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Ecologist | PhD Student | Plants and Bees 🇦🇷
3 posts 471 followers 183 following
Getting Started

Yerba mate makes the third-most popular caffeinated drink in the world, but it’s unrelated to tea and coffee. The first reconstruction of its genome is helping us understand how multiple species have evolved to synthesise caffeine.

Diversity of bees during flowering of onion crops in a xeric environment | Ramello et al. 2024 Revista de la Sociedad EntomolĂłgica Argentina #horticulture #onion #wildbees #anthophila #argentina #sanjuan

De un tiempo acá veo con frecuencia el uso de la palabra “forrajear” para hablar del comportamiento de recolecta de polen por parte de las abejas y me parece una traducción errónea y fea de la lengua del imperio. En español-castellano tenemos “pecorear”, mucho más nuestra. ¡Os animo a que la uséis!

This is my attempt to build a wild bee-researcher starter pack for folks to find awesome people doing awesome wild bee research! Feel free to suggest yourself as I'm sure this'll start out as a pack of my collaborators and other admired researchers!

Macho de Eufriesea violacea (Blanchard) atraĂ­da con vainillin en Misiones, Argentina

Hi Bluesky! Trying to build my academic profile here now. Two species of carpenter bees (Xylocopa frontalis and Xylocopa augusti) searching for nectar on Erythrina crista-galli flowers. La Plata National University. La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.