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Wargamer/Figure painter
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Its like buses around here as not only did the RKX figures turn up this week, but also a photo etch fret that I designed for use with 1/700 Flower class corvettes which I am currently scratch building. Really pleased with how the fret turned out given I've never done anything like it before.

Got the first guy painted whilst I prepped and primed the rest of the squad. Very enjoyable to paint. Dude measures pretty much exactly 20mm soles of feet to his eyes. #toofatlardies #chainofcommand #wargaming

Well with CoC2 on the horizon, I thought I would look at late war Brits (or Canadian as these are the RKX Op Plunder figures at 20mm) Extremely well printed by MarDav Miniatures. Together with a PSC StuG, with interchangeable 75/105mm barrels #toofatlardies #wargaming

and got this one finished. HMS Hadleigh Castle 1/700 - scratch built. #royalnavy

and because I'm in a Naval mood - an oldie in 54mm

When you should be painting 18mm Napoleonic infantry, but get the Royal Navy bug instead. Nearly complete scratch built Castle Class - HMS Hadleigh Castle 1/700

Some 18mm Peninsular British - 57th Regt of Foot - Die Hard #wargaming

and so we appear to be back here again, and it seems like a breath of fresh air.What a Cowboy !

and a tank - IBG A-10 1/72

20mm WWII AB Miniatures and Adler

Perry ACW

and some not so serious stuff

Empress - USMC Vietnam 28mm

Some random figure posts - just to kick things off. First up White Dragon - Modern Brits 32mm

Bluesky - reminds me of somewhere, but I can't quite put my "X" on it ! The perfect place for the man whose wife will only take photos if the sky is deep blue.