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Economics PhD candidate at University of Melbourne Magical girl reject & local feral rat All bad takes are out of my own stupidity ENG/中文 ⬇️
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🆕 Electronic waste is a silent killer in West Africa Today on VoxDev, Stefania Lovo and Sam Rawlings (University of Reading) outline evidence from Ghana and Nigeria which shows that e-waste dumping is causing a health crisis:

Me when I Chinese

Epidemiology is not ridiculous enough to fit in the bottom right corner IMO It should be something like “Machine learning is economics” (Who can say otherwise, they are fitting data to model!)

Live your life so that when you die, some joyless schmuck is annoyed that his entire social media feed is a wall of people's posts talking about how much you and your work meant to them


O to be a seagull triumphing over a blob that doesn’t fit in your beak (Aka. Hands, the best mammalian invention)

Quickly bumping this up since I made some minor updates

it's that time

Things I learned in #Stata - 2024 Supercut: Hopefully people will find them useful! #EconSky

Thinking back on it this basically means that I have Swiss cheese for at least five years’ worth of memory… Boy I love being traumatized

Uh, well, fun fact of the day: I made a presentation about one of Dali's paintings during my second year undergrad and then entered a 10-year amnesia (?) Well I guess the actual funny thing I wanted to show is this random paper in a pile of "references" called "Why is there no Jewish Surrealism"

Flying South

Once I’m done with this week’s work I’m gonna semi-prioritize whatever bs I planned to write and no one shall stop me from doing that

Girl I’m sorry for making a fuss out of this. I’m genuinely questioning if my feeling of indifference after watching the new episode is my body entering emergency mode given how … IDK, relatable/familiar it is…?

I guess some people just can’t read

Weirdness is in the eyes of the beholder



I sincerely identify as online

Some days I identify as this Timorese doggo


Oh I got a notification... Oh a new follower... GANGLE FROM THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS? Seriously what are you doing here my girl, I thought people follow me for weird economics/China shit.

In case you're like me who's a stubborn advocate that uses LaTeX 100% offline, decides to update MiKTeX out of the blue and realize that the... not so smart software decides to crash itself after the update:

Much to my disappointment my rats have been creeping people out :(

我在澳大利亚做读个博士就能安稳移民的白日梦 我对象都今年了还坚定相信东升西降 他爹五十多岁了还会唐突跑去加拿大的大都会区当厨师混枫叶卡 我们都有光明的未来

昨天晚上打电话的时候我对象突然“你知不知道Niantic因为可能会把用户的地理数据卖给第三方政府/军事机构爆了”,然后非常兴致盎然地自顾自念起了“自有大儒为我辩经”这种键政谜语 我当时虽然很“?”但是还是把话题岔开了……看完这篇文章我更“?”了。 这人到底在激动什么,一样烂学的未尝败绩吗,还是伟大祖国墙了这种游戏果然是正确的 内网这种各怀鬼胎的意见领袖占据全部外网信息的搬运和春秋笔法权的生态……我说真的各种美利坚谣棍你们还是赶快学中文吧,那市场更大 (是的我还是不知道他当时到底想表达什么——别问我为什么我配偶是个建制派,请看置顶po文第六个bullet point,众所周知我脑子有毛病)