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Working on my next video and I.AM.STRUGGLING. I intended my Lunar video to be an easy one...something I could do in about 3 weeks...OH HOW WRONG I WAS! half the script recorded 1:24...HALF but I am happy with how its turning out. #LunarSilverStarStory

Received my first AdSense payment for my YouTube channel. It feels pretty good to actually get paid to do something I live doing. Not a lot mind you, but it means a lot to me. New video is coming together nicely too.

One Winged Angel / Hidden Blade combo? Holy shit! #AEWGrandSlam

Started on my voice over for the Lunar video. It's always when I start in the voice over that I feel like the videos are becoming a reality. It's just...ideas until then. So I'm excited.

Just wrapped up my playthrough of Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete an's just as moving as I remember. Scripting is underway for the video. I know you're busy, but I urge you to check out "What remains of Edith Finch" This game (if you havent played it yet) will stick with you the rest of your life...and it'll only take up about two hours of your time. Serious question: Is it okay to only have ONE platinum....if that one platinum is Elden Ring? have you ever played either of the Lunar games? I'm working on a video for Silver Star Story and was just thinking that if you haven't played it, you should. This game epitomizes "charming". and it's short so it won't take a ton of your time. I came across this video from Slopes Game Room about an interesting hack attempt on his channel that I think would be really interesting to you and important for you to cover. cyber security is your thing and you sounding the alarm could be big.

New Video. Mega Man X Retrospective!

the modern maga republican party is an absolute equivalent to final fantasy 7's Shinra....

My next video should be up this week. Mega Man X. I'm having a lot of fun making this one

The Switch 2 looks AMAZING. I'm excited to see what they do with this.

I gotta say it: I love when tv wrestling runs in different looking buildings and this venue for AEW tonight looks great!

so...4 minutes of the next video are finished and edited. script is nearly complete and I believe the next chunk of the video will come together fast. I hope that you won't mind that I forced you into a cameo in this video's intro, but it was done with respect and to pay tribute to you for inspiring me.

nearly complete....rendering then a final check before upload.

i"ve given myself an INSANE amount of work, but loving it. 3+ hour video retrospective for Final Fantasy 8. It's happening. #FinalFantasy8 will there be a Christmas maze? I've legit been stressing over this

So I just finished the game capture for my next video. I've got over 50 pages written in the script, and the video itself has about 39 minutes edited so far....I'm actually thinking this will be out before the end of the year....

Working hard on my final fantasy 8 video. 28 pages in and counting. Nine minutes of the video complete and nearly completed game footage capture.

So this happened. Pretty excited.

11 pages into my next video script an only barely touching the surface into the story of the game...this is gonna be a doozy. #FinalFantasy8

I've got two video projects in the works and a big announcement on the way this week. Life is looking up.