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Reconnecting people, land & water in Cambridge, UK. #suds #FlowersNotFloods #PlantTheRain
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Day 1 complete! Our friends at Phoenix delivered four gorgeous handmade planters to us in Fallowfield, ready to transform into #slowflow rain planters. After a day of sun, rain, mud, we'll soon be ready to plant leafy shade-loving beings here #raingardens #flowersnotfloods #pebblefund

New report from wildjustice: Habitat degradation could to lead to a drop in UK GDP of between 6-12% by the 2030s. Delivering 300,000 homes a year blows entire carbon budget for England. Where's the enforcement for developers reneging on planning promises?

Drip drip drip...we love visiting our SlowFlow and rain gardens in the rain! Here's one we installed last year at Darwin Nurseries. Take a look at the flow director, a cast of an coiled ammonite from Sedgwick museum by our friends at Phoenix Trust. #flowersnotfloods #placesfornature #placesforwater

If life is to thrive in Cambridge in this time of freshwater scarcity, we need bold and brave acts to address abstraction and water use. Just published - what are the practical and legal challenges? Thanks

Proud to introduce this new project by in Cambridge. Funded by #PebbleFund for biodiversity, we'll be installing six of our #SlowFlow planters in the catchment of Fallowfield's surface water drain pipe. Not only reducing floods, bringing back nature 🌻

To help you get through #BlueMonday, here's a picture of some gorgeous purple wands of woodland sage being enjoyed by a carder bee in the Fallowfield Rain Gardens last year. Whatever is getting you down today, remember life persists. There will be spring.

Humans working to restore lost species and places at many scales. From bee orchids and butterflies on a verge in Newcastle to the jungle and jaguar in a national parks in Argentina. We must do this because "Nature cannot afford your self-doubt". #rewilding

Yesterday and Yair joined many brilliant people at the #sustainableshepreth Ecofair 2025, including our trestle tablemate Nick, who works on water resilience. Thanks for the soup, tea, and great conversations about water, nature, and life in the village in a changing climate!

Best wishes to you all for the new year. Have a happy and hydrated 2025. 💙

High levels of pharmaceuticals, pesticides, metals and industrial chemicals as well as e.coli found in England's inland designated bathing waters including the River Cam in a study led by

Major new research finds “shockingly” fast changes to flows of Earth’s c. 3 million rivers, mapped across 35 years. “Rivers are dynamic and beautiful beasts & humans should never take them for granted or squander the resources they provide us with.” (Hannah Cloke)

Over 70% of the world's aquifers could be tainted by 2100 from saltwater incursion via @zmescience

28% of microplastics entering the environment annually are from tyres. Chemical additives like zinc oxide & 6PPD linked to fish die-offs and ecosystem disruption. Need for a global, targeted strategy

How may we #slowtheflow and grow #flowersnotfloods? A day of #rainlab demonstrations and chat at Phoenix Trust Christmas event in #milton!

We need law, we need policy Holly Smith presenting some incredible work on #surfacewaterstrategy #climateresilience #ciria #sudsforschools across London. big and holistic use of #suds #surfacewater. Innovation focuses on surface water. Greater London Authority. #suds #sustrain #ciria at #floodex.

#suds #sustrain at #floodex. Coordinate, collaborate, consistency, keep on going! The importance and benefit of making places for water and trees as well as houses in new developments with Bill Blackledge of 2B Landscape Consultancy Ltd.

Phil Williams EPG, Neil Sewell SDS, Jo Bradley of Stormwater Shepherds. Treatment Trains approach to dealing with road runoff at source, and frustration with #schedule3 legislation being stalled again. #floodex #sustainabledrainage #suds #raingardens

Panel discussion with the brilliant of Stormwater Shepherds UK at #sudstheatre at #floodex with an impassioned plea not just for installing #SuDS but maintaining SuDS...long term often left out of the planning and costing of projects. #schedule3 #susdrain

🎉 We're excited to share a video we created highlighting the first six months of the Fallowfield Rain Gardens project! This project marks our initial pilot in developing cost-effective, retrofit rain gardens, making the most of Cambridge's green assets and roadside spaces.

Three water companies blocked by Ofwat from using customer money to fund executive bonuses

Here's a thorough explanation of the new agreement in Denmark to reduce emissions from ag.

Drainage and land use change has turned the Fens of East Anglia - the location of half of England's grade 1 agricultural land - from carbon sink to carbon emitter. For meaningful action for the UK's net zero targets, we need to rewet peat at scale.

Our event last month "brought together water-attentive voices to encounter, explore what it means to care for & think about engaging our whole selves – our heads, hands, & hearts – in our relationships with water." My, Anastasia has a way with words. ❤️

💦 In just six months, we saved thousands of litres of road run-off from the drain. An ordinary grass verge near the River Cam in Cambridge is now a rain garden full of flowers 🌼! This supports biodiversity 🐝 while reducing river pollution & flooding.

Proud to be part of the Cam & Ely Ouse Catchment Partnership collaboratively working for better health of our local water bodies. Citizen Science and road run-off pollution were the focus of this year's conference

Greetings! A tentative flutter in this Blue Sky space. We are a small group working toward a better relationship with water, with our head, heart and hands. Come plant the rain with us!