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Occasional hobbyist & enjoyer of marginal genres from Oulu, Finland. Read a webnovel:
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When I wrote articles for a local newspaper ~20 years ago, this #ThePhantom comic strip was always on the wall of the cubicle. The smirk on Phantom’s face makes it so perfect. Translation: “I'm alone, unarmed and on foot, while they have SUVs and rifles.” “Looks like it’s going to be a rough day.”

pound the slopes flat with greasy metal scrap destroy the valley of eternity for a handful of yellow dust what is this immense longing to empty a distant expanse while the seasons wear away the plastic wrap a boy raised by echoes howling at the moon a mirage barely self-aware just passing through

YLE Areena (Finnish public broadcasting company’s tax-funded streaming service) usually adds classic movies featuring recently deceased actors or directors very quickly. Gene Hackman died, so I expected to watch some Hackman movie tonight – and what do you know, The French Connection appeared.

If I watched a movie 30 years ago & don’t remember anything about it (except the VHS cover) & don’t care to watch it again, marking the movie Watched on #Letterboxd feels like I’m lying to myself. If someone asks if I’d recommend the movie, all I can say that it didn’t leave a lasting impression.

Firenze. I was inspired by Porto to create a solo variant for this & so far it seems to work quite well. I’m glad I have the 1st ed with text on cards, the 2nd ed replaced text with icons. I don’t care to learn a new visual mini-language for every game. Use text, pubs. #boardgames #soloboardgames

#palindrome Startup Orb Ketamine a la Russia: AI SS Ural aenima tekbro Putrats.

OMG, referencing the perfect anti-oligarch movie. #TheyLive

Leafing through some generic wuxia fantasy series & there’s the trope of ”The evil blood cult has returned after lurking in the shadows for hundred years and the Murim Alliance must come together to stop them” and nodding like yep, the evil blood cult has indeed returned.

Shaved my head with an electric trimmer. When I cleaned the hair clippings & glanced in the mirror again, I did a double take because for a moment I thought I looked like Murnau’s Nosferatu. Then I put on my glasses & looked like a normal pattern-balding nerd again. A chilling psycho-drama.

Porto. Simple, straightforward ”Firenze light” with a smooth solo mode. There should be more solo modes where around half of the bot’s turn feels like you’re actively prepping for your next player turn. Maybe I should try adapting this solo to Firenze. #boardgames #soloboardgames

Got a call from an unknown number. An elderly woman introduced herself and started with: ”How do you feel about the current worrying situation in the world?” ”Which religious sect do you represent?” ”Uh… Jehova’s Witness-” ”No thanks.” Religious telemarketing. Two most disgusting things combined.

Worst. Episode. EVER.

#UkraineWar showed us the crippling corruption in the Russian military, and now it’s also showing us the unresponsive incompetence of the #USmilitary: Russian saboteurs are imploding America from top to bottom & they’re just twiddling their thumbs. Two sad clown shows for the price of one.

Speaking of telemarketing as verbal spam, unsolicited tags & graffitis are visual spam. Underpass pop-up ads. There’s a famous ”paskakaupunni” tag in #Oulu that keeps being repainted & removed. It’s not funny or cute. It’s a spam pop-up eroding the wall. If you disagree, tag your own home with it.

There’s currently a logistics & grocery store workers strike in Finland for better pay, working conditions, etc. I support their strike. But there could also be a customer service & telemarketers strike soon. Telemarketing is just verbal spam, so I hope that side remains on strike permanently.

In the Year of the Dragon 10th anniversary, with Gil Hova’s solo variant. A cruel crisis management game where you are constantly bombarded by disasters. And while checking the BGG forums, I found out that @spiele-feld is working on an official solo mode. #boardgames #soloboardgames

I hate medleys. I don’t want to hear snippets of songs strung together, I want to hear full songs. It’s like you start eating lasagna, but suddenly the waiter takes away your plate and brings you curry rice, and after a mouthful it’s suddenly tomato soup.

Reminder: If you want to watch Youtube without distractions, get Firefox + uBlock Origin. And if that's not enough, add Unhook + SponsorBlock.

A four-panel comic strip from the early 90s re-drawn with a stylus & translated into English.

Thunderstone Quest Epic. I like the simple 2d6 solo variant more than the official Barricades mode. I’m quite tired of deck-building as a game mechanism, but if I had to rank the top 3 classic style deck-builders, TSQ would be #1, Ascension #2 and Dominion #3. #boardgames #soloboardgames

Archaeologists have found the oldest known hide-and-seek hiding place. ”Yes, we finally found them. They were hiding underground,” said the lead apodidraskindalogist. ”Next it’s our turn.”

Notre Dame. Trying a combination of Andreas Odendahl’s solo & hombrepollo’s Quasimodo variant when I suddenly remembered you’re not supposed to collect same color messages before collecting one of each color. Continue, backtrack, or restart? I guess I’ll continue. #boardgames #soloboardgames

Tribune 2nd edition (with some icon graphics updates). Playtesting my own D20 solo variant where the bot plays with twice the amount of workers & rolls a die for placement. It kinda works, but it’s a compromise between keeping the bot simple & making it interesting. #boardgames #soloboardgames

United States of Pathetic Paper Snowflakes, 2025 #watercolor + fiber-tip pen + #Paint.NET

Deus 2nd edition + Egypt. Unofficial solo variant. I also shuffle all cards into a big deck instead of replacing base cards. Surprisingly immersive solo, but I think Deus & Elysium should swap names; in Elysium you play Greek gods, in Deus you build stuff on an island. #boardgames #soloboardgames

Tatsuro Yamashita’s song Mermaid is actually a story about a man who is traumatized by a shark attack and thinks that he met a mermaid. Actually, now that I think about it, most of Tatsuro Yamashita’s songs are about shark attacks.

Elysium solo variant. Multiplayer game is slow because everyone has to read the card effects, but solo is fast. I should print out the Goddesses fan expansion from BGG & try the 7 round variant. Apparently an official expansion also exists, but hasn’t been published. #boardgames #soloboardgames

Rhetorical question: considering the place where you live, if you had to either walk around the area randomly at Friday night, or drive a car around the area randomly at Friday night, which one do you think would be more dangerous to your personal health?

When I saw Ozric Tentacles live for the first time at Imatra Big Band Festival in 2001, they opened with Pyramidion. After the gig I was in daze & embarrassed myself by asking Ed Wynne to sign my Pyramidion EP, but I didn’t have anything to write with, so Ed had to grab a pen from backstage.🤦‍♂️

Anno 1800 + expansion. First time solo & feels like I’m chewing a rubbery piece of meat; I keep re-checking rulebooks because I think I’m playing something incorrectly. Not sure if this is a keeper. It’s also unfortunate that the expansion was published only in German. #boardgames #soloboardgames

When I was a kid, I decided that I’ll never wear blue jeans. I haven’t worn blue jeans since. I don’t even remember why I made that decision, but I remember making it, so I continue to honor it. I could wear them in an emergency, or for a movie role, but otherwise it’s a no.

Anyway, I’m boycotting all new US board games & video games & Kickstarter/Gamefound campaigns & other US products (as a rule of thumb, as much as practically possible) until that fascist crybully is gone. #DumbestTradeWar

Last Will + Getting Sacked. The game where you win by losing your home, getting fired & going bankrupt. Solo variant by Ricky Royal (modified). Many gamers seem to like the sequel game Prodigals Club more, but I sold it & kept Last Will because it has a sharper structure. #boardgames #soloboardgames

Cats and coffee do not exist anymore. A dystopian hellfeed of politics and dreams. #BlueskyPoetry

First Class. The official solo mode is simple beat-your-own-score, but you can make it more interesting by adding Call for Tenders mini-expansion & play a variant where you have to complete all 6 Tender tiles & flip a coin for left/right requirement for each. #boardgames #soloboardgames

Medium Difficulty, 2024 #watercolor

SOS Titanic, a thematic version of Klondike solitaire. Testing a 'neutral' variant by BGG user Kittenhoarder where you mashup Harold Lowe’s & Violet C. Jessop’s abilities: start with 3 action cards, draw up to 5 passengers, draw 1 action card after a failed rescue. #boardgames #soloboardgames

The difference between an amusement casino (simulated gambling with play money) & a board game café (playing board games for a fee) is that you can’t accumulate & spend the same play money on different board games. Amusement casino is a nonlinear campaign of mini-games of chance. #showerthoughts

Quick game of Peloponnes + Peloponnes Box. Fast & fun, 9 rounds & you’re done. The official solo rules don’t support expansions so you have to improvise. Would be nice to make the setup even faster by creating a game board with spaces for all the components. #boardgames #soloboardgames


Fields of Green + Grand Fair. Easy & cozy solo. I played the original Among the Stars once in the past & FoG is a better game in every way. And the 1-2 player rules of drafting cards from the table are better than the simultaneous pick & pass draft with 3+ players. #boardgames #soloboardgames

Obscure Japanese #boardgames I don’t want to play, but randomly think sometimes: The Game of Twin Peaks (1992) published exclusively in Japan by Sega, MG Management Game (1976), a serious accounting simulator for business professionals, & Hyakunin Isshu (1600?), a poem card memory dexterity game.

Suddenly remembered a game of Alias from at least a decade ago when my brother tried to explain a word to me: "A comic book character that adventures in a jungle." "Tarzan." "No, more." "More in a jungle?" "No, adventures more." "...The Phantom." Sorry, Tarzan, but The Phantom adventures more.