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Catedràtic d'Astronomia i Astrofísica Universitat de València
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Infographic on the Hubble tension: There is the direct method of measuring the Hubble constant: H0 = 73.0 ± 1.0 km/s/Mpc. CMB data can be used to know the state of the early Universe and by means of the cosmological model predict what the Hubble constant will be today: H0 = 67.4 ± 0.5 km/s/Mpc.🔭🧪⚛️

Me ha regalado este estupendo brócoli romanesco que él ha cultivado: un fractal natural del que hablamos en “Fractales y Caos. La aventura de la complejidad” publicado por Guadalmazán.

As 2024 YR4 Earth impact chances for 2032 plumet, the Lunar possibility is still very much on the table. Current Sentry chances for Earth are 0.28%. Per JPL, the Lunar impact has increased to 1%. While still a very unlikely scenario, it's interesting to consider. JPL blog link in comments. 🔭🧪

As expected the impact probability for 2024 YR4 fell dramatically with the 2/20/25 data: all the way to 0.27%, more than 10 times lower than a couple of days ago.

425 yeras ago, on 17 February 1600, Giordado Bruno was burned at the stake in Rome. We start Section 3.1 of "The Reinvention of Science. Slaying the Dragons of Dogma and Ignorance" with this terrible fact that opened the 17th century. He was charged by the Inquisition for religious heresy. ⚛️🧪🔭

As explained in "The Reinvention of Science", gravitational lenses provide observational evidence for dark matter. If the source is exactly behind a compact spherical lens we get an Einstein ring as the one detected by Euclid around galaxy NGC 6505. Credit: ESA ⚛️🧪🔭 ➡️

No se pierdan esta entrevista a Juan Ignacio Pérez Iglesias ( realizada para por Juan José Gómez Cadenas. Son un par de Homo sapiens que ponen en valor el nombre específico de nuestra especie. Admirables!

"Address science misinformation not by repeating the facts, but by building conversation and community" by A. Toomey. It remains me the quote attributed to R. Feynman: “If you believe something, one sigma is enough; if you don’t, then fifteen sigma won’t help”. 🧪⚛️

When asked to draw a scientist, school-age kids in the United States are increasingly sketching women, according to a study from 2018. Read more on #WomenInScienceDay:

“La reivindicación de las recensiones” por Guillermo Quintás Alonso. Menciona las que hicieron sobre “The Reinvention of Science” Juan José Gómez Cadenas y

“Out of the blue”. We made this short (6 minutes) video when asteroid 2012 DA14 passed close to Earth. Now, with news talking about 2024 YR4, if you want to learn about potentially dangerous asteroids ☄️, this video is worth watching 🧪⚛️🔭 (in Spanish with English subtitles)

Happy to see together the reviews by Astronomer Royal Lord Martin Rees and Historian of Science Professor Mary Virginia Orna on the book “The Reinvention of Science. Slaying the Dragons of Dogma an Ignorance.” 🧪🔭⚛️

This small book by about AI calls to mind the famous phrase said by Neil Armstrong on the Moon landing: “That’s one small step for a man. One giant leap for mankind”

Estos dos libros: “Primates al este del Edén” de y "Eve" de sobre la evolución del organismo humano son extraordinarios. El segundo explica cómo el cuerpo femenino impulsó la evolución. Hoy ha salido en castellano publicado por Seix Barral.

Are humans the only species that communicates when a collaborator is missing information? In, Luke Townrow and I show that our closest relatives, bonobos, can track when a partner is knowledgeable or ignorant, and tailor communication accordingly

From the #cosmicflows2025 conference: Cosmologist Paula Boubel, who presented her PhD research on cosmological tests from galaxies distances and motions, is on the job market looking for a postdoc ➡️ CV and contact details Reskeet much appreciated. 🧪🔭 #WomeninScience

Loads of #literary #magazines are coming to Bluesky, here is a great list to follow! PLEASE SHARE TO HELP THEM LEAVE TWITTER! #litmags #writer #writingcommunity

This evening, we could see the crescent Moon 🌒, Saturn 🪐 and Venus. On the Moon, it was remarkable the earthshine (the weak light on the disk not illuminated directly by the Sun but by the sunlight reflected by the Earth: Moon's ashen glow).⚛️🔭🧪

Talking about Tycho Brahe's supernova, observed in 1572 by many prestigious astronomers in Europe: Thomas Digges and John Dee in London, Francesco Maurolico in Italy, Jerónimo Muñoz in Valencia, Thaddaeus Hagecius in Prague or Wolfgang Schuler in Germany. Pages from "The Reinvention of Science." ⚛️🔭🧪

Astronomy Talk Today. Link to life streaming in YouTube. "Supernovas animadas de ayer y de hoy" by and me. At 19:00h (CET) from the Valencia Science Museum. Don't miss it if you like the history of science, astronomy and understand Spanish⚛️🔭🧪

Mañana, jueves 23 de enero, a las 19:00h charla: 'Supernovas animadas de ayer y hoy. De Jerónimo Muñoz a la energía oscura' por y un servidor. Antes puedes ver la exposición sobre Jerónimo Muñoz. Después hay observación astronómica en el #Umbracle. Detalles en los libros.

Oh come ON now. This new JWST image is just ASTOUNDING. I feel like I’m falling looking into it, and that I would fall forever, and that I would enjoy it. NASA, ESA, CSA, K. McQuinn (STScI), J. DePasquale (STScI)

Very interesting new in the Royal Astronomical Society newsletter: No need for dark energy to explain what was interpreted as accelerated expansion. 🔭🧪⚛️

🔭 An Evening Sky Full of Planets Image Credit & Copyright: Dario Giannobile

The Star of Bethlehem was not Halley's Comet, which Giotto observed in 1301 and depicted as such in the fresco of the Adoration of the Magi in the Cappella degli Scrovegni in Padua. It was perhaps a nova observed by Chinese and Korean astronomers in February 5 BCE (probable date of the Nativity)☄️ 🧪🔭

“Is the Universe Really a Fractal?” By Ethan Siegel. The first paper with the same title was published by me in Science over 25 years ago 🔭 🧪 ⚛️

Today, 100 years ago (January 1, 1925) was the day we found the universe. The detailed story of that day is magnificently told in Marcia Bartusiak's book 'The Day We Found the Universe.' We refer to her book in #ReinventionofScience.🧪⚛️🔭

Wonderful cover! Congratulations for the cover and for a fantastic paper in the December issue of Valade, A., et al. "Identification of basins of attraction in the local Universe" Is Laniakea part of the much larger Shapley BoA? 🔭🧪⚛️

"The Reinvention of Science. Slaying the Dragons of Dogma and Ignorance" by V. Trimble, B. Jones, and V.J. Martinez " looking for the good as well as the truth this book offers both, a scientific truth and a book that is very good —almost excellent—". The Observatory 🔭🧪⚛️

Today is December 25. #OTD In 2016 astronomer Vera Rubin passed away. Her work, which postulated dark matter to explain the flat rotation curves in spiral galaxies, is crucial to our understanding of the universe. We tell you her story in #ReinventionofScience ⚛️🔭🧪 #Womeninstem

A new biography of Marie Curie by Dava Sobel, the acclaimed and bestselling author of ‘Longitude’, ‘Galileo's Daughter’ and ‘The Glass Universe”: the life and work of the most famous woman in the history of science, and the untold story of the young women who trained in her laboratory. #WomeninSTEM

📍Welcome to the Women In STEM feed! 📍 Anyone can post to this feed using #WomenInSTEM Follow to post using one of these emojis: 👩‍🔬|👩🏻‍🔬|👩🏼‍🔬|👩🏽‍🔬|👩🏾‍🔬|👩🏿‍🔬

Happy solstice! Today, 21 December 2024, at 09:21 GMT, the winter solstice has arrived. The day (the period the Sun is above the horizon) will be the shortest of the year, but your shadow at noon will be the longest. Animation by NAAP labs (Universty of Nebraska-Lincoln) 🔭 #astronomy signup

Women reinventing science

4️⃣8️⃣ Nicole-Reine Lepaute (1723-1788) 🇫🇷 #womeninSTEM French astronomer and mathematician. She predicted the return of Halley's Comet, calculated the timing of a solar eclipse and constructed a group of catalogs for the stars.

La Universidad de Santiago abandona sus perfiles en X por considerar que la red social promueve el racismo y la misoginia

Book Trailer on "The Reinvention of Science. Slaying the Dragons of Dogma and Ignorance".

Hoy hablaré de causas necesarias y suficientes para la extinción de los dinosaurios: Si no se hubiera producido el impacto de un meteorito, ¿se habría producido la extinción igualmente?, ¿el impacto, por sí solo, habría sido suficiente para provocar la extinción? Estará

Our book: “The Reinvention of Science. Slaying the Dragons of Dogma and Ignorance” has been published by @worldscientific and has just arrived. Table of contents, preface, first chapter, cover, backcover and a few short reviews can be found in

El análisis de El empeño de EEUU y aliados europeos en respaldar a Israel o en evitar ejercer presión real ante el genocidio en curso arrastra al mundo a un escenario de mayor impunidad

As the historian of science Mary Virginia Orna explains in her review about we cite Mary Anning, an amateur turned semi-professional (though unrecognized) archaeologist, hindered by class distinctions and misogyny. Read "Remarkable creatures" by