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Jokes, cats, shenanigans, maybe tarot. Have you had your microplastics today? @badkitty_ on twitter @amongtheusualdays on threads @favrd alumnus
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Happy New Year, I am in the emergency room with an infected gallbladder that they will be removing sometime today or tomorrow (who knows). Meanwhile I’m thirsty and dehydrated but no one offers to give me fluids; & my pain med is starting to wear off. Say a little prayer for me.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, y’all. I’ll see you next year!

Wearing only boxer shorts, I punched my mailman in the eye. He seems unaware it's Boxing Day. Here come the police. I wonder what they want.

me: excuse me, do you serve crab here? waiter: I'm afraid not my crab: *putting his little jacket back on* come on, we're leaving

i’m sorry you left your cart horizontal in the aisle and i used my air horn

Watching this lady stumble her way through the parking lot makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one that's drunk at Home Depot

If you drink 8 glasses of water a day you will die fully hydrated

We don't call it Xbox in our house. We call it by it's full and proper name, Christbox.

just opened Animal Crossing for the first time in two years and they were having a funeral for me

“WHERE ARE THE GODDAMN SCISSORS!!!” -Christmas caroling at my house

I scampered out of the hermit's cave with recluse abandon.

since we can't use plastic straws anymore i've just been choking turtles with my bare hands

i ate all your chia pets while you were asleep

sharpening a candy cane into a murder weapon

judge: the charge is accessory to murder. How do you plead? me: well, I wasn’t gonna do the murders without this magnificent scarf judge: me: judge: the court does find the scarf fabulous

if a snowman magically came to life in front of me i would bash its head in with a shovel

mary: can you rub my feet joseph: is there a way i can do that without actually touching them, and yet somehow, as if by magic, you still benefit? mary: ok i can tell you're still angry

Caroler: 🎵silent night, holy night Me: *under breath* it would be silent if you’d stop fucken singing

is it so wrong to want to name my child tommy bahama

“and now, for my next trick…” *pulls one tissue from the box but two come out*

Jerry has car trouble with the Tesla he bought. George becomes obsessed with an onlyfans girl. Elaine dates a fitness influencer. Kramer falls victim to a crypto scam.

I don't know why anyone would want a baby. They can't drive and they can't work the fields, what good are they really

*flies my freak flag* *gets it caught in a tree*

Ed draped himself in cold cuts and strutted about, mimicking the vainglorious behavior of the living. The other skeletons rattled with laughter.

I’ll be entering the witness protection program. I accidentally dried my hands with the Christmas towels

Me and Tracy Chapman, driving in our car, going the speed limit on our way to CVS because there’s a sale on English muffins

jesus: i want you to deliver presents to the world on my birthday santa: on foot? jesus: nah we’ll give you eagles or something like the hobbits santa: god i hate hobbits. you got any horned mammals?

currently taking investors for my latest product and brand venture, Snoop Nogg egg nog

"Go fuck yourself," I explained

Cotton candy is deceptively poisonous when eaten in large enough quantities, or if it's actually fiberglass insulation

my super power is not immediately saying "I saw that on a plane" when someone mentions a movie I saw on a plane

If someone doesn't follow you back, don't take it personally. They probably just think you're a horrible person unworthy of love

Buying a Christmas present for my parents is hard because I have to find them something they'll like, but also something I want to inherit when they die.

As the dogs and bees continued their attack, I tried in vain to remember my favorite things.

‪12 Days of Christmas (abridged)‬ ‪Over the course of about a fortnight, you will receive:‬ ‪-31 musicians‬ ‪-19 women — some dancing, others milking undefined animals‬ ‪-5 golden rings — the only decent gift in this sorry-ass lot‬ ‪-just a fuckton of birds‬

The name is Grinch...James Grinch.

911: what is your emergency ME: i need to listen to smooth jazz 911: hold please

i can’t wait to one day have microplastic grandchildren

New for Christmas: Baby Jesus Yuletide log! Roast Baby Jesus over an open fire. Feel the flames of Hell lapping at your feet! As seen on TV!

I put away laundry cautiously, over the course of several weeks

fucked up to think about but there was two grinches on noah's ark

Shout out to the dude that put a green Christmas bulb in his porch light and said “fuck it, that’s enough.”

joseph: we have to walk to bethlehem for a census thing mary, 9 months pregnant: i’m sorry what

hello, 911? yes, there are a bunch of people here and they are absolutely DEMANDING some figgy pudding

ah yes rudolph the red-nosed reindeer the timeless tale wherein we learn that no one will love you until you can prove that you're useful

My friend's kid asked me if the Santa in the department store was the real Santa like I have any idea.

Standing outside your window holding a rotisserie chicken above my head.