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hen/hen 🇳🇴 they/them 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Sámás munnje <3 Arbeider for revitalisering av norsk kultur og språk i Norsk-Amerika. Alltid 15 minutt forseinka. Your friendly, neighbourhood unhinged foreigner. Still trying to find my Shabbat shalom.
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Ger an Jydh/Word of the Day Meskla - gather mussels Mesklen - a mussel Meskel - mussels Da yw genev meskla war'n treth - I like to gather mussels on the beach #Kernewek #Cornish

You know if some nice country wanted to open a computational psycholinguistics center and hire me and all my friends…

This pathetic drivel reads a bit like a small, dying animal, thrashing about in the leaf litter of a doomed forest, except instead of being moved to empathy and deep sorrow, I find I am moved to derision and contempt.

Kay, cool, are you going to do anything other than bleat helplessly on the internet about it?

Kevren mars yw kas genes Farage

Share if you hate Farage

Dette er ekstra patetisk og heilt misforstĂĽtt. Ingen styresmakter i USA eller noko anna land har noko ĂĽ seia om kva internasjonale havomrĂĽde heiter pĂĽ norsk.

My a veu medhow, nyhewer.

Early morning love poem.

Lihkku sámi álbmotbeivviin 💓

Fun one from today that nobody seems to be clocking amidst all the more substantive chaos. The White House comms department is now declaring that Trump can now "sign [an] executive order into law" without a bill passing Congress. Have never seen this language from a prior White House.

I think tomorrow is going to be a particularly lonely SĂĄmi National Day for me. (I know it's already the 6th back home, I'm writing this from an emerging fascist hellscape, which is several hours behind SĂĄpmi)

Det var hvite kristne amerikanere som var grunnen til at Trump vant valget, ikke en eller annen minoritet du ikke liker.

Raave er sørsamisk for Ragunda. Kun 6 kommunar i Norrland (utanom Gävleborg) som eg ikkje har funne noko samisk namn pü!

Elev i 2055: "Menneh, hvorfor var alle egentlig sĂĽ opptatt av, eh..., "woke", mens fascismen vokste ukontrollert?"

Boycotts are supposed to be targeted economic strikes anyway, not just any company that has ever wronged people in a given way, which is the vast majority of them. Stick to the published lists from reputable outfits, like BDS or the unions and don't worry about those impossibly long lists.

We explained last week that probationary employees, with scant federal protections, were first in line for mass firings.

På grunn av det som skjer i Amerika, ser eg at mange no går imot bruken av «hen» på sosiale medium. Men det er jo ikkje synleg på kroppen din at du heiter Bobby – likevel forventar du at folk bruker namnet ditt. Kvifor kan du ikkje vise den same respekten for pronomen?

*brenner institutt som har masse forskning og kunnskap om kjønn* "Transpersoner er nytt og farlig!" *Lar aids bevisst drepe masse skeive folk* "Transpersoner er nytt og farlig!" *Utsletter transpersoner ved hjelp av byrükratisk vold* "Transpersoner? Aaaldri hørt om! Mü vÌre noe nytt og smittsomt!"

My fellow Canadians! Did you know our trans friends in the US can't seek asylum in Canada despite their lives being in danger in their home country right now? Welp there is a petition you can sign to help change that!

Hei, laget facebook-event om pride-toget jeg organiserer på fredag 7 februar. Trondhjemmere som føler at det er for lite demonstrasjoner mot Trump i Norge: møt opp! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️⚧️

He also very directly and specifically blamed disabled people. And I am absolutely begging y’all to call it out and not leave us out of your activism. He literally named us. Why aren’t we on your list of at-risk groups?

A gross affront to the concept of democracy.

I have attended a lot of meetings and trainings about antisemitism in the last many months (and, like, my whole life). This thread features the kind of dot-connecting that leads me to lean on The Nexus Project for clear, reasoned, helpful information and advocacy. Follow them.

This would mostly be a way to harm students with disabilities. They added the "a" to "deia" for a reason.

The eternal cycle: 1) open new post, type out post 2) realise post is dumb, delete typing, close window 3) open new post, type out post 4) realise post is dumb.....

I continue to add to this list. I also have removed training info that is now outdated.

So we have had no hull loss airliner crashes in America from 2009 until yesterday. But DEI was the cause of the crash yesterday??? Based on that logic, I guess DEI was responsible for the safest period of civil aviation in US history.

Gulf of Mexico

The email we just got from the superintendent of the Seattle School District was pretty clear that they will not be following either the immigration or trans student EOs. Proud of you, SPS!

Not only that, THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT. Overwhelming you shuts you down. It hurts your ability to resist. Take care of yourself. Focus on the topics you have capacity to. Listen to the people who help you think this through. Take breaks. Listen to your body. And find community. Most important.

Trump's EO setting out prohibited topics in public schools and encouraging state AGs to sue teachers who recognize trans students is also out.

Very concerning things in this about trans students and teachers/staff who support them, too.

Trump fütt endra navnet pü Nordamerikas høyeste fjell tilbake til kolonistnavnet. Seint pü 1800-taller ble navnet MtMckinley funnet opp til Ìre for en president. Urfolksnavnet Denali, ogsü brukt generelt i Alaska, ble formelt godtatt i 2015. Trump har nü gjeninført MtMckinley

I will be continuing to call it the Gulf of Mexico because I don't cater to the whims of a ridiculous felon

Nei, @nrk Trump vil ikke bare begrense støtte til kjønnsbekreftende behandlinger for lgbt folk. Han vil bruke sin makt for ü *fjerne transpersoner* fra samfunnet gjennom ü *forby medisinsk behandling* av denne gruppen via hatfull, anti-vitenskaplig propaganda fra bl. a. heritage foundation.

This is a sewing pattern. It is also a page from a late 14th century manuscript that is one of two primary sources for an important Icelandic saga (Sturlunga saga), but that was probably not important to the 17th century person who really needed a sewing pattern. #upcycling

I Vürt Land stilles de riktige spørsmülene

In other news, going to restart teaching North Sámi to my cousin and his kid on the off-chance we all have to move to Guovdageaidnu very suddenly. 🙃

Angüende den biskopen som talte Trump midt imot: Jeg tviler pü om Trump & co. kommer til ü prøve ü hevne seg pü henne direkte. Men det jeg frykter er stokastisk terrorisme; at en eller annen MAGA-politiker hinter at "noen bør gjøre noe" og en maga-tulling tar saken i egne hender.

michigan passed a law protecting indigenous students and their regalia during graduation! this is so bittersweet. 🥹🧡 it took us long enough.

I sure picked a great political moment to look into my Jewish heritage. Flawless timing.

skam. det trengs i et hvert samfunn. jeg skulle ønske jeg levde i ett samfunn der nazihilsener var for skamfulle ü gjøre til at noen vüga ü gjøre det foran millioner av mennesker og samtidig komme unna med det. det bør vÌre skamfullt ü vÌre nazi. det ER skamfullt.

Did you know Swedish aldrig, ingen och icke (Norwegian ikke) may all come from influences from the Saami language? Aldrig - (orig. aldrigi) never, ingen - nobody, icke -(orig. ne einata gi - nothing). All have (had) variations of -gi/ge/ke which is the same as the Saami -ge negation particle.

NBC White House correspondent reporting that legal experts advise those with passports with x markers may be held up upon attempt to use it. I CANNOT confirm this but it’s certainly notable that it’s being reported.

ADL does nazi salute apologia now.