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Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto. Storia delle anomalie, storia delle idee, pseudoscienze, leggendario contemporaneo.
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Charisma Magazine, quite far from unproblematic in itself, has come out and called QAnon a "sinister cult" and "One of the most recent and widespread deceptions among Christians". "Exposed! Is this Sinister Cult Leading Christians Astray?"

1/ I hope we will soon realize that the primary concern of the new global fascism is to entertain public opinion, like a television show, while at the same time disorienting it by appearing both ridiculous and brutal.

In September, I wrote about why Trump's promises to release secret Epstein files, UFO evidence, or proof of a JFK conspiracy were nothing but an empty and obvious bid to get conspiracy believers excited about his floundering campaign. Naturally, it worked.


Donald Trump Jr. said that adherents of the unhinged conspiracy theory QAnon have “probably been right about a lot of things” and that his father “nailed it” when he expressed support for the group because “they are against pedophiles,” reports Justin Baragona for The Independent.

Supreme Court verdict relied on outdated dictionary meanings and a questionable argument in support of astrology, writes S.K. Arun Murthi for The Wire.

The Case for Skepticism | Chris French & Cal Cooper

"The more warning signs, tactics, and tropes that people see and hear about a particular mental health treatment or practice, the more likely it becomes that hype is being promoted, not evidence or accuracy." ~

While the hunt for the elusive Sasquatch has usually focused on the least populated areas of the US, there has been an explosion in British-based Bigfoot sleuthing (with surprisingly little success -CS), reports Tom Midlane for Mail Online.

The unbelievable story of Britain's last witch 🧹 Helen Duncan 🧙‍♀️ imprisoned under the #Witchcraft Act only 81 years ago during World War 2... 🧵 #history #worldwar2

The Risk–Benefit Profile of Commonly Used Herbal Therapies: Ginkgo, St. John's Wort, Ginseng, Echinacea, Saw Palmetto, and Kava | Annals of Internal Medicine

Prospective Investigations into the Safety of Spinal Manipulation

They really seem to have entered the mass-culling business now. An orgy of (self-)destruction is unfolding before our very eyes. But why? Is "owning the libs" really worth so many deaths, especially among Republicans?

Quinti al mondo negli ultimi 30 anni per danni e vittime del clima.... Liguria e Romagna sono diventate aree ad alto rischio... Ci conviene far finta di niente ? #clima #TransizioneEcologica

Death following chiropractic neck manipulation, a rare event? via @edzardernst

Anti-vaxxers claim that the Texas measles outbreak is caused by... vaccines! Because of course they do. Can't wait to hear how they'll explain why the one child that has died from measles in Texas so far was unvaccinated.

Social media is enabling health symptoms and mass psychogenic illnesses to spread quickly around the world. But by knowing how it happens, you can protect yourself, reports David Robson for New Scientist.

The spring 2023 update of the Eclectic, Erratic Bibliography on the Extreme Right in Western Europe #tbp

Sightings of wild boar on Dartmoor have raised suspicions a guerrilla rewilder has been releasing them, and prompted a debate over whether they should be allowed to remain, reports Helena Horton for The Guardian.

A woman has been accused of conning victims out of hundreds of thousands of dollars by claiming to be a psychic and offering "curse removals," reports Duncan Murray for AAP.

Fare la fila è una sorta di garanzia di trovarsi nel posto giusto al momento giusto (tranne quando si fa la fila alle Poste, chiaramente):

Complete batshit lunacy on the president's Truth Social account. Yes, he really posted this.

Su Query Online, testata del, Sofia Lincos e io raccontiamo la vicenda della comunità svizzera di Monte Verità, fra arte, idee d'avanguardia e #occultismo

Su, un editoriale sui rischi mortali per la #scienza derivanti dall'autoritarismo oscurantista di #Trump:

In Corea del Sud la bellezza conta moltissimo. Intorno alle pratiche estetiche sono sorte moltissime #leggendemetropolitane. Un articolo di Sofia Lincos e mio sul sito del CeRaVoLC

Un pilastro di luce sull’Etna innevato

Increasingly, vaccine hesitancy about political identity. And antivaxx lies are becoming official policy. These are deadly trends. We MUST fight on with good science and STRONG, clear, creative, and evidence-informed corrections! 💪 My recent take:

1/ Donald Trump è un grande appassionato di wrestling, ma forse sareste sorpresi di scoprire come la destra MAGA stia riuscendo a sdoganare l’estremismo di destra con le regole del wrestling. Ne parlo nel nuovo numero della newsletter.

🚨Put down the phone! "...blocking mobile internet can improve important psychological outcomes, and suggest that maintaining the status quo of constant connection to the internet may be detrimental to time use, cognitive functioning, & well-being."

Un caso #Ufo da analizzare. Nel Baden (Germania) un poliziotto ha seguito uno strano fenomeno luminoso in cielo mentre uno dei radar passivi usati da un gruppo ufologico serio, il GEP, ne registrava la presenza. Incerta la causa del fenomeno

David Icke going after Musk is entirely in keeping with his "they're ALL lying to you" persona. Icke has also attacked Trump as a Zionist/New World Order puppet, and it doesn't make him an ally or suddenly a good guy. He's still an antisemitic conspiracy grifter.

In 1974 an antisemitic, Christian Nationalist Congressman from Arizona insisted that he be allowed to inspect the gold in Fort Knox after hearing testimony from Peter Beter, an author who believed world events were controlled by the Rockefeller family, the "Bolshevik–Zionist axis" & the Kremlin.

Research suggests that pandemics are more likely to reduce rather than build trust in scientific and political authorities, reports Derek Thompson for The Atlantic.

Lo speaker (presidente) della Camera Usa, il trumpiano Mike Johnson, è un fondamentalista evangelicale che sostiene posizioni creazioniste estreme, come quelle per le quali l'Arca di Noè, ovviamente esistita, c'era anche posto per i dinosauri. #complottismo

Timothy David Snyder, storico dell'Università di Yale, e le sue "Venti lezioni per combattere le tirannie, sulla base di quanto appreso nel Ventesimo secolo". #politica #complottismo #estremismo

How to inoculate yourself (and others) against viral misinformation Research clearly "shows that independent fact checkers highly correlate with one another. We’re talking about very strong correlations." "That should reassure us..."

The one change that worked: I found an escape from online life by swapping my home office for the library

The Globe and Mail

Happy Twin Peaks Day ☕️

When misinformation is a global risk, critical thinking skills are more vital than ever, wrote Dr Malcolm Schofield for THE in January 2024. He offers techniques from parapsychology and belief studies that can make research and analysis more rigorous.

A picture is being shared online with false claims it shows the French First Lady as a boy, reports Charlotte Green for Full Fact.

Parlare con persone morte tramite chatbot addestrati con materiale che le riguarda. Un'esperienza spirituale dei nostri giorni? Su ne scrivono Amy Kurzweil e Daniel Story

#Occultismo ed #esoterismo a Buenos Aires. In questo documentario, lo studioso Alejandro Agostinelli esamina da vicino il panorama dei gruppi dediti alla #magia nella capitale #argentina, in primis la "Abadía Áurea", a un cui rituale, insieme ad altri, ha partecipato.

Forget Musk’s Mars dream. The true spiritual seeding of the cosmos is Russian Cosmism (without Putin’s war horror). In Russia the plan to seed the universe with mankind began in the 19th century. Art is from a 50s Russian publication. Russian space travel was spiritual. Hence the name cosmonaut.