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Writer of mediocre words. I'm just existing, please don't ask more of me. Read some of my nonsense here →
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Rise my minions! Rise up and together we shall rule THE WORLD! #Gardening

Wife: "This is the first weekend where we had no plans in ages!" *Proceeds to demolish the spare room and repaint the bathroom* Why are women like this? I just wanted a beer and a nap.

I love writing, but what I don't love is talking to people about my writing. Them: "What's your book about" Me: "Kidnapping people and using their blood to fuel the old gods because the only thing they dear more than death, is us" Them: *changes subject*

Caught my editor sleeping in the job again.

I've listened to "Bloodline" by Slayer so much during editing that I'm surprised Spotify hasn't asked me if I'm alright yet. #Slayer #Metal

Chapter 9 and 10 editing of my horror novel today. Can't wait to have to do it all over again for the third and (hopefully) final time. I'm unbelievably excited (and terrified) for everyone to read it! #Writing #SelfPublishing #Publishing #Editing #Novels #Horror

Oh dang! It's gonna be a good weekend! #Horror #Uzumaki #Gyo #Tomie #Manga

Chapter 7, 2nd-ish draft edited. Chapter 8 edit here we go! #Writing #selfpublishing #editing #publishing #books

Woke up this morning thinking "Why do I need a publisher? Why can't I BE the publisher?" Then I thought "I should open a bookstore." Then "I need coffee, but I should own a coffee shop IN my bookstore." I don't usually think I have ADHD, but I'm starting to question it. #ADHD #bookstore #Books

'Flammable' and 'inflammable' both describe something that ignites easily and burns quickly. The ‘in-’ in ‘inflammable’ means “to cause to be,” as in the words ‘indent’ and ‘indebted.’

I should start putting "New York Times Bestselling author" before my name on everything from blog posts to dinner reservations. Is it true? No, but nobody checks. For legal reasons, this is a joke. *Wink*

When does the editing stop and the fun start? #writing #editing #novels

Started writing this story as a Novella before I decided to backburner it in favor of my first novel. It's super short, but I'm pretty proud of it so far. #Writing #Books #Publishing #Blog #Fiction

Is there any reason why I SHOULDN'T release my first book on Amazon rather than hunting for a publisher? Really thinking about just releasing it and moving onto the next project. #selfpublishing #publishing #publish #books #novel #fiction

I just remembered my wife doesn't have a Bluesky account so I can say whatever I want about her. My wife is in the shower and I could hear my cat slapping the door handle (he can open doors), followed by my wife bursting into laughter. I don't feel like I deserve the amount of joy she brings me.

I wish there was a buzzer or something that tells you when you're done writing a chapter and you shouldn't add anything more. Maybe a second bell that tells you the chapter sucked and you should start over. #Writing #Publishing #Novel #books #Fiction #Horror #Fantasy

I hadn't realized how far had come since "pounded in the butt by own butt" to the point that I was shocked to see #buryyourgays at the front of

How do you all write so many damn books? I'm still struggling to edit my second manuscript and everyone out here is pumping out masterpieces and making it look easy. I'm looking at you I can't wait to read The Buffalo Hunter, btw. #Books #Novels #Publishing

Just signed up for Query Tracker to get an idea of what I'm getting myself into. Need to rewrite a couple of chapters in my last book before sending it out, but IT'S HAPPENING! Bring on the rejection letters! Let's Go! #publishing #horror #novel #writing #ihavenoideawhatimdoing #terrified

Should I be putting copyright protections on my short stories? Do people do that? I know creative Commons is a thing, but it doesn't seem like enough. #shortstories #novels #writing #publishing

Does anyone traditionally publish suspense/thriller/horror novels anymore or am I on my own with that one? I've started looking for an agent for my last book, but I think I might be screwed. #Horror #Publishing #Novel #Writing #Literature

Interviewer: "Where do you see yourself in five years?" My internal thoughts: "Sitting on the beach playing ukulele to the ocean while watching the sunrise with my wife." Me to the Interviewer: "Leading a synergetic team to surpass expectations for record profitability." #jobs #interview #ukulele

I think my biggest issue with writing consistently are the ghosts whose only unfinished business is to distract me. Caught a pic of one ruining my curtains as proof. #Ghosts #Writing #Publishing #Cats

Cain and Abel 2: Spud's Betrayal

"To the distant land surrounding the fields, thousands of trees held back the vast forest that blanketed the mountains behind them. A forest so deep that tales could be told for lifetimes of all the creatures, monsters, beasts, magic and curses that live out there, and they would all be true."

Why do novels take so long to write?? I've been slapping my keyboard for an hour and only popped out 200 words. Why do I do this to myself?

Sometimes I forget how beautiful Oregon is, even in a small town like mine. #Oregon #Landscape #Nature

"She did not respond. There was no need for her to respond. They both knew spending the night together in embrace felt as if it were the only right answer in the universe with no boundaries, no concern for tomorrow's war. Together, there was only now, and there was no need for a later."

I remember when I was a kid, I had friends that would order a hamburger with nothing but a bun and meat. No fries, no lettuce, no cheese, nothing. I wonder where they are now? Pioneers in minimalism living, I assume.

I was trying to find an aesthetic for the story, the "spice" if you will, and it ended up being somewhere between #Warhammer40k and #Balenciaga. Not sure how or why, but it fits, so it's happening.

I wouldn't know the feeling.

I think I hit a wall with the outline. I've changed things around, who knows the secrets, how they meets, etc., but the only thing that hasn't changed is the first chapter, so let's get writing! Sleep is for quitters! Coffee is life! #victoryscreech #Novels #Writing #Publishing

Started planning a romantasy novel last week, and suddenly I'm writing a novel about how even the most powerful kingdoms can fall from the greed of a few, destroying the lives of those who are just trying to live. Not sure where I got that idea from... #Sarcasm #Writing #Books #Novels #Romantasy

Just got this book and have no idea what it's about, but I have been assured that it will be fun. #Books #Fantasy #Writing

The downside to fully planning a book so far (in my opinion) is it feels more like work when compared to slamming the key board like a neanderthal and seeing what comes out. #Writing #Publishing #Books

Been trying to figure out what to use this platform for. I'm currently fully planning and writing my third manuscript, so I think I'll start posting my journey to getting published (or failing miserably) in real time, here on #BlueSky. #Publishing #Writing #Books #Novel #Fantasy #Drama #Romance

I've been looking for a job and I had a thought, I really wanna hear people's achievements that WON'T help you get a job, but you're still proud of anyways. #jobs #careers #question #marketing #happiness

Just watched Robert Eggers Nosferatu. It was stunning, but there was a serious lack of baseball scenes. #Nosferatu #Twilight #movies #film

Authors/Writers: Is it worth the effort to find an agent and do traditional publishing or is self-publishing now the way to go? ("Worth it" meaning worth the effort to find an agent/publisher and worth the cut they take over Self-publishing) #BookSky #BlueSky #Books #writing #Publishing #authors

Oh cool, another social media platform for me to scream into the ether to. Let's do this. #bluesky #books #writing #science