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Energize your writing process! Home of the #DailyVerb for genre authors...transitive actions/tactics to help you #activate characters & #verbalize stories.
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"How to Write Non-Romantic Relationships" by Bethany Henry via The Novel Smithy #amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

#amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

“Promise, Progress, Payoff--in Stories, Acts & Scenes” by September C. Fawkes #amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

TEMPT (←): compensate, dare, instigate, persuade, test (≠ daunt, scare, upset) #DailyVerb #verbalize #amwriting

#contemplation #writingadvice #writinglife #writingphilosophy #writingprocess

“We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.” ― Kurt Vonnegut #writingadvice

OTD - In 1010 Ferdowsi completes his epic poem "Shahnameh" 💙📚 #LiteratureSky

“Improve Your Writing: 15 Tips and Habits to Fix Today” via WritersWrite #amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

ADULTERATE (/): bowdlerize, defile, fake, pollute, temper (≠ condense, fortify, reinforce) #DailyVerb #verbalize #amwriting

Writing Tip: When giving yourself writing goals, start small and work your way up. Telling yourself you're going to write 5k words a day every day from the start is just going to lead to massive burnout, and then feeling bad for failing to reach an unreasonable goal. #writing #writingtips #Booksky

#sherrybriscoe #amwriting #authorlife #books #creativewriting #indieauthors #fiction #novelist #writer #stories #writingadvice #writinglife #writingtips #bookaholic #bookworms #ilovebooks #ilovereading #goodreads #creativity #Bookbub #Amazon #bookstagram

"Fun with Animal Verbs" by Samantha Enslen via GrammarGirl #amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

“Writing Lovable Rogues” by Robin Rivera via WriteOnSisters #amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

UNVEIL (→): brandish, discover, impart, share, uncloak (≠ conceal, hide, sheathe) #DailyVerb #verbalize #amwriting

Writing Tip: An important (but difficult) lesson to learn is when to end a scene. We as writers often want to just keep adding more, but it's often better to end early/when it is dramatically appropriate. There's a well-known saying: 'get in late, get out early'. #writing #writingtips #Booksky

#amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

“How to Grow As a Writer” by Eva Deverell #amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

Hot take: What’s the spiciest piece of writing advice you disagree with? #WritingCommunity #writingtips

NEUTRALIZE (/): center, countervail, invalidate, outbalance, relieve (≠ animate, inspire, resurrect) #DailyVerb #verbalize #amwriting

“Stamp out vague catchalls in your writing” by Nathan Bransford #amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

“Jane Austen Writing Lessons #8: Use Setting to Influence Plot and Character” by Katherine Cowley #amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

HUSTLE (←): bleed, double-cross, force, nudge, stiff (≠ champion, guard, rescue) #DailyVerb #verbalize #amwriting

#amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

"How to Find Your Voice as a Writer (in 4 Steps)" by Henneke Duistermaat #amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

Don't let a subpar blurb doom your book. Some common flaws and how to fix them: #bookmarketing #authortips #writetip #writerslife #selfpub #indiepub #selfpublishing #indiepublishing #writingcommunity

One of my favourite quotes. From the great Samuel Beckett in his 1983 "Worstward Ho." Collection of Prose. "Ever Tried. Ever Failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." #Words #quotes #writers #linguists #literature

It's #NationalGrammarDay! This holiday encourages people to show positive images of themselves in their writings through the use of better grammar. National Grammar Day is always 3/4 because it's a grammatically correct sentence when written "March fourth." #AuthorLife #IndieAuthor #WritingCommunity

“Let There Be More Spices” by Carrie Gaffney via Brevity #amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

MORTIFY (/): agonize, confine, discipline, incarcerate, wrong (≠ boost, indulge, release) #DailyVerb #verbalize #amwriting

#amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

✍️ To the masterminds who give us shifters, vamps, monsters, and villains hotter than the sun—today, we celebrate YOU.

U.S. indie authors should consider using Schedule C #selfpub #amwriting #writingcommunity #writers #thefutureofpublishing #writerreality

“Cut Unnecessary Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases” by Shutta Crum via FloridaWriters #amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips #grammartalk

Honor Dr. Seuss with us this week as we Read Across America! #ReadAcrossAmerica #reading #authors #writing #education #drseuss

RECYCLE (+): convert, process, recover, retrieve, save (≠ dump, junk, trash) #DailyVerb #verbalize #amwriting

To paint an image and to write a poem, is to reclaim the dignity and personal is an invitation for my creative contemplation of an opened is reclaiming my life. – Isabella Koldras #amwriting #writersky #writer #wip #author

“The 6 Scenes Every Action Story Needs” by Savannah Gilbo #amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

"How to Write Comedy Part 1, Physical Comedy/Slapstick" by Ellen Buikema via WriterUnboxed #amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

HARD-SELL (→): commercialize, market, plug, push, shill (≠ furnish, lease, rent) #DailyVerb #verbalize #amwriting

“When setting out on a journey, do not seek advice from those who have never left home.” Rumi #amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

Write what you want to read. #writing #reading #writingtip #writingadvice #trends

#amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

“6 Stereotypes To Avoid In LGBTQIA+ Fiction” by Anthony Ehlers via Writers_Write #amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

“Writer Fuel: Creative Gaslighting – Why Do We Do This To Ourselves?” by Gabriela Pereira via DIYMFA #amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips

Writing Tip of the Day Don’t compare your first draft to someone else’s polished novel. That’s like comparing your messy kitchen to a five-star restaurant. #writingtips #writer #stories #quotes

5 Tips on How to Improve Your Writing Style #writingtip #writingtips #BraveWrite #AuthorLife #writers #writerreality

Querying writers! tells you everything you need to know about the querying process and how to find a great agent on today's blog! #kidlit #amquerying #writingcommunity

ESTIMATE (←): audition, deduce, judge, rate, underestimate (≠ assume, mislead, pinpoint) #DailyVerb #verbalize #amwriting

Writing Tip: Whenever you get an opportunity, try writing in a different genre then you're used to. Even just a short story. It not only helps expand your writing chops, but you might find that you fall in love with a genre that you otherwise would never have tried. #writing #writingtips #Booksky

“The Benefits of Prewriting” via NYbookeditors #amwriting #writerslife #WritingCommunity #writingadvice #writingtips