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Author and historian, specialising in witchcraft, folklore and cats. Co-founder of #FolkloreThursday The Story of Witches - Out 13th March 2025
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Thank you to everyone who took part today, and to our wonderful hosts! What a great day of fabulous folklore - though I'm not sure if I'm going to sleep tonight now! #FolkloreThursday

That’s the end of another epic #FolkloreThursday ⚡ Today’s theme was Weather Folklore! From fair sky charms to apocalyptic curses 🌪️ This is signing off! Wishing you many days of sunshine 🌞 1694 Johannes G Freman

The Brolaghan or Old Boneless is an ancient weather spirit found across Ireland. It is made of mist and fog, and often wanders close to the cities thriving and feeding on the smoke from the chimneys... #FolkloreThursday 🎨Vallotton

There is an old German proverb that says a person who makes a cat his enemy will be attended at his funeral by rats and rain #FolkloreThursday 1903 image Théophile Alexandre Steinlen. Proverb from 1885 Legends and Superstitions of the Sea and Sailors by Fletcher S. Bassett

“A Dunrosses witch, becoming vexed at a boat’s crew, put a wooden cup into a bowl of water and sang to the devil. The water became agitated, the cup overturned, and the boat never came in” – 1885 Legends and Superstitions of the Sea and Sailors #FolkloreThursday 18th ce print of Thomas Watson art

As the months grow cold, wedges of swans begin their migration to open water. These elegant birds are associated with love, purity, and transformation, and they are often believed to represent good luck and wealth. art by Gennady Spirin #folklorethursday

In Irish folklore blackbirds hold the souls of those in purgatory. When blackbird's voice sounds notably shrill, it is those souls, parched and smouldering, calling for rain. Rain always comes... #FolkloreThursday 🎨Böcklin

Can game engines help us tell stories about climate change? Dongni Liang explores this questions and performs her work at #TheCulturalFuturesConference. Join us! March 1st and 2nd, online. Final tickets: #ClimateChange #Art #VisualStorytelling

Hello #FolkloreThursday 🌬️🐉 A huge thanks to for hosting our last shift! This is and I will be with you for the next one hour. Our theme today is Weather Folklore – from storm giants to honeybees to red, red skies. 1921 Charles Edmund Brock

The ume plum tree flowers earlier than the iconic sakura in Japan when it's still cold and you really need hope that spring will come. It's planted at shrines to god of scholarship Tenjin who wrote a farewell poem to a beloved ume in his garden which then flew to heaven to join him #folklorethursday

According to Irish folklore, the sign of dark, ominous clouds approaching a cemetery signal that a funeral will soon follow. #FolkloreThursday #Weatherlore

How frequently the power of the weather is invoked with spells and charms fascinated me when I was researching The Time Traveller’s Herbal #folklorethursday friends~this one calling on wind+floods was used by The Wife of Usher’s Well in Walter Scott’s collection of Border Ballads to summon spirits!

"Among the hurtfull witches he saith there is one sort more beastlie ... for these usuallie devoure and eate yong children and infants of their owne kind. [They] raise haile, tempests, and hurtfull weather; as lightening and thunder" - Discoverie of Witches #folklorethursday 16th ce Olaus Magnus

Some say the Northern Lights are the reflections of shields from ancient battles in the sky. Others whisper that they are the souls of the lost, caught between the stars, dancing until the end of time. #FolkloreThursday 🎨Natali Fedorova

In Japan it's said that eating grilled eel helps give you strength in hot summer weather. Modern Japanese scientists have found evidence that is claimed to support this belief, but it probably started as a sales promotion by an eel shop in the Edo period. #FolkloreThursday

A loudly screeching Barn Owl was said to predict icy weather or even a severe storm. ©️Jeremy Paul / Snow Flurries #FolkloreThursday

In Staffordshire folklore wood anemones were known as thunderbolts and to pick one meant a sure thunder storm! #FolkloreThursday 🎨 Graa -Jensen

Helloooo #FolkloreThursday friends~what a wonderful day of weather-lore it has been❄️This is sweeping in from the mountains~still touched by snow where the Cailleach passed on her way to plant her foot~in the place now known as Loch Tay~to guest host for the next hour ❄️✨

My hour of #FolkloreThursday has flown by like a storm on the wind! Thanks for sharing your eerie, magical, and wild weather lore. This is passing the torch (or lightning bolt!) to for the next session. Enjoy the folklore ahead!    Img: C. Ponti

Extreme weather in Nordic lore is caused by Thurses, chaotic nature spirits that cause great shifts in the natural world. These include Jotnar, the giants, and if the name isn't obvious, Thor himself: Thor's mother is the Earth. #FolkloreThursday 🖼: T. A. Sahsnotasvriunt

The phrase "In like a lion and out like a lamb"used to describe March, could be since if the wind comes roaring in at the beginning of the month, it will leave gently. But March also coincides with the rising of the constellations Leo the lion,and Ares the ram. #FolkloreThursday 🖼️Florine Stettheimer

In Ulster folklore a robin singing on the high branches is heralding the good weather... #FolkloreThursday 🎨Anster-Fitzgerald

Sunshower Lore often involves ol' Scratch, or a trickster being "sinful". Here in the south you'll hear "The Devil is beating his wife". Caribbean: "A Witch is marrying." Catalonia: "Witches are combing their hair." All of these point to hidden lore. #FolkloreThursday #Weather #FolkWitch 📷 unknown

When clouds appear like rocks and towers, the Earth’s refreshed with frequent showers. #FolkloreThursday

Have you noticed how snow seems to melt faster right around the trunk of a tree? That's the work of a yokai called Yukinbo, a one-legged child who hops in circles around tree trunks after it snows. #folklorethursday art by

Thrilled to take the reins for the next hour of #FolkloreThursday! I’m and we’re diving into the wild world of weather folklore—omens, storms, and sky-born superstitions! Huge thanks to for hosting before the break! 🌩️🌪️ Artwork: Abraham Hunter

In case this is of interest to any of the #FolkloreThursday crowd! is fabulous!

Very excited to get stuck into reading these fabulous offerings from The History Press - likely to be of interest to fellow #folklorethursday -ers!

Hello #FolkloreThursday and thank you for that last fun filled session.This is here for the next hour of weather lore. Img: The first photo of lightning captured in 1882 by William Nicholson Jennings.

In East Slavic lore, strong winds are associated with the dead and unholy force. It’s said, that if you stab a whirlwind with a knife, you might see drops of blood on it. Image: Ira Bandekar #folklorethursday #dailyspooklore

Snowfall on a graveyard means the dead are resting well. But if the ground is bare while the town is blanketed, don’t walk too close. Something is waiting. And if you hear footsteps crunching through the snow behind you when no one else is there, keep walking. #FolkloreThursday 🎨Midnight Rose

'Elfin Tricks' by Cruikshank, 1830. This unlucky man is probably being taken dangerously home in 'High wind'. If he'd chosen 'Low', he'd have been dragged along through the bushes and undergrowth. Choosing 'Middle' was the only comfortable course. #FolkloreThursday #folklore #fairy #fairies

"Fine weather is predicted if there is enough blue sky to make a pair of trousers." ☁️Cornish Sayings, Superstitions and Remedies☁️ 📚Kathleen Hawke (1973) #FolkloreThursday 📷 Handmade Trousers Co signing off now, but will be taking over for more weather-filled #FolkloreThursday! (Image: Lyudmyla Mysko(Ukraine)“Iris – Goddess of Rainbow” Taken by Lyudamy)

Happy #FolkloreThursday! It's six years since our book launched! And Brother Bernard has been all over Britain since, sharing tales from Kernow to Mona to Alba and back! Here's the long trailer covering his many adventures... 🐉🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿📚