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Patchbird Swinemoor, E Yorks, regular at Flamborough, Spurn, North Cave Wetlands and Tophill Low. Patch 115, E Yorks 242, UK 308 (from 2017 on return to UK). When I’m doing photography then I use Nikon Z9, otherwise it’s shaky thirdrate PhoneSkope images!
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32 Whooper Swan at #swinemoor this morning, first flock of 23 later to be joined by another 9 birds as I was leaving. Ducks still in good numbers with the long staying Pintail (5) still on site. #patchbirding #pwc2025 #ukbirding

Sunny but bracing morning at #swinemoor with a surprise drop in of 40 Whooper Swan, looking very smart in the sunshine. #patchbirding #ukbirding #pwc2025

My first county tick of Raven since arriving here 18 months ago. Otherwise a wonderful day walking around a lovely reserve. Finches everywhere with Brambling and good a number of Bullfinch and Greenfinch. Birds singing and displaying everywhere. Fab! #ukbirding

Again glorious weather at #swinemoor. A bit of status quo with the species this morning. Singing Yellowhammer, Reed Bunting, Cettis Warbler and drumming GSW. Now off to the fantastic to have a walk round that site. #patchbirding #eastyorksbirding

Fabulous sunny morning at #Swinemoor Generally lower volume of ducks, Redshank, Dunlin, Golden Plover and Lapwing, but a welcome drop in of a Curlew, Oystercatcher, and Ad GBBG. Lots of Pied Wags and Mippets with Gulls definitely on the increase. #patchbirding #eastyorksbirding #pwc2025

Definitely Spring at #swinemoor this morning, with Cettis, Skylark, Reed Bunting singing, GSW drumming, increase in LBBGs, 150 PFG over, Dunlin reducing but some with plumage changes. Redshank, Shelduck, Gadwall, Lapwing, Stonechat and Mippet present also. #patchbirding #eastyorksbirding #pwc2025

#Swinemoor a very quick 10 min visit and straight away engaged in a spot the wigeon competition! On this occasion the wigeon went from a dabbling duck to a diving duck with help from the Marsh Harrier! It took some effort for the MH to carry its dinner away! #patchbirding #ukbirding #pwc2025

Dad and son session at both #Swinemoor and this morning. Great to be out and about introducing my boy (7) to birding. His list over his first weekend of birding is getting there. His first bird yesterday was the Lincs Eastern Yellow Wagtail, not a bad start! #patchbirding

#swinemoor this morning had its first Gadwall since early last year. Ruff increased to 8 birds, Gulls increased, wigeon and teal still good numbers, Redshank and Dunlin down, Pied Wags up. No Snipe today, but it’s been thin on the ground for them this year. #pwc2025 #patchbirding #eastyorksbirding

After misreading and not acting on the initial alert for the Eastern Yellow Wagtail earlier this week, I finally got to go and see it. A nice twitch fairly close to home.

A sunny #swinemoor and Spring is definitely coming. Song Thrush and Blackbird singing, uptick in Reed Bunting, Skylark, Mippets. a CC Marsh Harrier, drop in duck numbers, but still very good numbers, less Redshank and Dunlin, but a welcome drop in of a Curlew. #patchbirding #pwc2025 #ukbirding

A great raptorfest today at #Swinemoor. Pairs of Peregrine and Sparrowhawk, as well as Buzzard, Marsh Harrier, Merlin and Kestrel all wanting to dine at the site. Peregrine again succeeded. Otherwise duck numbers reduced slightly, gulls up, redshank and Dunlin down substantially. #patchbirding

#Swinemoor I had the great privilege with to see a pair of Peregrine hunting, picking out one Golden Plover and continually changing lead bird until they finally got their quarry. Otherwise much reduced volume of usual birds. #patchbirding #pwc2025 #ukbirding

Much better morning at #swinemoor. Peregrine, Marsh Harrier, GreenSand, Little Egret, 4 Pintail, together with Cettis and Reed Bunting vocalising, and my first GSW for the site #patchbirding #ukbirding

A bonus on #Swinemoor this morning with a Merlin over the site. Seemed to be concentrating on Dunlin when everything went up. Otherwise not much change with Shelduck, Teal, Wigeon, Lapwing, GP, Ruff, Redshank and of course Dunlin. No visible Pintail #patchbirding #ukbirding

A bit of a slow day today at #swinemoor and looking forward to the Spring movement of birds to start. One Golden Plover has already started to get ready in the attached video! Otherwise usual ducks (still 5 Pintail, 9 Shelduck), Lapwing, GP, Redshank, Dunlin and Ruff. #patchbirding #ukbirding

Another blustery, drizzly, grey day at #Swinemoor there seems to be less volume of birds today, although still good numbers of Wigeon, Teal, Shoveler, Pintail (36), Lapwing, Golden Plover, but Dunlin and Redshank numbers down significantly. #patchbirding, #ukbirding

A quiet morning at #swinemoor, usual suspects, Pintails down to 7 this morning from yesterday’s record count of 49. Increase in gulls and a singing Cetti’s the only other things to note. #patchbirding #ukbirding

Quick Look over the top at a very blustery #Swinemmor and all the usual suspects there in good numbers, but also a site record of 49 Pintail. #ukbirding #rspb

#swinemoor busy, but with usual species. A Peregrine (trying to hide) and 14 Pintail on site still but hard to count proper numbers due to large volumes of sleeping ducks (Wigeon and Teal). Shelduck, Ruff, redshank and Dunlin also together with Golden Plover and Lapwing. #patchbirding #ukbirding

Walk around #swinemoor this morning with the pup. Greensand and Little Grebe on back pond and back channel, otherwise still Pintail on site and the usual birds on the main site. Pup a little distracted today, but another day for learning! #patchbirding

Off to Wales with work until Friday, scope in the car ‘just in case’!! Hopefully I’ll have chance to use it!!

A quick pit stop at #swinemoor and the 32 Pintail have reduced down to 19 this morning, but still fantastic for the site. #patchbirding #ukbirding

A check of #Swinemoor late afternoon today and no geese of any type on site, however a site record of 32 Pintail present. Not a thorough look, so could be more. Large numbers still of Wigeon, Teal, Lapwing (1 x leucistic) and Golden Plover, plus Ruff, Redshank and Dunlin. #patchbirding #ukbirding

#Swinemoor Snow Geese have returned this morning. The 10 Pintail are still on site as well as the usual crowd of birds, Wigeon, Teal, Redshank, Dunlin, Golden Plover and Lapwing. #ukbirding #patchbirding

#swinemoor #patchbirding #pupdate the usual birds still present, together with the 10 Pintail that arrived yesterday. Marsh Harrier over, other than the usual, Shelduck, Ruff. Gus did well again today, still a bit bouncy, but generally fab!

Pup training started on my birding walk to #Swinemoor and he did very well. We saw 10 Pintail, 4 Curlew as we as the usual Wigeon, Teal, Golden Plover, Lapwing, Redshank, Dunlin as well as a couple of Rivers ff and Shelduck. #ukbirding

Popped out to check to see whether the reported drake Smew was still in Brandesburton this morning. Glad to say it was still there. Always nice to catch up with these stunning ducks.

We left a pair of Swarovski NL 10x42 on top of the car at East Chevington, Northumberland yesterday and then stupidly walked away, 5 minutes later we realised then returned but they were gone, I know it's a long shot but nobody on here picked them up and are trying to return them?

Today I was at my happy place with a walk this morning at North Landing. No LWFG which I was looking for, but many Guillemot (7000+) on the rock face and out to sea, 14 RTD, 1 GND, Peregrine, 3 Rock Pipit, 6 Shag and 2 Stonechat. #ukbirding

A decidedly quiet day at #swinemoor with ice covering the majority of the site and the remaining small flock of Wigeon and Teal centred in the only ice free zone in the middle. Dunlin and Lapwing with a few Redshank and Snipe on the outer grassed area #patchbirding #ukbirding

The cold weather has pushed out quite a number of ducks at #swinemoor and brought in a passage of skylark and Mippet. Still lots of sleeping Wigeon, Teal and Lapwing, good numbers of Golden Plover, Dunlin as well as Snipe and a Yellowhammer. #patchbirding #ukbirding

Final #patchbirding check in of the year at an incredibly windy @swinemoor. Since taking on the patch mid year I’ve got 110 species of birds, highlights being vast numbers of PFG, Snow Geese, and first apparent site record of Bittern. and hopefully improving that total with a full year in 2025.