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“The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy, the empathy exploit,” Musk said. “There it’s they’re exploiting a bug in Western civilization, which is the empathy response.” -Elon Musk, March 6, 2025 “In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trials 1945-1949) I was […]

Izskatās, ka prokrieviskajiem troļļiem komentāros par Straumes sagaidīšanas video ir doti naratīvi “par filmu spējat savākties pūlī, bet par savām tiesībām nē 😡😡 “ un “vismaz viena sanākšana bez Ukrainas karogiem!!” Šitādus gandrīz identiskus šķipelēju aumaļām ārā no sava TikTok video.

Investigative journalist Jacqueline Sweet just published a helluva scoop over at Rolling Stone that looks into the background of a guy I mentioned the other day: Sam Corcos, one of several people named in an executive order as allowed to access Treasury/IRS data. WaPo reported the other day […]

References to the Enola Gay aircraft that dropped an atomic bomb on Japan is among the tens of thousands of photos and online posts marked for deletion as the DoD works to purge DEI content, according to a database obtained by AP […]

Facts matter.

Oskars ir mājās 🌟🇱🇻


A taxi driver who was born in Pakistan, but since gained German citizenship, has been praised for his actions to impede further harm in Monday's attack. Mannheim: Mayor praises taxi driver who blocked attack

Once again, the American Bar Association chooses rule of law over Trump and his henchmen. Full statement at Selected portions in this thread. 1/

"Straume" [1] vakar bija 17. lasītākais raksts Vikipēdijā angļu valodā [2] un saņemto balvu saraksts nu jau ir izdalīts atsevišķā lapā [3]. Latviešu valodā tas bija lasītākais [4]. 1] [ 2] [ 3] [ […]

Šobrīd ASV notiek pagājušā gada Nobela prēmijas ekonomikā laureātu grāmatas "Why nations fail" ilustrācija. Iesaku visiem izlasīt.

«Straumes» komandu trešdien vakarā svinīgi sagaidīs pie Brīvības pieminekļa.

TLDR: Musk/Trump are badly damaging the US economy, GDP growth of -2.8% in the first quarter adds up to -11.5% if continued for a year, which is *huge*. (I lived through that in the UK in 1979-80, during Thatcher's first year. It was savage, and took a decade to get over—even thought she […]

Sweeping #tariffs on imports from #Canada, #Mexico & #China went into effect just after midnight Tues, raising #US tariffs to levels not seen in decades & rattling foreign govts & businesses that depend on international #trade. As of 12:01AM Tues, the #Trump admin added a 25% tariff on all […]

Reku jums AR kaķis no #Mikrotik + #Latvia MWC stenda, atveriet telefonà:

NYT and others reporting now that the Trump administration has just suspended all military aid to Ukraine. Gosh, didn't see that one coming. "The United States is temporarily suspending all military aid to Ukraine, according to a senior administration […] [Original post on]

«Straume» saņem «Oskaru» kā labākā pilnmetrāžas animācijas filma! ⬇️

Diezgan labi pateikts:

Jānoziedo Ukrainai. Ziedojiet arī jūs, ja ir lieks Eiro. Tagad tik pat svarīgi cik visu laiku, bet klāt jau kārtējais iemesls:

This is the best thing I've seen all day. Go ski in Russia, Mr. I Did Not Have Sectional Relations with that Couch.

Just to say the obvious bit out loud - Trump, VD Vance and Elon Musk are bullies. They’ve made their whole careers via it. They shout at people, send mobs after them, complain to employers, threaten legal action, etc etc etc. It’s all about silencing speech which causes them discomfort. Elon […]

Vajadzētu katram aiziet un noziedot Ukrainai kaut ko.

Consider this: Russian state media (TASS) was in the fracking Oval Office to report on the shameful performance by President Trump yesterday. Reuters and the Associated Press were banned. But Russia's main state-sponsored news mouthpiece was fully present. First off: What a giant security […]

Perfect! In Wyoming, the legislature has decided, that you cannot require others to address you by your preferred pronouns — thinking that this will only hurt trans people, Trump wants to persecute. So citizen Britt Boril calls in to a committee meeting […] [Original post on]

This is from the executive director of the !8F, the digital services agency within the General Services Administration (GSA) that develops open-source tools to improve digital services across the federal government. "I am the Executive Director of 18F and 18F’s longest running employee- I have […]

Jā, šis: "Zelenskyy played this perfectly. I believe he knew the outcome was preordained and that they’d try to corner him in front of the press (and hey! TASS was there too! Shocking!). So, he remained calm, and even subtly baited Trump and his bell end Vance to melt down live and on camera […]

Folks, there is a nice thing called Stopify. You can subscribe and help Ukraine each month with an amount of money that works for you. I’ve been doing this for the last two years — no regrets. #Ukraine 🇺🇦

Obviously, always and forever.

Journalist: “Mr. President, do you still think that Mr. Zelenskyy is a dictator?” Trump: “Uuhhmm… Did I say that? I can’t believe I said that. Next question.” — There you have it folks. As soon as Zelenskyy agreed to pretend there is a mineral deal which […] [Original post on]

Atminos kā Winamp laikos bija funkcija normalizēt dziesmas. Winamp katrai dziesmai kolekcijā izmēra skaļāko vietu un tad izrēķina koeficientu, lai visas dziesmas skaļākajā punkā būtu vienādi skaļas. Pēc tam bija pārsteigums, klausoties Meteora albumu. Meteora ir viens no retient man zināmajiem […]

Labietim tagad divas bezalkoholiskais limonādes. 🤩

The Elon Musk backed pro-Russian candidate in Romania, Calin Georgescu has been arrested. Authorities raided him like the crook he is and found at least $10 million in cash and tickets to Moscow. He may have also bumped his head a little bit too.

Mom: “No videogames, go play outside” Me: “Ok”

"Experts cannot recall a precedent for the United States, or any other country, extracting cash or resources from its own allies during a time of war"

Bluesky moderators deleted the AI protest video of Trump sucking Musk's toes broadcast inside HUD office, called it 'non-consensual explicit material'

TIL about Cleo, the pseudonym of an anonymous mathematician active on the mathematics Stack Exchange

Announcing the third entry in my collection of weird little Mac apps: Hyperspace Hyperspace can reclaim disk space *without removing any files.* Read the linked post to learn how it works.

Upsī. Gribētos redzēt gan, kas tieši ir noplūdis

Now THAT's how it's done!

Holy shit! Šodien Private jet causes Southwest to go around at Midway today. It crossed the runway while Southwest was landing. Credit

This apparently just happened. "The United States voted with Russia, North Korea, Belarus and 14 other Moscow-friendly countries Monday on a resolution condemning Russian aggression in Ukraine and calling for its occupied territory to be returned that passed overwhelmingly in the U.N. General […]

Family Safety uzstādīšana uz pusaudža Windows 11: - lai tas strādātu, pusaudža konts nedrīkst būt administrators - mēģinot iereģistrēt savu M$ kontu kā administratoru, tas .. pazūd - piereģistrēju parastu admin kontu, strādā. Pielinkot savu M$ kontu nevaru, jo "tāds jau eksistē". Nekur, nevienā […]

@viesturviesis laipni lūgts!