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Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream @ OISE, University of Toronto / Mainly examining the intersections of language, race, and work / @Vijay_Ramjattan on Twitter / he, him
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The Oxford Handbook of Language & Prejudice, edited by Jane Setter, Sender Dovchin, and yours truly, rearticulates and expands upon the connections between language and prejudice. It is available for pre-order, so please ask your university or local library to order a copy:

Yesterday was DAY TWO of our RIS Online Conference. If you missed the sessions, you can now catch up on all recordings on our YouTube page: Here's a little thread of the sessions 🧵⬇️

The US has arrested and is trying to deport an international student in his university housing over his political beliefs, but I’ve heard crickets from our research field. We need to all be engaging with the politics surrounding our field right now.


Migration can certainly change perceptions of your accent. For example, while you might have had an elite accent in one country, your accent can become stigmatized in another.

Unlearning racism means preparing for the fact that it can quickly be relearned at any moment.

Language policing has just as much to do with what you *cannot* say as it has to do with what you can.

Title of news story: How your voice affects your job prospects A corrected title: How institutional listening practices affect your job prospects

To participate in its social media day, I'm sharing my sessions at this year's #iatefl2025. I'm doing two talks this time: 7 April 2025 👁️‍🗨️ Title: Who is “The English Language Teacher”? Time will tell. 11 April 2025 🌈 Title: The library is open: humanising materials with LGBTQ+ stories

I'm baaaaaaaack! Giving my first keynote address of the year at the Reciprocal Research workshop series 🙌🏽 My talk is titled Recentering Relationality in Research 🤓 all events in the workshop series are *FREE* and open to all! And we just confirmed my talk will be recorded!

“Sounding white” and “sounding Black” are phrases that indicate how race is also aurally/orally constructed.

Bullying is not only individual behaviour; it is also an organizational process.

Eliminate an accent ❌ Eliminate accent prejudice ✅

Dr. Oguzhan Tekin and yours truly will be presenting on how universities can support international students beyond "the campus bubble"'s online conference! There is an array of great sessions, and it is absolutely free to register:

Happy to share my blog post for Fresh Ed podcast on how conservative & right-wing politicians and commentators reappropriate such terms as diversity, free speech, and woke in the educational contexts to serve their own agenda

Part of what contributes to teacher burnout is the idea that a passion for teaching can somehow overcome exploitative working conditions.

The fact that you can face active discrimination based on the sound of your voice should serve as a reminder that listening is never passive.

And it is a very violent idea to enforce. There are no monolingual countries without erasure, shaming, discrimination, proscription and in many cases outright mass killings of entire populations.

A monolingual country is an idea to be enforced, not actual reality.

No, the solution to accent discrimination is not "accent reduction." It is like saying that the solution to fatphobia is becoming skinny.

We have a discussion group for faculty and staff at called New Pedagogy and I'm so grateful to have it. We've built a community interested in respectfully challenging our approaches to and supporting through experience sharing. Everyone deserves meaning at work like this.

Yecid is safe and well. That's all I know. Thank goodness! And thanks everyone for sharing.

ISO Trans/nonbinary people to hire as (non-English) language experts Are you trans and know a language other than English? I'm looking for people who are in-community and want to collaboratively develop free language learning materials. Interest form: Please share!

Money is always used as an excuse for “re-whitening” organizations.

Neoliberal adult education is all about obtaining skills to satisfy the demands of capitalism. Anti-neoliberal adult education is about personal fulfillment, helping one's community, etc.

Teacher education programs do not adequately prepare student-teachers for the emotional labour that they will have to perform.

Final call! Chapter proposals for my upcoming book project on 'The Untold Stories of International Student Mobilities' are due this week on FRIDAY (Feb 28) Full details and call for chapter proposals:

In the neoliberal university... teacher = service provider student = customer syllabus = brochure knowledge = product evaluations = customer feedback

Who is considered intelligible or unintelligible is typically a racialized question.

Simply being a "native English speaker" is not an inherent skill in English language teaching. In fact, simply being a "native English speaker" actually deskills the profession.

A sign of a toxic workplace is the enforcement of toxic positivity. Workers need to maintain a positive mindset for fear of disturbing the "harmony" of their professional environment.

The idea that certain types of accents need “adjusting” highlights how organizations believe that certain types of speakers are not supposed to be heard at work.

"Your English is so good" is not a compliment for racially minoritized speakers if it is unsolicited.

in a couple of projects i have collaborated with the artist wendy wong to visualise linguistic stigmatisation in schools and efforts to resist such stigmatisation. a core aim is for teachers to use the images as prompts for discussion in classrooms, so please use and share! a few of the images ↓

There are white, middle-class, and abled understandings of what constitutes "excellent communication skills."

It is important to remember that the neoliberal understanding of education as simply a means to get a job is another reason why such things as DEI and social justice are maligned by various actors.

International students do not enter universities "linguistically deficient." They are made to be deficient through language policies, curricula, and pedagogies that uphold singular ways to communicate.

Some other articulations of the distinction between "native" and "nonnative" English speaker: - white and nonwhite - colonizer and colonized - standard and nonstandard - neutral-sounding and foreign-sounding - linguistic expert and linguistic novice

You cannot do anti-racism work and make everyone like you at the same time.

Linguistic diversity in organizations is treated as a problem to solve rather than an inherent feature of any organization.

When it comes to teaching, some accents get treated as credentials while others are unfairly framed as liabilities. In either case, accent is a mechanism for deskilling.

Learning about racism is not more damaging than experiencing racism.