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Victim of a deranged political cult called Targeted Justice that indoctrinates and radicalizes individuals whom are being illegally experimented on.
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Please research the targeted justice community online. Hidden in it are people who are intentionally radicalizing people. There is no such thing as a targeted individual. But there is a real group going aver their victims using psychological torture and NLP

People deserve to know their communities are not safe because the current government is okay with creating domestic terrorism to pretend the US is unsafe and needs them. They do not care

So that group knows every last step their victim takes, they know where they are and understand fully people will die. And Trump has made it worse. The deep state? They are the ones doing this. Elon Musk understands this group exists. No one cares

These people said they would deep thrust me but what they really mean is baiting people into their psychopath world. They are pathological liars

if you think I am not credible, do your research. Watch their videos, weed through it and understand the online community is full of lying fake victims. They cover it up. When they intensify the psychic driving they give me details of things that are going to occur but never enough to save lives

Just research them, ask why no one cared people were getting radicalized. 10 years of it and I have seen every detail of what they do

I was told to say I was psychic, they told me I would have an interesting life then threatened to call me a oedo, a schizophrenic and went after my family

People are going to die if I am not listened to and they want that.

There comes a point where someone has to take this ugly story and do the research. It is uhly, weird, uncomfortable but it is real.

Protestors need to know this because those car rankings could be someone this group goes after. I know, ask me what I have seen them do

The Neuro linguistic anchoring technique is incredibly powerful when done covertly. They scare you, stalk you and the fear is intentionally being anchored to specific stimuli. Then they follow you constantly utilizing that stimuli then chain to smaller less noticeable stimuli.

My fear is we are going to see more people they go after snap and we need to put them in the media. Why? Victims don’t understand the anchoring used on them. My sister, my ex have gone through it. You simply don’t know what is real.

And I apologize for my sloppy writing at times but imagine being stalked by this group for a decade. Death threats, rape threats, dangerous car antics, job Salvatore and imagine psychic driving. I am exhausted. No one will investigate that group and people have died because of it.

Real power does not rape and torture. Everyone knows how terrorists are created. Everyone knows you climb a staircase via oppression with no opportunity for justice. yOU WANT terrorism. You messed with the wrong woman. You can harm me and my family but I win my soul

Our current government is a bunch of completely owned psychopaths. They can oppress, they can murder, they can rape but they are tied to the universal loser label for eternity. It isn’t real power. Your souls will never be free. Just wild dogs fighting each other for last scraps.

If you are filming me with my boyfriend it makes you a criminal. If you are filming my kids and Jenny’s kids that makes you a pedo.

The thing with me is they tried to get a dumb person to blackmail me. Not going to work. You can call me a pedi, call me schizophrenic, say I fu-$ people and I DONT CARE

So what is their wild card? Who in the current government has these kinds of devices? Why didn’t the CIA go after that group? Why do they keep asking me to be a gatekeeper?

Did Aaron Alexis have any kind of surgery? Myron May? My cardiologist told me my surgeries were unusual and that he knew a crazy but good surgeon to get them out. I was too scared

People will follow victims into waiting rooms and sit near them doing weird gestures, shaking their leg really intensely, making weird repeated facial expressions s. Why? They are replicated in the online edits. The rev the person up and condition it because the person cannot report it but knows

Another tactic is sensory overload, multiple people will come from several different directions towards the persons car while they are in it.

They will have weirdos dress in a color that is popular or reinforced in the person’s environment. They use a lot of mind games, your worst fears or insecurities.

One way they get the victims attention is people will stand on the side of the road and turn weirdly towards the victim as they pass or pretend to walk out into the road to cause them to slam their brakes on.

Certain victims have had surgical implants where they are doing g a form of brain fingerprinting using psychic driving, hypnosis, fear indoctrination and surveillance. Why did Myron may think they could see behind his eyes. Oh ask me, I know

The victims don’t know why they suddenly see it “everywhere” and they get amped up and amped up then they pair it with a strong anchor then chain it to things that are subtle. Exploits the fight or flight response.

So that white troll behind Dr. Fauci who was scared his daughter could be hurt is an example of using an anchor. Those facial expressions are edited everywhere on YouTube, Netflix etc.

Once a vulnerable person is heavily anchored, they reduce the stimuli to easily repeated covert stimuli no other person will notice because they are not anchored. The guy behind Dr. Fauci?

They intensely anchor the victim then chain it to primary colors, phenotypes or other stimuli then reinforce it online via edits

This retar$ group of al iterative policing is made up of ex convicts, bored people, idiots and weird radicalized trolls. They are using an anchoring technique

what are your little car trolls doing? Do you follow your victims, get them all heavy and hot on the road with weird sidewalk nose dives, coordinating pretending to hit them head on, having weird losers stand around the side of the road?

To the troll telling me I have a gay teenage part in my fictitious group of identities, how old is is this fake part? Are you fantasizing about her? Because you do realize I have no amnesia for my dating life right? Just severe child abuse

To the TI community, if your claim is correct, and you are videotaping me in my home, why are you not helping me find the cameras? Are you lying? It is one or the other. I have a young daughter in my home in college. Do you bet a judge says no worries, go ahead?

Who is asking weird sexual stuff for potential workers in our current retar$ nominee festival for Trump. Why are you trying to hypnotize sexual responses? Why are you claiming to do dream research?

Why is a large portion of the fake TI community willingly participating in illegal surveillance of women with children in the home? Anyone reading, the community actively states sex and pedophile images are being projected into their victims brains. Hmmm. May I please have some proof?

The TI community claims sex images are being projected into their brains m. Hmmm. Okay so what you really mean is you are trying to sexually humiliate and control your victims. Why are you fixated on pedos?

To the TI community. Why are you claiming you know when women masterbate and get their periods? Why are you saying you know what their sex fantasy’s about? Who in this group is claiming to use videos to watch women have sex?