhiteRose #Yorkist #KingHenryVII #Tudors #History

#OTD 22nd February 1540 Mary of Guise, wife of King James V of Scotland was crowned in Holyrood Abbey. #MaryofGuise #MariedeGuise #KingJamesV #QueenofScotland #KingofScotland #Guise #Stewart #Coronation #HolyroodAbbey #Edinburgh #Scotland #History

#OTD 21st February 1590 Ambrose Dudley, 3rd Earl of Warwick, Master of the Ordnance and Privy Councillor, died at Bedford House on the Strand. #AmbroseDudley #EarlofWarwick #MasteroftheOrdnance #PrivyCouncillor #Tudors #History

#OTD 21st February 1568 Katherine Grey, Countess of Hertford was buried at Yoxford. Years later, Katherine’s grandson had her remains re-interred in the Seymour family tomb at Salisbury Cathedral. #KatherineGrey #CountessofHertford #QueenElizabethI #Tudors #History

#ThrowbackThursday Bottle for Rose Water 1553-1554 London Gilded silver On display at the V & A Museum, London. Photo © The Tudor Age #Bottle #RoseWater #BottleForRoseWater #GildedSilver #London #Tudors #History

#OTD 20th February 1516 Mary Tudor, daughter of King Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon was baptised in the Church of the Observant Friars at Greenwich. #MaryTudor #KingHenryVIII #KatherineofAragon #Tudors #History

#OTD 20th February 1547 Nine year old King Edward VI (son of King Henry VIII and Jane Seymour) was crowned at Westminster Abbey. #EdwardVI #KingEdwardVI #BoyKing #YoungKing #Coronation #Tudors #History

#OTD 20th February 1552 Anne Parr, Countess of Pembroke and sister of Katherine Parr died at Baynard’s Castle. #AnneParr #CountessofPembroke #KatherineParr #JaneSeymour #CatherineHoward #MaryTudor #LadyinWaiting #Tudors #History

#OTD 19th February 1594 Henry Stuart, son of King James VI of Scotland & his wife, Anne of Denmark was born at Stirling Castle. #HenryStuart #PrinceofWales #KingJamesVIofScotland #KingJamesIofEngland #AnneofDenmark #Stuarts #Scotland #England #History

#OTD 19th February 1567 Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox, who was imprisoned in The Tower of London was informed of the murder of her son, Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley #MargaretDouglas #CountessofLennox #HenryStuartLordDarnley #Tudors #History

#TudorTuesday Tapestry with Armorial Bearings and Badges of John Dynham, 1st Baron Dynham South Netherlandish ca. 1488–1501 #Tapestry #ArmorialBearingsandBadges #JohnDynham #BaronDynham #LordHighTreasurerofEngland #LordChancellorofIreland #Tudors #History

#OTD 18th February 1564 Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni known to many as Michelangelo died in Rome. #Michelangelo #MichelangelodiLodovicoBuonarrotiSimoni #Artist #HighRenaissance #SistineChapel #Caprese #Florence #Italy #History

#OTD 18th February 1516 Mary Tudor (the future Queen Mary I) was born at the Palace of Placentia in Greenwich. #MaryTudor #QueenMaryI #QueenofEngland #KingHenryVIII #KatherineofAragon #Tudors #History

#OTD 18th February 1503 Henry Tudor (the future King Henry VIII) was created Prince of Wales. #HenryTudor #HenryPrinceofWales #PrinceofWales #KingHenryVII #KjngHenryVIII #Tudors #History

#OTD 18th February 1563 François de Lorraine, Duke of Guise, was wounded by Huguenot assassin, Jean de Poltrot. He died six days later. #FrançoisdeLorraine #DukeofGuise #Guise #France #History

#OTD 17th February 1547 Edward Seymour, uncle of King Edward VI, was made Duke of Somerset. #EdwardSeymour #LordHertford #DukeofSomerset #JaneSeymour #KingHenryVIII #KingEdwardVI #LordProtector #Tudors #History

#OTD 17th February 1557 Henry Radcliffe, 2nd Earl of Sussex, died at Cannon Row, Westminster. He was buried firstly at St Laurence Pountney and then moved to Boreham in Essex. #HenryRadcliffe #EarlofSussex #Tudors #History

#OTD 17th February 1598 Boris Godunov was elected Tsar of Russia by the Zemsky Sobor (national assembly), after the death of Tsar Feodor I. He was crowned 1st September 1598. #BorisGodunov #TsarBorisGodunov #TsarofRussia #Russia #Godunov #EuropeanHistory #History

#OTD 16th February 1497 Philip Melanchthon (also known as Philipp Schwartzerdt), German reformer and scholar, was born to Georg Schwarzerdt and his wife, Barbara Reuter at Bretten, near Karlsruhe. #PhilippMelancthon #German #Reformer #Scholar #Reformation #History

#OTD 16th February 1560 Jean du Bellay, Bishop of Paris and diplomat died in Rome. He was buried in the church of Trinità dei Monti. #JeanduBellay #BishopofParis #Bishop #Diplomat #France #History

#OTD 16th February 1547 King Henry VIII was laid to rest at St George’s Chapel, Windsor, next to the remains of his third wife, Jane Seymour. #KingHenryVIII #StGeorgesChapel #WindsorCastle #Tudors #History